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Helpless moans and cries could be heard in a room. "Harder...!", She moaned and like a beast who had just been released, he pounded her hard and fast until he spurted his seed in her. He sucked on the lollipop he had used to rub her clit in delight. Seeing this, her eyes got clouded with lust. "What! She's my mate? She's dead?" *** He detested her but his wolf wanted her. She was his mate but he had no idea not until she gave her life away. The spell casted upon him by his childhood friend whom he thought was his mate was broken. He had all along being deceived but what? She died?! He went mad.

Chapter 1 Chance encounter

It was a sunny day but that didn't stop the hustling and bustling in Texas, instead it reinvograted their fighting spirits to work harder.

"Mum! This is too heavy for me, you know I can't carry this much!" Alice complained to her mother as they walked to her shop.

"You wouldn't be here helping me if only you'd get a job! Do you even know your age!" Alice's mother replied angrily while opening the door to her shop. Yes, Alice clocked twenty five years old last month.

"Mum! You know that's not my fault!" Alice yelled grumpily. Alice's mother had known her daughter since birth so she didn't waste her time arguing with her. This had always been their routine every morning.

Just as Alice's mother unlocked the shop successfully, a short chubby woman popped out from God knows where.

"Aish, you've started scolding your daughter again this early morning! Cut her some slack. You know...I asked you to introduce your daughter to my son so that they'd clique but you refused. If you had accepted your daughter wouldn't be jobless now" the chubby looking woman voiced out while raising her chin high. She knew that Alice was a rare beauty but found it hard to say it aloud. She had wanted to use her unemployment to force her into marrying her son but who knew that not every poor people were the same.

Alice sighed loudly 'here comes the nosy woman again' she mumbled. Alice sniffed the air and immediately felt the urge to throw up. 'shit! This nosy woman didn't take her bath this morning. You stink.alot!' Alice yelled the last part inwardly. Normal humans wouldn't be able to catch a whiff of the nosy neighbor's scent but she was a werewolf. She had a fantastic sense of smell.

"Good morning ma'am" Alice had a small smile on her face as she greeted the woman who butted in. Alice's mother quietly laughed. Indeed, a mother would always know her child best. She knew that the smile on Alice's face was that of anger and sarcasm. Mrs. Theresa, Alice's mother, was used to her neighbor's taunt so she made no effort in acknowledging her.

The neighbor who knew that she was ignored once again had flames coming out of her ears and nose. Her face had turned red like that of lobsters. This was the sight that was very pleasing to Alice. Ever since her neighbor had turned to a trouble maker, she had always derived fun from seeing her red and flamy face.

The chubby woman stumped her feet and immediately scurried to her own shop. Alice laughed for some time before her expression turned solemn. Her mum was right, she needed to get a job as soon as possible! Their expenses has gone higher and the profits gotten from this shop wasn't even a tip of the iceberg.

She sighed loudly before helping her mum to set up the coffee shop. Though it wasn't a big shop, but there was a shelf of books that could be seen at the centre of the shop.

They had just finished setting up the shop when an average looking man walked in along side with a woman.

Alice went to welcome them and took their order. Once they had been served, Alice sat not too far away from them making their conversation very audible to her.

Just then, Alice heard them talk about a job vacancy. Her curiosity was piqued. She wanted to hear more so she immediately ran to hide behind the book shelf. The man and woman were sitting at the front of the bookshelf so they had no idea that Alice was listening in on their conversation. Alice squatted down and kept pushing herself forward. She wanted toake sure she'll clearly heat all they'd be saying. As she moved forward, she wasn't paying attention to where she was headed.

She had just taken another step when her nose came in contact with a long leg. Alice felt her head spin, her nose began bleeding and she lost consciousness. A great way to begin a new day, sigh!

Meanwhile the owner of the long leg felt something collide with his leg. He stared at the unconscious figure of the petite lady. How could she be so stupid! He sniffed the air and he realized she was also a werewolf but there was something peculiar about her scent.

Meanwhile Mrs. Theresa was going in search of Alice. By this time, Alice ought to be doing the dishes but she was no where to be found. Mrs. Theresa turned to look left and right, seeing that there was no one around, she deeply sniffed the air. She caught an unfamiliar scent in the process and her daughter's scent which was mixed with blood. Blood!

Immediately, Mrs. Theresa ran to where she suspected the scents were coming from.

Arriving at the shelf of books, she saw a tall and handsome stranger standing beside her sprawled daughter. She had expected that there'd be a pool of blood on the floor but all she saw was just a tiny drop on the floor and more droplets spilling out of her daughter's nose which made her relieved. Remembering the unfamiliar scent she had perceived, she realized that this handsome stranger was also a werewolf but why would he not call for help after seeing someone bleeding! This made her furious that she felt like venting all her bottled up anger on this stranger. She glared at the man not cowering despite the cold aura he had. Mrs. Theresa wasn't one to hide any displeasure she felt towards someone. She glared at the man for the nth time before squatting beside her daughter. Thoug, she wasn't a doctor but after confirming that her daughter was still breathing, she immediately picked her up. To humans, this was a huge feat but to werewolves, it was normal for them to lift someone as heavy as them.

Despite her old age to humans, Mrs. Theresa carried her daughter to the small spare room they had in the shop.

Meanwhile the cold Justin who had just been glared at didn't get angry and this was a surprised to him. He waved it off and then walked out of the shop while bringing out his phone from his pants pockets. While doing this, a flier fell on the floor but he was long gone to notice this. Anyone who first enter the shop would be the first to notice the flier.

In the small room of the shop....

Mrs. Theresa didn't need to be worried about her daughter cause she knew that in no time she'd wake up. All she did was to clean up the blood on her daughter's face and also stopped the bleeding.

She sat on the small wooden chair closed to the tattered bed her daughter laid on. She stared at her daughter's face and couldn't help but to remember her late husband. They both had the same features. A drop of tear slipped from her eyes but she was too lost in thought to notice this.

"Mum! Mum! I have good news!" There was a loud cry of a teenager as he barged into the room looking as agile as ever.

"Not again!" Mother Theresa sighed resignedly.

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