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Let Me Go, Domineering Presidents

Let Me Go, Domineering Presidents

Zhihu Select


How does it feel to be loved by domineering presidents? There are millions of kinds of domineering presidents, but the most important thing for them is to give the female protagonists sweet and happy lives. In this multi-element novel, someone asked a domineering president to wash underwear, someone divorced a domineering president, and someone wanted to date a domineering president but was imprisoned... “Second Chance at Happiness” She just wanted to have a good relationship, but accidentally, she became the slave of the male protagonist, suffering all kinds of abuse. She finally learned the story behind his perversion and that her life was full of lies. “A Love as Deep as the Sea” One day, I drank too much, and I regarded my serious and abstinent boss, Joaquin Salvatore, as my first crush. When I woke up, I asked nervously, "Yesterday... We..." Joaquin replied, "What? Ms. Jobling, are you not going to be responsible for it?" I thought I was doomed and would be fired, but Joaquin said that he would give me a week's leave to rest. A week later, he circled me in a corner and asked, "I gave you a week. Have you figured out how to be responsible for me?" I was confused.

Chapter 1 Never Fall in Love With Him(1)

Author: Wan Quan Si Chao Ren

I was Benjamin Jarrett's secretary, in charge of managing his harem. They called me Marguerite LeHand, the head of the harem.

One day, I found out the essence secret of his harem.

I knew this would be my chance to make a fortune.


"Ms. Leigh, there are 150 thousand dollars in the card. Mr. Jarrett hopes you can part on good terms."

Yvette Leigh was already in tears the moment I handed over the bank card.

Truth be told, she was a beautiful woman. She looked pitiful while crying.

Unfortunately, she cried to the wrong person.

As a corporate slave who had to deal with the boss' breakup issue as soon as I woke up after working overtime until the wee hours of the morning, all I wanted to do at that moment was grab her on the shoulders and shout at her to knock some sense into her.

I wanted to tell her that 150 thousand dollars were a handsome amount that ordinary people would never get to make in a lifetime. As such, there was simply no reason for her to cry when she practically made a fortune as soon as she broke up with her husband.

I had been working diligently for Benjamin for three whole years, waking up at the crack of dawn every morning and getting to sleep very late at night. I had endured countless hardships and had spent more time at Benjamin Leigh's service compared to Ms. Leigh.

Did I earn 150 thousand dollars?

No, I didn't!

I should be the one crying!

However, Yvette was still crying. "I refuse to believe that he'll leave me. I want to see him."

I tried my best to be patient. "Mr. Jarrett is very busy. He asked me to deal with this matter. If you are not satisfied with the amount of money, I can try talking to him on your behalf. But don't expect too much."

Yvette looked at me in disbelief as if she had been insulted. "I don't want his money. I want him!"

I sighed and couldn't help telling her the truth, "Ms. Leigh, I can help you if you want more money. But if you want Mr. Jarrett, I'll have to say you're not good enough for him."

As expected, Yvette grabbed the glass of iced coffee in front of her and splashed it on my face.

"Juliette Larouche, you're heartless!"

After saying that, she got up and left in despair, leaving me a sad but beautiful receding figure.

Of course, despite everything that had unfolded, she didn't forget to take the card on the table.

However, I hadn't given her the password yet.

I sat there calmly and composedly.

The iced coffee was really cold. I wondered if my newly-bought mascara would be able to stay on.

Sure enough, within two minutes, Yvette came storming back aggressively.

"Give me the password!"

Her tears hadn't dried up yet, and wet, crystal-like droplets were hanging on her lashes.

I presented her the payment QR code on my WhatsApp and replied, "The cost of dry cleaning is 120 dollars, and the cost of emotional damage is 150 dollars."

I went a little bit easy on her by giving her a discount.

Looking at her shocked expression, I was finally in the mood to appreciate her beauty.

After gleefully collecting 225 dollars, I gracefully returned to my office on the 28th floor of the corporate group's headquarters with my hair dripping with coffee.

I happened to run into Benjamin, who had just finished the morning meeting.

He frowned as he looked at me.

Not only did he have mysophobia himself, but he also couldn't stand seeing the people around him being ungroomed and unhygienic.

Before he got angry, I hurriedly piped up to remind him, "Ms. Leigh has a bad temper."

In other words, I was in this mess because of the task I was assigned.

