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“ Excuse me guys ,,I will be back . I want to use the restroom,,poppy said standing up ..she walked towards the corridor leading to the restroom.. She felt her throat getting sour ..and she was also feeling tipsy ..,,the feeling isn't something to be ignored.. “ Gosh ! Why am I feeling so uncomfortable? My body aches !! She complained rushing into one of the rooms in the studio.. She rushed into the room but forgot to lock the door,,she started throwing off her clothes due to bad her body was aching.. Clifford let out a smick throwing a bundle of cash at one of the staffs .. “ Hope you did a clean job ,,, because I wouldn't want any mistakes.. Clifford jibbed giggling silliy. “ Yes sir ,,she left for the room Already,,am sure by now she would be feeling horny ! The female staff said flirting... “ It should better go as planned else ! You won't like what I would do to you ! He said strictly before storming off to the room to meet poppy .. Clifford opened the room only to meet poppy naked on the bed groning in pain .. “ What are you doing here ?? I never asked you to come in ! Poppy said covering herself with the durvet.. “ Not like you have an option now ,,you need my help else ,,,you and I knows what is going to happen! Clifford said with a silly scoff. “ What do you mean ?? She asked trying to keep her heavy lid opened,,she was feeling very dizzy,,she couldn't take it any longer,,she fainted... “ Have been waiting for this day for ages ..now let me see how you are to escape from me after tonight,,he mouthed with a grin.. Slowly,,he threw off his dress and joined her on the bed ..and just ,,like that ,, Few minutes later her sleepish moan covered the whole room .... °°°°°°°°°°°°° Poopy brown a twenty years old college girl ,,, a singer ,,dancer ,, and also a model .. She's a perfect defination of perfection..she cute ,,tall with sexy curves ,,, deep blue eyes,and a small lips ,, giving her a killer look ..her long flawless legs were some of the things that made her fans adore her ,, She goes by the stage name baby doll cos of her childish but killer look..,,she is the leader of the “DOLLS ” the biggest girls band in LA made up of four girls .. She's a complete brat ,, apology is not in her dairy.. ★ Clifford Dior,, he is considered the most handsome guy on planet ,,,he is tall ,,cute ,, handsome with a golden eyes.. He is rude ,,, arrogant,,and he is considered to be the guy after anything under skirt ... He is a dancer ,,a singer,,and also a model ..he is the leader of the “ DREAMERS ” the biggest boys band in LA ..made up of four boys A Playboy and a complete freak He attends MUSIC ACADEMY! Just like poppy and the rest of the bands ,,, What happens when poppy wakes up one morning and realize that her dignity has been taken in the worst way ever ?? What happens when poppy finds out that she is pregnant for the guy she hated most ,,? Will she keep the baby ? What happens when Clifford willingly accepts to marry her even after knowing that she doesnt love him ? Will she ever forgive him and give him a chance ?? Do you think there is more to the rape or Clifford raped her on his own accord.?? What do you think happened between them that made him rape her ..? Will she ever reciprocate his love ?? Find out the answers in this romance filled story..

Chapter 1 BAD BIT*CH



Wendy walked into the room adjusting her skimpy skirt,, she's the leader of the SASSY QUEENS,,band one of the biggest band in LA..thou not as popular as the other two ..

She is CLIFFORD'S slut ,,or possibly still his s*x toy ,,all the students are aware that Clifford has nothing for her ,,he is just using her to pass out time and dump her afterward..

“ Hey sweetheart ! She said pecking his lips before seating on his laps,,

“ What's the meaning of that ??he asked angrily dropping his phone on the table in front of him ..

“ I don't get ! Wendy said raising her brows ,, questionally ..

“ This !! He pointed at her butt on his laps !!

“ you mean my butts ?? I should ride your Co*k or what ? She asked biting her lower lips seductively..

“ Am not in the mood,,get off me ,,,he said trying to get her off him . But she ignored and began kissing him ..

“ What the f**k ! He spat pushing her off angrily,,,she landed her butt on the floor letting out a painful growl..

“ What's the meaning of that ?? She questioned angrily..

“ Did you brush this morning?? Your mouth stinks !! He jibbed rudely getting her freaked out ..

“ What sort of insult is that ?? She jibbed standing on her feet ..“ how can you ask me that silly question...she fired ..

“ Come on ,,don't be paranoid,,am only saying the truth,,he said getting her more annoyed..

“ Gosh !! I hate you ,,,you know what ??she asked hitting her high hill nosily on the floor..

