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My Wonderful Boyfriend

My Wonderful Boyfriend

Zhihu Select


Those beautiful love stories happened in our youth. The boy in the next classroom wore white sneakers today. The ponytail of the smiling pretty girl swayed when she walked. The boy next door passed by the window after playing basketball... This is a story about youngsters having a crush, meeting their first love, and falling in passionate love. “Please Confess Your Love to Me” Maverick Xenos was my senior at the university. Before I knew him, he looked unapproachable to me. He even spoke with an air of mesmerizing aloofness. Then I found that this man was not what he seemed at all. I was fooled by his facade before ending up as his girlfriend. “I Got Three Boyfriends After My Amnesia” I lost my memory after a car accident, and then three men appeared who claimed to be my boyfriends. I looked at the reserved brainiac who was organizing my notes, the rebellious campus star who was peeling an apple for me, and the pure-hearted pretty boy who was giving me a massage. I was deep in thought. Couldn't I just live with the three of them? “Copper Heart” I spent nearly 1,000 dollars asking a policeman for his WhatsApp number. But he sternly refused. He even asked me if I was flirting with him to get back at my ex-boyfriend. He got me! Worse, my ex-boyfriend came to borrow money again. Before I could answer, the policeman stretched his wrists...

Chapter 1 Please Confess Your Love to Me(1)

Author: Ding Shi San

Maverick Xenos was my senior at the university.

Before I knew him, he looked unapproachable to me. He even spoke with an air of mesmerizing aloofness.

Then I found that this man was not what he seemed at all. I was fooled by his facade before ending up as his girlfriend.


Outside the karaoke restroom, I caught a man and asked in a hurry, "Dude, is there anyone in the men's restroom now?"

Seeing him shaking his head, I covered my abdomen which contained an inflated bladder. "Could you please help me guard the door? I can't hold it anymore. I just need two minutes. I will come out immediately in two minutes."

After saying that, I rushed into the men's restroom without waiting for his answer.

When I came out, the man was still standing at the door, looking down at his phone, which he wrapped his slender fingers around.

I took a closer look and found that he was quite handsome.

I walked over with a grin. "Thank you."

He glanced at me and put away his phone. "Let's go."

I wondered where to go.

I was confused for a moment, wondering if he had taken me as a woman of easy virtue.

After thinking for a while, I took out my phone and said, "I'm not available today. I came here with my friends. Maybe some other day. Let's be friends on WhatsApp. I'll come to you again if I need to use the restroom next time."

The man was stunned for a moment. He didn't take out his phone but stared at me meaningfully. "What do you come to me for?"

He knew full well what I meant. What a slick man he was.

I knew the coyer I acted, the more likely I was to attract his interest.

"Didn't you want to take me out? We both know what you meant, but I can't make it today. We can only do it on another day."

I planned to blacklist him immediately if he gave me his WhatsApp number.

Seeing that the man didn't act, I quickly took back my phone and said, "It's fine if you don't want to add me on WhatsApp. I'm leaving. Thank you for your help."

With that, I ran to the private room, feeling smug and proud of my own wit.

A few minutes later, when I was telling the girl next to me how I met a hooligan outside the restroom, the door of the private room was opened, and a familiar figure appeared at the entrance.

I had to applaud the man's courage to follow me here.

Before I could speak, Yosef Mettler, the head of the public relations department, waved at the man. "Maverick, you're finally here."


This was the name of the president of the Students' Union, whom my friend had been talking about all this while.

I instantly felt bad thinking about the encounter just now.

However, this was not the worst. The worst thing was that my friend noticed I fell silent halfway through the conversation and asked me incessantly, "Who is the restroom hooligan you mentioned? What happened after?"

Maverick raised his head and glanced at me as he curled his lips into a grin. "Hooligan? Who are you talking about?"

I was speaking of myself.

I was the hooligan!

When I first enrolled in university, I had already heard of Maverick's name. He had a resume that was on par with the hero of one of those fancy romantic novels, and he was also known as "the Star of Broburgh."

Today, I not only had the honor to meet this star but also asked him to guard the door for me. I even asked him to add me on WhatsApp and called him a hooligan.

I felt like my journey in the Students' Union had withered before it even began.

In the private room, I tried my best to minimize my presence. Just as I was deliberating if I should apologize to Maverick, Yosef shouted at me in his booming voice, "Yuliana, did you choose the song 'Love You?' Hurry up and sing it!"

I jolted and took the microphone under great pressure, during which I could feel Maverick's eyes falling on me.

At the end of the song, although I was satisfied with my own voice, I said humbly, "I didn't sing well."

The unanimous praises greatly satisfied my vanity. Maverick, who just sat down, commented in a low voice, "The singing is good. It's just that your Uprian pronunciation is not accurate. It was as if you made the words up."

He was starting to pick on me.

In order to change his impression of me, I nodded obediently. "You're right, Maverick. I will practice my Uprian pronunciation after this so I can improve my singing."

Perhaps he was affected by my enthusiasm, Maverick hummed before he said, "I'm good at Uprian. You can ask me if you need help."

After saying that, he whipped out his mobile phone and showed me a QR code. "I'm afraid I can't agree to whatever that's on your mind, but if you need help with anything else, you can ask me."

Whatever was on my mind? I hoped he was not referring to the phrase "take me out" that I threw at him outside of the restroom.

I wanted so much to yell that I was not thinking so.


