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His hate her love

His hate her love



" I hate you Ezekiel, I wish I had never met you and if I am to be born again after this, I wish that we never meet again" and she take her last breath in front of him. but what she doesn't know is that after her death a ruthless monster was born. who is just waiting for centuries to avange her betrayal. after centuries they came face to face again " you can't escape from me this time" he rasped leaning back slightly from her. his grey eyes looking into her scared ones telling her silently that she can't run away from him. she is bound to this monster who will break her mould her like he wishes. what turn his love into hate, why he just wants her not for love but for hate so let's dig in the story to know more.

Chapter 1 New life


" I hate you Ezekiel, I wish I had never

met you and if I am to be born again after

this life, I wish that we never meet again".

saying this she breath her last in front

of him.

seeing the body falling into the fire.

he can not stop agony of his heart and

screams her name. not only did maithily

die, but ezekiel also died and a new demon

was born.

after centuries they came face to face again.

"you can't escape from me this time". he

rasped leaning back slightly from her. his

eyes looking into her scared ones telling her silently that she can't run away from him.

she is bound to him, to this monster who

will break her mould her like he wishes.


I miss my mom and dad every Diwali night.

mom and dad used to say that something

is special about me. I'm special.

it reminded me of my childhood when I used

to ask mom and dad what is so special about

me and they will say.

" before you came into this world your mom

and dad loved you, we dreamed of a sweet life for you in which there is only love everywhere.

wherever you go you will find love".

she is recalling when a smile form on her lips.

she is on the terrace looking into the beautiful

sky that filled with stars and firecrackers.

" Aaradhya dii, mam is calling you" the servant


" mom is calling me, ok"

" mom " Mrs. lamba turned around with smile.

" you called me mom" Aaradhya asked.

"yes" Mrs. lamba said taking the box of sweets

from the servant and opening it.

" open your mouth" and put sweets in aaradhya's


" happy Diwali aadya".

" happy Diwali mom" aadya also wished .

" i'll distribute sweets to everyone". Aaradhya said

and take the box from Mrs. lamba's hands.

" Mrs. lamba, as far as I know your daughter

is staying in London then who is this girl". one of the guest ask to Mrs lamba.

" this is Aaradhya she lives in orphanage in front

of our house. we invite orphans to our home

every Diwali. and one day Aaradhya also came

since then she started to call me mom, and I

also like it. Mrs lamba said to the guest.

next day.

St. Marty's orphanage.

" every year many children come to this

orphanage and in no time, they stand on

their feet and moved towards their destination.

and today aadya is also leaving behind

such a sweet memories.

Aaradhya come here". mother Mary called her.

" you're leaving this orphanage we will all

miss you. God bless you dear.

Aaradhya Suryawanshi 24 years old an orphan

living in St. Marty's orphanage Delhi.

she completed her MBA degree from reputed college.

and today she is leaving for London where she

has got a job. aadya is very happy. finally her

dreams has come true.


in London.

" yes sir everything is ready, she

will be here by tomorrow " with his fingers

Ezekiel tells his secretary to leave.

from the top of fifty story building Ezekiel is watching city's beautiful view. and thinking

about that one particular person whom he

has been waiting for centuries.

"finally that moment came where we will meet again".

and he smiles misteriousaly.

Ezekiel is seated behind his mahogany desk

when msg pops up on his mobile.


night time

inside the very large vampires den, the

Rays of the moon are penetrating in from

some where flashing on the throne, which

was adorned with nothing but gold looking shining and all beautiful.

It is like a castle which was situated in the dense forest from centuries where humans are afraid to go.

meanwhile, sitting on the throne now is a figure dressed in all black with a big black cloack on his body, the big hoodiecovering his head making his face invisible but anyone could tell that he is a dengerous creature.

standing up on his his feet with his 6.1 hight slowly he took his hand to his head and held the tip of the hoodie , before letting it fall off his face, revealing the most beautiful face ever. his lips are most unique with the slightly red colour. he does have a very prominent Cupid's bow and his mouth is wide which you would kill to have a taste of,his nose is slightly elevated from the bridge and it is attractive. his face looks like an

inverted triangle, with a notable broad forehead with a small chin.

his face is which your finger itch to touch.his flawless skin glows even under the darkness. his grey eyes which suits him so much which is shining brightly in the darkness. his long eyelashes are longer and beautiful than that of most woman. his thick hair is clinging on to his forehead from the wind with some strands covering a part of his face. he his so handsome

with small face and broad shoulders, long legs,

good proportion and great hight. yes, he is none other than ezkiel king. the very dengerous king of all vampires,the most dreaded creature on Earth, his dark and intimidating aura kills faster

than anything.

he has been into existence from centuries and lives in the forbidden den. he has also Mansions in the city but they are only for humans to see. so that no one should doubt him or about vampires existence. alot of scientist, after hearing about existence of the mysterious creatures, have been to the den for research, but none of them ever came out alive, and the secret behind their death, have always been a mystery as no one could tell what happens to the scientist or the people who were in search

of these creatures.

