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alexis walter


Emma is in desperate need of money to save her family's failing business. When she's presented with a lucrative contract marriage offer from handsome billionaire, Ethan, she jumps at the opportunity to secure the funds she needs. Despite their initial agreement to keep things strictly professional, Emma and Ethan find themselves drawn to each other in ways they never expected. As their attraction intensifies, Emma begins to wonder if their marriage is more than just a business arrangement. But just as their relationship starts to blossom, a shocking secret is revealed. Emma discovers that the contract marriage was merely a ploy to get revenge on her family, and Ethan's true motives are darker than she could have ever imagined. As Emma grapples with the truth and her feelings for Ethan, she must decide whether to walk away from the man she's falling in love with or stay and fight for a chance at happiness, even if it means risking everything she holds dear.

Chapter 1 1

Emma had always known that her family's business was struggling, but she never imagined it would come to this. Her father had made some poor investments and the bank was threatening to foreclose on their property. Emma had spent countless nights worrying about the future, trying to come up with a solution that would save their livelihood.

That's when she received a call from Ethan Williams' secretary. Ethan Williams is a wealthy businessman who had expressed interest in buying their property. Emma had hoped for a simple negotiation, but Ethan had other ideas.

"Hello, Emma," The Secretary said. I am Lilan Ethan's Williams Secretary. I am calling on behalf of my boss for a business proposal he has for you."

"What business proposal are you talking about?" Emma asked surprisingly.

"We heard that your family business is going through a lot of challenges at the moment and it's on the verge of collapsing and My boss is willing to help you". Lilian said "He wants to propose a contract marriage with you, so that you will have enough money to settle your family's business.

"A contract marriage?" Emma asked.

"Yes Emma" Lilian replied.

Emma was taken aback by the suggestion, but she couldn't deny that it would solve all of their financial problems. She had agreed to think it over, but the thought of marrying a man she didn't love was daunting.

Emma was feeling overwhelmed by the weight of the decision she was facing. She knew that her father, David Thompson, had poured his heart and soul into their family business, but it seemed that it was all for naught. The company was on the brink of collapse, and the deal on the table was the only lifeline they had left.

Emma had always been close to her mother, Karen Thompson. She had watched her mother work tirelessly to keep the business afloat, and Emma knew that it was breaking her heart to see it all slipping away. Karen had been optimistic in the beginning, believing that the company could weather any storm, but even she knew that this was the end of the road.

On the other hand, Emma's best friend, Liam Johnson, had always been a voice of reason in her life. He was her confidant, and she knew that he always had her best interests at heart. Liam had been by her side through thick and thin, and Emma valued his opinion above all else.

Emma took some time to think things over, weighing the pros and cons of the deal. On one hand, it could save the family business and keep her father's dream alive. On the other hand, it would mean giving up a significant portion of their company and potentially losing control over their future.

"I will think it over and get back to you," Emma said. "Please do it as fast as possible, my boss will be giving you a call tomorrow to know your decision on this.

"Okay I will do just that" Emma said. "Thank you and have a nice day" Lilian said and ended the call.


Emma turned to Liam for advice. "What do you think I should do?" she asked, looking at him with pleading eyes.

Liam took a deep breath and thought for a moment. "You know that I support you no matter what, Emma," he said, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "But if it were me, I would take the deal. It's the best option we have right now, and we can always work on regaining control later on."

Emma nodded thoughtfully, considering Liam's words. She knew that he was right, but it was still hard to let go of something that had been a part of her family for generations.

Emma also consulted with her parents, who were torn between their pride in the family business and their desire to see it survive. They ultimately agreed with Liam's advice and encouraged Emma to take the deal.

As the deadline drew nearer, Emma felt more and more conflicted. She didn't want to lose her family's business, but the idea of marrying someone for financial gain went against everything she believed in.

Emma sat at her desk, staring at the pile of bills in front of her. The latest numbers for her family's business were grim, and she knew they were running out of time. She needed a solution, and she needed it fast.

Just as she was thinking if she should accept Nathan's offer as her family and friend advised, her phone rang. She hesitated before answering, not recognizing the number. "Hello?" she answered cautiously.

"Good afternoon, Emma. This is Ethan Williams." The deep voice on the other end of the line was smooth and confident.

Emma's heart skipped a beat. Ethan Williams was a billionaire, one of the most successful businessmen in the city. She had heard of him but had never spoken to him before. "How can I help you, Mr. Williams?"

"I believe my secretary spoke to you yesterday about my proposal". Nathan said. "I understand that your family's business is struggling," he said. "I have a proposal that could be of interest to you."

"Yes you are right, but I can't accept the proposal that was presented by your secretary, that business is the only business my family has, I can't trade it out for anything". Emma said.

"Okay I have another option for you, if you are not okay with the first option" Nathan replied.