A few days later, the university held a singing competition. The number of applicants was low. Hence, the committee of the publicity department asked every member of the Students' Union to participate in the contest.

It was embarrassing to say that I could only sing one song in total, and I was being called out for my mispronunciation a few days ago. I really didn't want to make a fool of myself, so I went to find Yosef in private and told him that I wanted to give up on the competition. I didn't expect him to tell Maverick about that.

I was unsure of what Yosef had told him as Maverick contacted me directly, saying, "I heard that you complained to Yosef."

I was surprised, for I didn't know where the accusation came from.

Maverick sighed and said, "He came to me angrily, accusing me of dimming the enthusiasm of the committee. Don't worry and join the competition as you wish. I'll teach you and help you to the end."

I wanted to tell him his gesture of kindness was totally unnecessary!

I cursed Yosef in my heart for meddling and refused profusely. "I don't want to occupy your time."

"You're not taking up much of my time. I have time to guard the men's restroom for you, so surely I also have time to mentor you on the pronunciation of some Uprian lyrics."

I was afraid that he could never let the restroom matter slide.

It was not until much later that I realized it was probably a trap when Maverick volunteered to teach me about Uprian pronunciation.

No one could resist the charm of a handsome man, especially when he was staring at you earnestly every day while reciting the Uprian lyrics, "Love You. You have beautiful eyes, and your laughter is more charming."

Well, at least I could not resist it.

Thus, I began to suspect that Maverick wanted to charm me over.

And I admitted that I had fallen for his charm. I tossed and turned every night in those days. In my dreams, Maverick confessed his love to me in Uprian.

If the singing competition didn't start, I would have gone crazy.

Even with the help of a great teacher, I was eliminated during the audition stage.

The end of the campus singing competition also marked the end of my only tie with Maverick. I was a little disappointed, albeit feeling relieved.

At night, Maverick called me out and said, "You did well today. Your Uprian pronunciation was correct."

I suspected that he was ridiculing me, and I had caught him red-handed.

"I'm sorry, Maverick. I've disappointed you."

"You didn't disappoint me. I didn't teach you how to break your voice and get out of tune. You learned it all by yourself."

I was dumbstruck.

He must have had no friends since his words were so mean.

Seeing that I was speechless, Maverick seemed to be in a better mood and stuffed a bag into my hand.

"What is this?" I immediately became shy. "Not only did you teach me Uprian but you're also giving me a gift. I appreciate it, but I can't accept that!"

Although I said no, my action spoke of my true intention. I began to unpack the gift.

I was stunned to see a vacuum flask as big as my kettle. Judging from the volume, it could probably hold about four bottles of coke.

The expression on my face was a little stiff. "D-Did you give me a flask?"

Maverick was apparently caught off guard by my reaction, and he also stiffened for a moment. "This is the consolation prize prepared by the Students' Union for each eliminated contestant. You forgot to take it when you left."

I was in a mixed mood. I held the giant vacuum flask and said dispiritedly, "Thank you, Maverick." Then, I turned around and left.

I felt that the Students' Union was quite mean. They even gifted each eliminated contestant a vacuum flask. It was probably a mockery attempt to ask the eliminated contestants to just rest and moisturize their vocal cords more. Besides, the vacuum flask was not of average size, but a huge one.

At night, I kept sighing while looking at the flask. My roommate, Tina Wright, ran over to ask if I was all right.

Unexpectedly, before I could finish my story, Tina patted her thigh hard and said, "What flask? Our Students' Union is so stingy that they would never give out any consolation prize."

I felt something was off, so I sent Yosef a message. He immediately called me. "A consolation prize for you? It was your obligation as a member of the Students' Union to participate in the singing competition. It has nothing to do with me. Don't you blackmail me for a consolation prize!"

This stingy style was exactly what I would expect of our department.

Nevertheless, I was confused by the entire ordeal. "If Maverick bought it, why didn't he admit it?"

"You didn't look pleased with the flask. How could he admit it?"

I thought it made sense, and I blamed myself for showing my emotion so blatantly.

But then I fell into deep thought again. Maverick taught me Uprian and gave me gifts. What was his motive exactly?

Finally, Tina said the obvious truth, "Maverick must have a crush on you. He wants to pursue you."

Her view was unanimously agreed upon by all of my roommates. The little flame in my heart that I had put out came back to life again. I was a little nervous. "My God, I didn't show enough appreciation when Maverick gave me the flask. I hope he doesn't misunderstand that I have no feelings for him and give up pursuing me."

In order to prove that I understood Maverick's intention, from that day on, I always brought this giant flask with me in my school bag wherever I went.

Maverick finally showed up at the regular meeting of the department a few days later. He skipped the rest of the committee and sat on my right.

My cheeks were slightly hot. I immediately took out the flask from my bag and poured myself a cup of hot water. "Maverick, the flask you gave me is so useful. I drink a lot of water every day, so it's exactly what I need."

"Today's regular meeting may end a little late, and the lights in the corridor may be off. Are you afraid of the dark?"

I was stunned by his words. After I nodded dully, he said, "You can contact me on WhatsApp if you want to go to the restroom."

Was he implying that I would need to use the toilet a lot because I drank too much water, and I could call him if I was afraid of the dark?

He was mocking me!

And I caught him red-handed again!

I opened my mouth and closed the flask silently. Then, I said, "I appreciate that."

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