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The Billionaire's Secret Baby

The Billionaire's Secret Baby


Chapter 1 Celine pov

Word Count: 1389    |    Released on: 08/05/2023

growing cosmetics company, she had worked tirelessly to build her company from the ground up

big dreams of becoming a businesswoman and making something of herself. She worked hard in school, getting good g

firm. She quickly made a name for herself, impressing her bosses with her sharp mind and excellent w

ield, she often had to work twice as hard to prove herself. And as someone who came f

t the business world, and building her professional network. And it paid off - soon she was one of the top executives in

ys struggled to find a good man who understood and supported her ambitions. Many of the guys she

life. She had been dating Michael for two years now, but their relationship had hit a rough patch in recent mon

was immediately drawn to his easygoing charm and sense of hu

in his own right, and never seemed threatened by her achievements. He was supportive of her car

n, Celine knew that she still loved Michael. She missed the way he made her laugh, the way he held her close at

phone buzzed with a text message. It was Michael that

to their favourite Italian restaurant to celebrate their two years anniversary. Celine had picked out

for their date. As she waited for Michael to arrive, Celine started to get a little nervous. He was usually punctual

n at the table. She asked him if everything was okay, but h

to start conversations, but Michael's responses were short and uninteresting. She could

going on, Michael?" she asked, her voice trembling

red because of today's

? Celin

don't need to wor

ave. He said that he had an important meeting with a client that he couldn't miss.

to process what had just happened. She had a nagging feeling that M

ner. As she unlocked the door to their apartment, she was surprised to see a female high heels and also Michael shoe near

bout the living room. She recognized some of them as Michael's, but others were female

droom. She could hear voices coming from inside, and her stomach churned with anxi

process what she was hearing. Could Michael really

er heart drop to her stomach. Michael was lying in bed with another woman, their

n't believe what she was seeing. It felt like someone had just punched her in the gut. She could

ng. She was angry, hurt, and betrayed. How could Michael do

or speak. Her mind was racing, trying to make sense of what was ha

room. He was surprised to see Celine; he jumped out of b

room and into the living room, her heart pounding in her ches

her to the core, and she felt as though h

d left the apartment, not w

e, had hit her hard, and the pain felt unbearable. As she drove thr

ichael do this to her? Had their entire relationship been a lie? Her heart felt

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