" all hail to the king " All the clan members get down on their one knee and hail their king.and their eyes on the floor, no one dares to look king in the eyes.

"rise" all vampires stands on their feet.

" my king " " the elders are here" one of the

guard comes to inform the king, bowing to

the king he walks out. and comes the clans


" we are not here to talk" " we need your answer and you can't push any further" the elder said.

" and now we are facing a lot of denger from humans. and if you don't take a decision now, no one can stop the earlier prophecy from coming true". said the other elder.

" now you are the only one who can stop that prophecy from coming true".said one of the elder.

" I am ready, I will bring my heir into this world". saying this the king smiles mysteriously. with elders every vampire present there is very happy to hear this.


on the other side.

Aaradhya is ready for her flight which is taking

her to her destination.her flight is being announced "passengers for flight AE०49 to London heathrow please. go to the gate no 20 ".

" ok guys take care I'm leaving". aaradhya' s friends also came with her to the airport. to bid her goodbye.

second day.

Aaradhya pov :

after coming to my apartment provided me by my company. I open the door of apartment and entered and oh my god what I see the beautiful apartment. the living hall it is spacious and so beautiful. to it's left side there is a large window and to the right side a kitchen with all appliances a table, wooden chairs. and then my bedroom I entered my bedroom. a big queen size bed small tea table and chair a window to it's left side and beautiful furniture and adjoining bathroom.

and also a big window from which I can see beautiful view of city.

" oh my god. wow this is really my apartment

only mine I love it very much.

I look at the clock 'Now it's 6 o' clock in the morning. I still have plenty of time to go to office.

' I will sleep for a while and then get ready to go to office. thinking this I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

after about one hour sleeping I feel fresh.I made simple breakfast for myself, while having breakfast I'm missing my family. yeah orphanage having breakfast with my friends. their chitterchatter.I'm missing them so much already. after breakfast I left for the office. today is my first day at work I'm excited and as well nervous I don't know how it will go, 'I just hope it will be good'.

today aadya is wearing a formal white shirtand blend green solid trouser. Aaradhya is a beautiful girl with hight 5.7 feet, small face, big black almond eyes, small nose, prominent cheekbones, slightly plump lips. her Raven black hair was let loose, dancing side to side with the wind. and curves at all right places with slim body, and wheatish colour of skin.

she looked at the tall building with admiration. that is almost touching thesky. the panther stood prideful as ever in platinum. " Royal king " a multinational company that had set foot in every field.

tech companies to automobile, gaming to jewellery companies, pharmaceutical to real estates. it's fierce roar could be heard inevery corner of the vast business world.

" hi I'm aadya Suryawanshi, new recruit inhr department. can you plss tell me where is hr department". she ask the receptionist.

" plss wait a sec" the receptionist said and made the call to the hr department.

" mam you you can go to 16th floor. there is a lift.

" thank you" I take the lift to the 16th floor. coming out of the lift I see there stood the hr manager a middle-aged man about 40 to 45 years old. Mr.Hendrick Anderson.

" hello sir, I'm Aaradhya Suryawanshi".

"hi Aaradhya, welcome to Royal king's and these

hr department you're going to work soon.

" thank you sir" " come I'll introduce you to other staff members and take you to your desk.

" yeah, sure". I said

" hi guys, this is Aaradhya Suryawanshi from

india, your new colleague, from today onwards

she will work with you, so cooperate with each other". everyone starts to introduce themselves

" hi I'm nina, I'm David, Mia, alice, henry.

" hi guys I'm Aaradhya. it will be my pleasure to

work with you.

" so aadya this is your desk, best luck".

" thank you sir".

" ok guys carry on with your work. saying Mr. Hendrick left from there. and i sat on my desk


"Aaradhya Suryawanshi welcome to your new life"

Saying to herself she smiles.

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