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The Mafia deadly obsession.

The Mafia deadly obsession.



“Is there any other word that can be use to describe him other than the devil in the flamy hell?” Lucian Gambino, the leader of the GAMBINO BROTHERS was one of the most feared mafia boss in ITALY. He is known as the heartless monster who kills without hesitating. Across the country, the continent and even the world, he was feared. All parents always warned their children about him, and often used him as story to scare children when they had done something wrong. Despite his rules, and the discontent people had in it, no one dared to speak up as they all cared for their life. He was ruthless in all his dealings, showing no mercy and sparing no man that dared to disobey him. All of a sudden his personality changed! The once cold, and dreadful lord became the soft, and caring man anyone could think of. He changed for her sake. Lucian doesn't care about the punishable offence of the Gambino Brothers, neither did he care about the blurry line. The line of war, love, and pain! All he cares about is protecting her. He could destroy the world, loose everything just go protect the only lady who showed him love. To the lady, is it love? What did the lady who Lucian is obsessed about felt? Love or something else? Will her aim and secrets be revealed? What happened when her darkest secrets, and wounded mind became clear and open under the bright sky? Want to find out how the journey of obsessed Lucian and his lover ended up? Then add to library, gift powerstones and Golden ticket, don't forget to review and comment your thought.

Chapter 1 Ours to protect!


Four scary looking young men could be seen seated adjacent to each other, each one of them had pipes in their mouth except the one who seemed to be the youngest, he was busy with his phone, He seemed less interested in what they were discussing and continued tapping away.

“LUCIAN!! What do you have to say about this ?" One of the men beside the so called Lucian asked as veins bulged in his head showing his anger as he showed Lucian a picture from his phone.

His name is Lauren, he was the second in command in their business and also the second son of the Gambino brothers.

Perfection was an understatement for his amazing looks, he is tall, handsome and of course he was every girls dream with his deep blue eyes that could make one remember the ocean anytime he glanced at them, a well built body with broad shoulders brought out his masculinity, his appearance looked simple and easy going but under that facade was a black and unforgiving heart, he had a scorpion tattoo that made him look ripped and like a demi god

Lucian hands went up and took a drag from his pipe removing it from his mouth before puffing out a smoke turning to glare at the phone in Lauren hands.

“Come on, don't be like this Lucian, answer him, what do you have to say about those damn pics?." The young man seated opposite Lauren chided, he was the third son of the GAMBINO'S brothers

He is a pure definition of the devil, ruthless and could kill with a smile on his face, torturing his victims till they begged for mercy, in other words he is the devil himself.

His cat eyes were part of the things that made his glares deadly, he never smiles except when he kills, probably due to all the training his body was well built and he looked ripped, his tattooed body, on his left arm was a lady face. On his right arm a head of a serpent, then on his neckline there was also a scorpion tattoo. Once you get into his trap, even the devil can't set you free is final verdict is always death. Apologies does not exist in his own dictionary.

His name is LADDER!!

Lucian did not bother with Ladder chide and instead continue puffing his smoke like the talks had nothing to with him.

“Say something dude!! You can't possibly act like you owns everyone!!!" Lauren snapped annoyed by Lucian unresponsive behaviour.

“What do you want me to say?" Lucian finally spoke up after few moments of silence, his behavior was making his brothers angry but he wasn't really bothered about it.

“ Don't you have anything to say to LUCIAN??" Ladder roared angrily as he stood up pushing his chair back glaring at Lucian demanding an answer.

"Talk to him." Lauren demanded the younger one who was on his face.

"Talk to him? Why? It's not like this is any of my business anyway." The youth said giving Lauren a cold glare.

Well this is him for you !! This is Lawn Gambino...the last son of the Gambino brothers

He is the coolest among them, even though he is rude, he was lovely, and is the kindest of them all. He wasn't left out from the family's good gene either, like the rest ..he was a handsome demi god, a man whore, he believes women are things to be toyed with and would follow anything in skirts.

“What exactly do you want me to say?" Lucian asked glaring at them all with irritation written clearly on his face.

“Why are you still with her?? Didn't you tell us you already broke up with her two years ago?? So what's the meaning of this?" LAUREN asked impatiently.

“You have no right to interfere in my affairs!! So buzz off!!" Lucian growled pushing the pipe to a corner of his mouth as he spat out angrily.

“Guess you have forgotten rule number 2?you should come back to your senses dude!! Ladder retorted with anger.

“I don't!! Mind giving me a hint?? You know it's been long!!" Lucian replied sarcastically.

“In case you have forgotten, Rule number 2 says “LOVE IS A CRIME” you are only endangering the poor girl's life so why all this?? If you truly love her like you claim, you would have let her go, since that year, you lovers are the worst!" Lawn complained rolling his eyes as he continued focusing on his phone.

“I'm the boss here, I make the rules and I also decide what happens here, loving her Is my choice, and no one can stop me, not even the Godfather!! Take it or leave it !!" Lucian finally snapped his horse cold voice echoed in the study sending shivers down his brother's spines, and just like that....

No one dared to speak again..

“Ariana is my woman!! She's mine and mine alone !!I can't stand seeing her with another man !! No ...I don't want to think of it!" Lucian added gripping the handle of his chair tightly that his veins popped out from his hands.

“And one more thing!!" He said coldly, they all looked at him with anger and hatred, but all they could do was glare at him no one could speak up, not when he was angry, it would be a big mistake.

“I don't want to see any scratch on her, I know from now on, you all will cast your cursed eyes on her. I can't stop you all from stalking, but it shouldn't go beyond that, lay a finger on her and I would forget the fact that you are my brothers and I will treat you like an enemy if you don't't like her, it equally means you also don't like me, if you hate her then I will have nothing to do with you! ARIANA IS MINE, BUT OURS TO PROTECT!!" He snorted mentally, Ignoring the glares from LAUREN.

He then stood up picked his gun, in an attempt to walk away, but then Lauren said something that angered him to the core.

“This is surely one of the most boring jokes have ever heard, “ mine alone ..but ours to protect!!" Lauren mimicked he was yet to complete his statement when a gun shot was heard.

Lucian shot his left arm.

“F*ck!!" Lauren cried out in pain.

“One more word from you and I'm going blow off your damn skull!! Bastard!" Lucian snorted before storming out of the room..

“How dare him?? Who does he think he is ??" Lauren yelled when he noticed Lucian was out of sight and wouldn't hear anything he's saying.

“Wow!! You finally found your voice?? You could have asked him that instead of asking us." Lawn chipped in with a snort.

“Shut up!! I never asked for your opinion!" Lauren snapped at Lawn, causing Lawn to raise his hands in surrender.

“You asked a question, Who does he think he is! .. I just want to let you know I have any idea!! Lawn do you have any??" Ladder asked in a mockery tone, they Both laughed getting up from their seats and leaving Lauren alone in the study.

“F*ck your ass!!" Lauren cursed angrily..

“Suit yourself!!" Lawn muttered before storming out behind Ladder.

“LUCIAN!! You will pay for this!!" Lauren yelled balling his fist.

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