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S*xUAL           DESIRES (friends with benefits...)

S*xUAL DESIRES (friends with benefits...)



SEXUAL DESIRES🔞 (friends with benefits...) GENRE:EROTIC, BILLIONAIRE TAGS:ONE NIGHT STAND,S€X, BILLIONAIRE FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS,MATURED SCENES,LOVE BY:AMYRA.S.MTHETHWA SYPNOSIS Two adults with no aim of being in a relationship cross ways and become friends a S€x addict billionaire crosses parth with a church girl a sassy,crazy church girl ,holy Mary they decide to be S€x partners ,friends with benefits they both swear to never fall in love but their hearts betray their swears and they d video to stay away from each other ,will they succeeded in staying away from each other? let's find out..💜

Chapter 1 SEXUAL DESIRES (friends with benefits...)

A guy in a shiny black suit was seen seated at the car busy operating his phone you could see he is swimming in wealth even what he's wearing is screaming under the name wealth

the driver was silently driving

"Tyler,I need you to take out posters for maids,make sure to take only ones that know what they are here for I don't want lousy maids"The guy said before taking his black sunglasses and wore them

Tyler chuckled before making a turn and infront of a big yard,the big game automatically opened and the car made its way into the yard,the gate closed back automatically

from seeing the mansion you could say it was for a family but no,there is only one person living in it

the man came out if the car walking ,you could hear his foot steps as he walked

maids assembled a line with guards,and he walked inbetween the line created by the maids and guards

"good afternoon master"they all corused and the man nodded

"Tyler,"the man called and suddenly stopped walking

"yes , master"

"call Bianca for me,"Sean said and walked upstairs and the maids scattered getting back to their work


"Sasha..I need you to go to the market for me after the prayer session in church"Maya said mixing flour with eggs and milk

"ok mother,but I think I'm not gonna go to church I have to go look for work,I saw a post online an hour ago looking for secretaries in the paltries biggest business in la,I might get a job you know"Sasha said wearing her shoes

"don't you think that skirt is too short"maya asked checking her out

Sasha was wearing a short denim mini skirt with a crop top holding her boobs and a flat shoe the. took her jacket

"I'm not going to church ma,see you when I come back,give me the money"Sasha said collecting money from her mother

"don't forget to buy a cool drink for yourself"Maya shouted buy Sasha already bordered a cab

"this hot headed girl"Maya groaned and continued her mixing




"HARDER!!"Bianca moaned from Sean's room,as Sean banged her roughly from the bck

"I LOVE YOU!"immediately Bianca said that she shut her mouth but Sean had already pulled out

"get out",Sean said walking to the bathroom

"I'm sorry ,it slipped out"Bianca said and Sean turned to her with his eyes filled with rage

"I said get the fûck out!!"Sean yelled and Bianca flinched before running to pick her clothes from the door

"I need to talked my meds"Sean said after bathing

he ran to his med box and took out red pills and gulped one with water before resting his head on the wall

"fuck you Cara"he muttered with anger



SASHA TOOK a long warm bath before Smiling at herself on the mirror

"I'm so god.damn sexy and beautiful"she said checking her self out

she walked to her phone and started playing twerk by city girls

she faced the mirror again and started twerking ,he big round @ss doing the work

"i must just retire as church girl"she said after a long time of twerking

she took her body lotion and applied it then wore her black jeans and a cropped top with a black cap

she wore a red Hill and went downstairs

well her house ain't big,it's just a comfortable house,she says with her mother Maya her father died in a car accident last year with her little brother

her father was a Reverend ,she goes to church when she wants to,when she feels like communicating with her father

she found Mary cooking porridge

"morning mother!"she screamed making her way into the kitchen and took an apple in the fruit bowl

"I totally gave birth to a psycho"Maya shook her head and Sasha hugged her from the back

"please pray for me I'm going to an interview,love you"Sasha said pecking her and went out

she suddenly came back running

"mom,I need taxi fare"she said making a baby face

"I don't have money for you trek baby"Mata said and sasha poured and rolled her eyes before running out if the house

she searched her purse and found a hundred $ note she smiled widely before stopping a cab

"thank you moma"she muttered closing her eyes inside the cab



reporters were all over the place waiting for Mr MCCARTHY to arrive and as if their thought were being read his car stopped infront of them

a black Bugatti Veyron and his black leather shiny shoes came to view

when he fully came out if the car ,he brushed his head back and walked to the crowd infront of the company's door his guards making sure that no reporter comes closer to him

🎤'mr Sean how does it feel to be back in la'

🎤mr Sean welcome back

Sean stopped walking and turned to the reporter

"krmm,krm,I'm officially back in la' and thank you"Sean said and his guards covered him completely till he got in his company

👥welcome back boss

👥good morning boss

👥the boss is back

Sean nodded to their greetings,his face had a cold look,his shoes making the clicking sound when he's walking

when he got to his office he smiled, seeing it clean and neat made him happy he walked to his chair and sat on it swinging with it

"check my schedule Tyler and cancel all of the meetings that come after 12 and I need a secretary"Sean said tapping the table

"ohky Sean I'll get to it"Tyler said going out

"I need to go to a club disguised I'm tired of the celebrity life"Sean said rolling his eyes and suddenly took his briefcase and car keys then walked out if the office

"Sean"Tyler said behind him and he faced him

"cancel all of my schedules for today infact you can attend all those meetings for me right,your the best"Sean said without waiting for Tyler's response and rushed out if the company


"life is like a pen*s,simple ,soft, straight and hanging freely but the comes stress and it all falls apart"Sasha said walking to a coffee shop

"a cup if hot black coffee please"Sasha said giving the attendant the money and get coffee came in a jiffy

she took her coffee and returned a change into her purse walking to the door

her attention was all over her phone that she didn't pay attention to where she's going and


She bumped into a hard check the coffee spilling all over the person

the people in coffee shop gasped


👥what did she just do on his expensive suit

she slowly raised her eyes and slowly, slowly,they widened like hell

she just skilled coffee on the hottest richest billionaire

when she looked at the man ,Sean kept a straight in readable face

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