Benjamin fixed his gaze on me for a while. Though he had a pair of charming and flirtatious eyes, the look in his eyes was always cold. He could freeze people to death just by staring at them.

I shuddered and smiled ingratiatingly. "Just look at me. Shouldn't you reimburse my dry-cleaning fee?"

He ignored me and went straight into his office.

I breathed a long sigh of relief.

Soon afterward, I heard a pleasant sound of a notification from my phone. Benjamin had transferred money to me.

Y️ay! My boss was the best.

Today was the day I successfully extorted money from both Benjamin and Yvette, the plaintiff and the defendant!

I tapped into my WhatsApp happily, only to look at the amount I received in disbelief.

It was 30 dollars! I only received 30 dollars!

What the heck?

What a stingy capitalist!

Cursing him deep down, I sent him a happy emoji to show my gratitude.


My name was Juliette Larouche, the secretary of the lady killer, Benjamin Jarrett.

Apart from his daily necessities, I was mainly in charge of handling all the issues he had with his girlfriends on his behalf.

In layman's terms, I should send the women he liked to his bed.

When he had gotten sick of a woman, however, I needed to make her disappear from his life.

After working in this position for a long time, I inevitably had some unrealistic fantasies.

I wanted to be Benjamin's woman, too.

Benjamin was generous to all his girlfriends despite the fact that he had no love for them.

Not to mention all kinds of expensive gifts like cars, houses, and pieces of jewelry when he was pursuing them, every woman whom he had broken up with was compensated 150 thousand dollars as a breakup fee.

I did some calculations and found out that Ms. Xena Hamilton had dated him for the shortest time. She had only been dating him for a week before she ended up offending him because of some ridiculous reason. Since then, she was quickly gotten rid of.

However, she, too, got the 150 thousand dollars.

It was clear that as long as one could become Benjamin's girlfriend, one would at least get 150 thousand dollars from him even if it was just a one-night stand.

He was like a money porter, tirelessly transferring the wealth produced from exploiting corporate slaves like us to his women.

To us, he was an evil capitalist.

To his girlfriends, however, he was a lovely philanthropist.

In comparison, it was, of course, much more ideal to be Benjamin's woman.

Yes, you heard me right. I, Juliette, Benjamin's secretary, had been longing to become his woman since forever.

Unlike Yvette and the other women who wanted Benjamin, all I wanted was his wealth.

I was not greedy, and it was not like I wanted a fortune. I would be satisfied as long as I had enough money to buy a mansion at the foot of Mount Torthbury, my hometown.

Of course, I didn't think I was being a gold digger.

I was merely trying to get back the money Benjamin owed me in a different way. After all, he owed me overtime pay and emotional damage compensation as his ex-girlfriend splashed coffee on me and called me Marguerite LeHand. Other than that, he also had to compensate me for damaging my health because I had to be on standby all year round and overworking caused irreversible damage to my youthful body.

As for Benjamin's body, which I would eventually get in the process of being his woman, I should count it as the bonus he paid me.

To be honest, I had been coveting his body for a long time.

Back when I had just become his secretary, I went to his house to retrieve a document and happened to bump into him, who had just finished bathing.

At that moment, he was merely wrapped in a white bath towel.

His muscular chest, firm abdomen, wide shoulders, thin waist, and long legs was an unforgettable sight.

However, the biggest problem I faced was that after three years of digging into Benjamin's private life, I still didn't know what kind of woman was his type.

His previous girlfriends were all of different styles. Some were chubby and some were thin, some were beautiful and some mediocre, some were outgoing and some introverted, some were talkative and some reticent, while some were clever and some clumsy.

I wondered whether he was actually doing a research project on the diversity of women.

His girlfriends were so vastly different from one another that I couldn't find any similar traits whatsoever.

Even the general belief that all men loved beautiful women didn't apply to him.

Because among his many girlfriends, there were indeed a few of them who were so mediocre-looking that one wouldn't be able to identify them from the crowd.

As yet, how they managed to impress him was still a mystery to me.

However, I was immensely encouraged by that.

After all, if Benjamin only loved beautiful women like other superficial rich people, someone as average as me would never be worthy of his attention.

Although his taste in women was widespread and hard to comprehend, it had presented me with a chance to make him fall for me.

As long as I was patient enough, I was confident that I would someday be able to crawl into his bed.

I had to earn 150 thousand dollars from him no matter what!

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