“ t over between us ! Clifford completed her statement..making her eyes widen,,that wasn't what she wanted to say ..

“ No !!! That's not what I....

Clifford cut her off before she could finish her statement..

“ You see !! This is the reason am always running after poppy like a lost puppy ,,cos she doesnt throw her self cheaply at me ,,and I appreciate her for that ,,he jibbed rudely putting on his clothes..

“ how dare you compare me to her ? Wendy fired ..

At that moment “WYATT” walked in panting heavily..they both turned to look at him ..

WYATT is the last and youngest member of dreamers ,,he is cute ,,tall ,, handsome ,,with a sexy cat eye ,, giving him a perfect look ..

“ Clifford!! Your sexy crush has arrived,, Wyatt said making Wendy ball her fist angrily glearing hatefully at them ..

“ For real !! ?? Clifford said happily flipping on his sneakers..

“ Are you seriously going to leave me here ?? Wendy asked hurtfully..

“ If you don't want to leave ,,then you can stay there..am off .. Clifford said and left with Wyatt storming behind him..

The whole students as usual were waiting for the DOLLS entrance,,the rest of the band members came a bit earlier..

“ Wow ,, it's baby doll ,,she looks more pretty today,,

“ Wow I love her crop top . .“ please can I get an autograph??

“ Love your new hairstyle,,.

“ My favorite...

“ It's her flawless legs for me ..

“ Am a big fan of yours ;!

Different Comments kept coming from different angles,,

Poppy waved at them smiling showing off her neatly white set of teeth ,,the students kept cheering her as she made her entry to the mansion..

Since it a music college,,they are allowed to come with their guards,, and managers ,, everyone did what pleases them ..

Clifford hurriedly rushed out of the building blocking her part ..he was holding a cute teddy bear in his hands,,

“ good morning my lovely crush ,,,I got you this.. he said smiling sheepishly..

Poppy gleared at him ,,she wasn't use to seeing such rubbish from him since it was his usual way of welcoming her ,,

“ Not again ,,rude brat !! Poppy jibbed trying to walk past him ,,he moved blocking her again..

“ I won't take no for an answer this time around,,it either a yes ,,or .....

Poppy cut him off before he could finish what he was saying..

“ Or what ?? Are you going to force me to take it or what ??I don't want ,is that too hard for you to understand? How dump !!poppy chipped rolling her big eye bulbs ..

“ It's been ten years ,,and you still haven't considered me as a friend. ,,am I that ugly ?? He asked with sadness in his voice,,,

“ Oh ,,gosh !! What have I gotten myself into?? Since why has it became a most that I must date or love a class mate,,I don't love you ,,stop disturbing me ,,the next time you stop me ,,I'ma not take it lightly with you !! Be warned ,,, poppy snapped angrily snatching the teddy from him ..

At first everyone thought she accepted the teddy ,,but then she did something that surprised them ..

She walked towards one of the junior student in the crowd..

“ Hey girl ,,you are cute ,,this is a gift for you,,,thanks for being a fan ,,,she handed her the teddy before storming off ..

Immediately she left the girl almost the whole students rushed towards the girl dragging the teddy with her ..

Due to how they were dragging it ,,,the teddy got torned in the process..

“ gosh !! I hate you all ,,the girl said dumping the teddy on the ground she ran off in tears ..

Clifford stared blankly at them ,,then am idea popped into his head ,,

“ Guess I should get her a new teddy,,since poppy said she likes the girl,,,she would be happy when I do so ,,who knows,,she might accept me because of this !! He jibbed thoughtfully,,before walking away as well.


Poppy hasn't gone half way when she saw the rest of her friends,,the band members..

“ You really said that to him ,,you should have given me the teddy ,,if you have nothing to do with it ,,IXORA,, second member of the DOLLS.. said playfully..earning a glare from poppy ..

“ Dump head ,,you should just go and date him instead,,poppy teased making them laugh..

“ But seriously,,I don't know what is wrong with that dudu .. WINNER.. their member.. jibbed giggling silliy..

“ The next time am just going to slap him !! Poppy Said with a chuckle..

“ what !!??slap him ,,they all asked at the same time..

“ It's all because of you right ?? Wendy asked showing up from behind her ..

“ What's this bi*ch upto ,, JENNY,,snapped ..

They were yet to understand what Wendy was up to not until she charged at JENNY trying to drag her hair ..

But before she could get to Jenny ,,poppy dragged her back giving her a dirty slap which sent her to the floor ..

“ Wow !!! The students gesp .


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