Emma's interest was piqued. "What kind of proposal?"

"I'm looking for a wife," Ethan said bluntly. "And I'm willing to pay handsomely for the right candidate."

Emma was taken aback. She had heard of such arrangements before, but she never thought she would be considered for one. "I don't understand, Mr. Williams. Why me?"

"I've done my research, Emma. Your family's business is one of the most respected in the city, and I believe you have the intelligence and poise to be the perfect match for me."

Emma was speechless. She didn't know what to make of this offer. She had never considered marriage as a means to an end, but the idea of saving her family's business was tempting. "I'm not sure, Mr. Williams. This all sounds very sudden."

"I understand your hesitation," Ethan said. "But I assure you, I'm offering you a generous deal. If you agree to marry me and stay married for at least a year, I'll provide your family's business with the financial support it needs to get back on its feet."

Emma's mind raced. It was an offer she couldn't refuse, but she couldn't help but wonder what the catch was. "What about love, Mr. Williams? Do you believe in it?"

Ethan chuckled. "I believe that love is a luxury that only a fortunate few can afford. In our case, our marriage would be strictly business. We'll have a contract that outlines our obligations and expectations, and we'll keep things professional."

Emma hesitated. The idea of a loveless marriage wasn't appealing, but the thought of losing her family's business was even worse. "I'll have to think about it, Mr. Williams."

"Of course," Ethan said smoothly. "Take your time. But remember, time is of the essence. I'll give you a week to decide. If you agree, we can get the contract drawn up and start our new life together."

Emma ended the call and leaned back in her chair. Her mind was racing with possibilities. Could she really go through with a contract marriage? Could she handle being married to a man who didn't believe in love?

As she contemplated her options, she couldn't help but wonder what the future held. Would this be the solution she needed to save her family's business, or would it be the beginning of a loveless and empty life? The only thing she knew for sure was that her decision would change her life forever.

Emma had always known that her family's business was struggling, but she never imagined it would come to this. Her father had made some poor investments and the bank was threatening to foreclose on their property. Emma had spent countless nights worrying about the future, trying to come up with a solution that would save their livelihood.

That's when she received a call from Ethan Williams, a wealthy businessman who had expressed interest in buying their property. Emma had hoped for a simple negotiation, but Ethan had other ideas.

He proposed a contract marriage. Emma was taken aback by the suggestion, but she couldn't deny that it would solve all of their financial problems. She had agreed to think it over, but the thought of marrying a man she didn't love was daunting.

Over the next few days, Emma consulted with her family and friends, seeking advice on what to do. Some encouraged her to take the deal, while others urged her to hold out for a better option.

As the deadline drew nearer, Emma felt more and more conflicted. She didn't want to lose her family's business, but the idea of marrying someone for financial gain went against everything she believed in.

On the day of the meeting with Ethan, Emma took a deep breath and walked into the conference room. She was greeted by a handsome man in a tailored suit, who smiled warmly and offered her a seat.

As they began to discuss the details of the contract, Emma's mind wandered. She couldn't help but wonder what her life would be like if she went through with the marriage. Would she be happy? Would she ever find love?

In the end, Emma made her decision. She declined Ethan's proposal, choosing instead to find another way to save her family's business. It wasn't easy, but with hard work and determination, Emma was able to turn things around.

Years later, as she stood in her family's thriving business, surrounded by loved ones and success, Emma knew she had made the right choice. She had followed her heart and refused to settle for anything less than true love and happiness.

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You are the bane to my existence, Ethan. Always hovering over me, dictating my life. But I won't let you control my heart." "Oh, Ava, if you only knew the chaos you've stirred within me. You challenge me in ways I never thought possible. I'm captivated by your spirit, your unwavering determination. Let me show you a love that defies expectations, a love that is entirely our own." "I'm not one to be easily swayed by words, Ethan. I need actions, true intentions. Prove to me that this arrangement isn't just another game of power and control." **** In the dazzling world of high society, Ava Sinclair is a force to be reckoned with—a fiercely independent woman who defies conventions and fights for her dreams. But when an arranged marriage binds her to Ethan Morgan, a brooding and enigmatic billionaire, her carefully constructed world is turned upside down. Ava resents the idea of being tied to a man she barely knows, and Ethan is equally reluctant to enter into a loveless union. Yet, as they navigate the intricacies of their forced arrangement, they find themselves drawn to each other in ways they never anticipated. As their initial animosity gives way to unexpected sparks, Ava and Ethan discover a connection that transcends their obligations. But with their families and society watching their every move, will they have the courage to defy tradition and pursue their own desires? Amidst grand balls, scandalous secrets, and whispered gossip, Ava and Ethan must navigate the treacherous waters of high society and their own guarded hearts. Will they succumb to the pressure of societal expectations, or will they dare to chase the love that sets their souls on fire?

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