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Author Hassy


After graduating from High school, Emma Lillian and Ben found themselves in a situation they never expected. Emma's Mum found her a suitor because she didn't like Ben as he was not a billionaire. Emma couldn't leave Ben and things got worse when she found out Ben's New girlfriend was pregnant for him

Chapter 1 One Hundred One

Emma froze when the towel fell off her body and so was Becca. Emma didn’t know what to do, she didn’t know if she should bend and pick the towel or run inside the bathroom. Becca couldn’t take her eyes away from Emma Lillian as she had never thought Emma had the perfect body every girl wished for.

She was Starring at Emma and when she couldn’t take it anymore, She stood up from the chair and went closer to Emma Lillian. Emma was confused and didn’t know what to do, she couldn’t even move a finger and the next thing that happened, shocked her.

She felt Becca’s hand running from her bare chest down to her belly button, Becca’s eyes was fixed on hers and she was Smiling and biting her lips. Emma couldn’t control herself as Becca was going too far, She felt her hands grasped her hips and Emma closed her eyes and let out a soft moan. “ Bec.. ca!!” Emma moaned biting her lower lip.

Becca bend down running her hands down Emma’s legs, She used her one hand to spread Emma’s leg and picked up the towel with the other hand. She stood up and threw the towel on Emma’s face. “ What were you thinking?” She said and Emma closed her eyes shameful. She quickly tied the towel and moved away from Becca.

Becca couldn’t stop laughing as she was surprised by Emma’s reaction. “ What’s wrong with you?” Emma asked Becca when she finally found her voice. “ Nothing, I should be the one asking you that question” Becca said Laughing. “ You aren’t serious” Emma said bringing out a dress from the wardrobe. “ Do you see how you were moaning? You were enjoying my touch right?” Becca asked and Emma rolled her eyes.

“ Why did you touched me? Are you a les…..” Becca interrupted her. “ I am not!! But you wanted to turn me in to one!!” Becca said and Emma chuckled. “ Becca, I’m suspecting you to be one. There’s no way you would have reacted that way to my body if you aren’t” Emma said and Becca laughed. “ Seriously I’m not” She said.

Emma packed the dresses from the bed and looked at Becca. “ I should go change in the bathroom, you are dangerous” She said and entered the bathroom. “ I’ll enter!!” She shouted to Emma Lillian and Emma quickly locked the door.

Becca couldn’t helped but laughed out loud, She herself was surprised by what she did. She had no idea she could do that even in her dreams. She wasn’t comfortable seeing Emma that way that was why she stood up to give her the towel but she decided to play games with her. She thought Emma Lillian would quickly cover herself but she froze instead.

“ Her body is so perfect, wow!!” Becca Exclaimed. “ and it’s so Soft, I wish I can touch it again” She bite her lips looking at the bathroom door. Becca Giggled and she stood up from the chair, she looked at herself in the mirror and Smiled. “ You are such a bad girl” She said and burst in to Laughter.

Emma Came out from the bathroom all dressed up, She looked at Becca who was laughing confusingly. “ What’s wrong?” She asked And Becca turned to her. “ Hey you are out” Becca said and she sat back on the Chair, she took the remaining pie and threw it inside her mouth.

Emma chuckled and sat down on the bed. “ Now tell me what brought you here” She said to Becca and Becca sighed. “ I told you already, it’s Because I missed you” Becca repeated. “ and you want me to believe that?” Emma asked with a smirk on her face. “ of course yes” She said. “ Becca, you and I have been friends for long time now, I know when something is wrong with you and I know when you are hiding something from me. Just tell me already, I’m dying of curiosity” Emma said looking at Becca.

“ You are not a cat” She said laughing. “ Emma Lillian, I’m serious about what I said. I just wanted to come see you that’s all” Becca said and Emma sighed. “ Alright, since you said so.” Becca smacked her lips and stood up from the chair, she sat beside Emma and took her hands in hers.

She played with Emma’s fingers for minutes leaving Emma so speechless. “ So, what are you planning next?” She asked but Emma wasn’t sure of what she was referring to. “ I mean what next do you want to do with Ryan?” She repeated. Emma Smiled in a mischievous way and whispered some words in Becca’s ear.

“ Really?” Becca asked And Emma Nodded her head. “ if that is it then, Ryan is as Good as yours” Becca said and Emma Giggled. “ Your Brain surely do move like a light speed” Becca said and Emma laughed. “ our brains do move like light speed” Becca said Laughing.

They chatted like they always did whenever one of them visited the other, it has been long they had a conversation like that. The girls loved each other so much and they were always like sisters. “ I missed Anna” Emma Lillian said and that Shocked Becca. “ you what!!” She Exclaimed and Emma sighed. “ it’s just that I missed the way the three of us always do things together and…”

Becca interrupted Emma Lillian. “ But Emma Lillian, Anna is not the type of person we knew her to he now. Even in the classroom, she doesn’t talk to me again, she said I’m a betrayer because I’m always with you” Becca said and Emma looked at her. “ seriously?” She asked and Becca Nodded her head.

Becca was happy that she got Emma Lillian again, She knew that one day if Emma Lillian got to find out everything she was telling her was all lies, she knew they won’t end well. But she didn’t care, she was only doing that because she wanted Ben for herself.

“ Can we go swimming?” Becca asked Emma Lillian who was playing games on her computer. Emma looked at her and chuckled. “ No” She said. “ why?” Emma asked and Emma rolled her eyes.

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