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The Billionaire's Secret Baby

The Billionaire's Secret Baby

Cynthia Nobles


Celine Hayes never expected that a one-night stand with Alexander Jameson, a handsome billionaire, would result in a pregnancy. Determined to raise her child alone, she kept the news to herself until she met Alexander after he knocked her down with his car and took her home . When she finally tells him about the pregnancy, he's upset that she didn't tell him sooner. Alexander insists on being a part of the child's life, and in the process, falls in love with Celine. As they navigate the challenges of parenthood and their own feelings for each other, they must decide whether their love is worth fighting for or if they're better off apart.

Chapter 1 Celine pov

Celine sat in her corner office, overlooking the bustling city below. As the CEO of a rapidly growing cosmetics company, she had worked tirelessly to build her company from the ground up. At only 27 years old, Celine had already accomplished more than most people do in a lifetime.

Celine had always known that she wanted to be successful. Even as an orphan growing up in the orphanage, she had big dreams of becoming a businesswoman and making something of herself. She worked hard in school, getting good grades and participating in extracurricular activities, knowing that education was her ticket out of the orphanage.

After graduating from college with a degree in business, Celine landed her first job at a marketing firm. She quickly made a name for herself, impressing her bosses with her sharp mind and excellent work ethic. Within a few years, she was promoted to a management position, and she never looked back.

But Celine's success didn't come without challenges. As a woman in a male-dominated field, she often had to work twice as hard to prove herself. And as someone who came from a poor background, she sometimes struggled to fit in with her wealthier colleagues.

Despite these obstacles, Celine never lost sight of her goals. She kept working hard, learning everything she could about the business world, and building her professional network. And it paid off - soon she was one of the top executives in her company, earning a six-figure salary and enjoying all the perks that came with it.she later started her own company.

But even as Celine's career was flourishing, her personal life was less successful. She had always struggled to find a good man who understood and supported her ambitions. Many of the guys she dated were intimidated by her success, and others simply couldn't keep up with her busy schedule.

But despite her professional success, Celine couldn't help but feel like something was missing in her personal life. She had been dating Michael for two years now, but their relationship had hit a rough patch in recent months. Michael was a successful lawyer, but their busy schedules often left them with little time for each other.

Recalling how she met Michael at a networking event, Celine was immediately drawn to his easygoing charm and sense of humour. They hit it off right away, and soon they were dating.

Michael was different from any other guy Celine had ever been with. He was confident, successful in his own right, and never seemed threatened by her achievements. He was supportive of her career, and even helped her navigate some of the tricky political situations she encountered at work.

They had been arguing more frequently, and Celine wasn't sure if their relationship was salvageable.But deep down, Celine knew that she still loved Michael. She missed the way he made her laugh, the way he held her close at night, the way he challenged her to be her best self. Maybe they could work things out if they just tried harder.

As she stared out the window, lost in thought, Celine's phone buzzed with a text message. It was Michael that texted her to remind her of their two years anniversary.

Celine had been looking forward to her dinner date with her boyfriend, Michael. They had planned to go to their favourite Italian restaurant to celebrate their two years anniversary. Celine had picked out a beautiful dress, done her hair and makeup, and was feeling excited to spend the evening with Michael.

Celine drove to the Italian restaurant, she sat down scrolling through her emails as she waited for Michael to arrive for their date. As she waited for Michael to arrive, Celine started to get a little nervous. He was usually punctual, but it was already ten minutes past their agreed meeting time. Just as she was about to call him, Michael walked in.

Celine noticed that he looked a little uneasy as he sat down at the table. She asked him if everything was okay, but he brushed it off, saying that he just had a long day at work.

Throughout the meal, Michael seemed distracted and kept checking his phone. Celine tried to start conversations, but Michael's responses were short and uninteresting. She could sense that something was wrong, but she didn't want to ruin the night by prying too much.

Finally, Celine couldn't take it anymore. "What's going on, Michael?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly. "You've been acting strange all night."

"Nothing, I am just tired because of today's work" Michael replied

"Really? Celine asked

"Yeah , babe you don't need to worry " Michael said

As they finished up their dessert, Michael suddenly announced that he needed to leave. He said that he had an important meeting with a client that he couldn't miss. Celine was disappointed, but she didn't want to stand in the way of Michael's work.

After Michael left, Celine sat at the restaurant for a while, trying to process what had just happened. She had a nagging feeling that Michael was lying to her, but she couldn't quite put her finger on why.

It was a typical Friday evening Celine had decided to head home early from work to surprise Michael with a home-cooked dinner. As she unlocked the door to their apartment, she was surprised to see a female high heels and also Michael shoe near the entrance. Michael usually left his shoes in the closet, so she knew something was off or maybe his sister visited him.

As she walked further into the apartment, she noticed that there were clothes strewn about the living room. She recognized some of them as Michael's, but others were female dresses. Her heart started to race as she realised that something was seriously wrong.

Celine tried to push the feeling of dread aside as she made her way towards the bedroom. She could hear voices coming from inside, and her stomach churned with anxiety. As she approached the door, she could hear Michael's voice and another woman's.

Celine's mind went into overdrive as she tried to process what she was hearing. Could Michael really be cheating on her? With someone in their own home?

She pushed the door open slowly, not knowing what to expect. What she saw made her heart drop to her stomach. Michael was lying in bed with another woman, their bodies intertwined. They didn't even notice her standing there, frozen in shock.

Celine's world crumbled around her as she realised that the man she loved was a cheat. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. It felt like someone had just punched her in the gut. She could feel her heart racing and her palms starting to sweat. She felt like she was going to throw up.

The emotions that flooded Celine were intense and overwhelming. She was angry, hurt, and betrayed. How could Michael do this to her? Was their relationship nothing more than a lie?

She stood frozen, staring at the scene before her, unable to move or speak. Her mind was racing, trying to make sense of what was happening. But there was no denying it - Michael was cheating on her

Michael on the other hand noticed that someone was in the room. He was surprised to see Celine; he jumped out of bed and started to apologise profusely, but it was too late.

Celine felt like she couldn't breathe. She stumbled out of the room and into the living room, her heart pounding in her chest. She collapsed onto the couch, tears streaming down her face.

The sight of him with someone else shook her to the core, and she felt as though her world had come crashing down around her.

She grabbed a few things and left the apartment, not wanting to hear his excuses.

Celine was devastated. The betrayal of Michael, the love of her life, had hit her hard, and the pain felt unbearable. As she drove through the streets, tears streamed down her face, blurring her vision.

Her thoughts raced as she tried to make sense of what had happened. How could Michael do this to her? Had their entire relationship been a lie? Her heart felt like it had been ripped out of her chest, leaving her feeling empty and alone.

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