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Betrothed To Mr Playboy

Betrothed To Mr Playboy

Authoress princess


He's a pu§§yfucker,a romanticist,a playboy someone who does anything to go under girls skirt but never jokes with his studies Romeo White that's his name, all this characters I just listed are his personalities His Mum and Sister are always at his neck bent on making him get married And he hates the word called Marriage even Love sounds like Bullsh!ts to him But what happens when he finds out he got betrothed to someone? What happens when he finds out he got betrothed to a girl who attends same school with him? What happens when he finds out he got betrothed to Miss Spitfire? Can they ever stay under same roof? Will love ever prevail in this novel? Am sure you wouldn't wanna miss out...So join me through this ride!!!

Chapter 1 Romeo And Spitfire


Arrh!! Romeo"Mercury screamed as she ran into Romeo room holding a pestle

Please go away"Romeo muttered as he takes his beauty rest

You have to go to school"Mercury shouted again

I don't wanna go today just lemme alone"Romeo said sleepily”

Mercury walked to the alarm and pressed it making it ring loudly and Romeo stood up getting scared as he held his blanket tightly like a child who has gotten lost

Mercury laughed hard as she rolled on the floor still laughing so hard

Why must you be so crazy"Romeo said as he eyed her angrily throwing his blanket at her face and she returned it back to his face still laughing as she stood up

It's just a prank now go get ready for school little brother"Mercury patted his hair like a child and he pushed her hands away

Am waiting downstairs"Mercury said as she held his doorknob

Not like I will have my bath anyway"Romeo mumbled inaudibly as he returned to his bed to sleep again but it seems Mercury ears were loud enough to hear as she turned to him

What did you just say?"Mercury asked as she took slow movement holding her pestle tightly and Romeo quickly came down from the bed holding his boxer funnily

I said I will take my bath"Romeo lied fearfully

That's my sweetheart"Mercury smiled as she used the pestle to smack his head playfully before leaving his room

Oh gawd!What kind of offense did I commit for you to gimme this kinda sister and Mom"Romeo asked himself as he entered his bathroom


Where the hell is he?"Ms Maybelline asked as she served the omelette on the dining table

Just chillax Mum he's coming"Mercury smiled eating from her omelette like a hungry lion

Meanwhile, Romeo was done with his bath and now putting on his clothes before wearing his favorite color headset Blue and he took his Iphone from the bedstand before leaving his room going down the stairs

Good morning Mom"Romeo pecked her cheeks and he sat on his chair beside his Mom

What took you so long to come downstairs huh?"Ms Maybelline asked

Don't start today Mom please"Romeo groaned as he ate from his omelette

I will start today again if you don't give me a answer"Ms Maybelline fired and instantly she climb the table but it didn't shock Romeo she always does this every time

Mom just get down"Romeo muttered as he continued eating before drinking his tea just as he was about shoving another one into his mouth his Mom stepped on his food and he looked up at his Mom with a single drop of tears falling outta his eyes

Mom"He winced as he rolled on his chair like a child who they didn't give food to eat

You're turning 22 next month for fuck sake when are you getting married?"Ms Maybelline fired at him still on the table holding her waist funnily

Oboy!!!"Romeo muttered tiredly

When are you gonna stop being a playboy"Mercury yelled at him too and he held his ears from the noise as he groaned

Pu§§y is my life sissy"Romeo said and Ms Maybelline smacked his head with her slippers

Ouch!!Mom!!"Romeo winced painfully as he stood up and hurriedly ran out of the house heading towards his G-wagon parked in the garage,he inserted his car keys before driving speedily out the estate

Romeo White!!!!!

Ms Maybelline already got down from the table panting heavily

Just calm down Mom"Mercury smirked

Don't you think we should get him betrothed?"Ms Maybelline asked playing with her fingers

What!!!"Mercury eyes widened as she stared at Mom


Oh my oh my oh my !!!"Elena screamed happily as she ran into Juliet room who was busy searching for something

She's already dressed in her tomboy outfits and wearing her face cap

What do you want?"Juliet asked her

Haven't you see the headline of the day and light magazine popular Romeo White And Madelyn Marie"Elena screamed again and Juliet shoved one of her panties into her mouth making her stop shouting

Eew!! Gross 🤢!!! your dirty pants"Elena removed it from her mouth and Juliet Chuckled

It's my dream to meet Romeo White gosh I love so much he's damn cute"Elena smiled staring into space dreamily

Cute my foot"Juliet scoffed

Did you see my skateboard?"Juliet asked instead

It's with Mom, and you are just starting another new school so please stop your tomboy attitude Juliette"Elena said and Juliet pushed her aside as she head to her mom's room

Wait for me Juliette"Elena shouted like a kid though she's sixteen going after her

Mom where's my skateboard"Juliet asked as she barged into Ms Rosemary room who has just finished praying

I can't give you yet"Ms Rosemary said

Gimme my skate Mom or I'll turn this room upside down you and I know that I hate public transport"Juliet grinned

Here take it"Ms Rosemary brought it out from where she hid it

And promise me you won't cause any trouble behave like a matured nineteen years old girl in your new school"Ms Rosemary told her

Momma miss you baby"Juliet hugged her skateboard

I promise Mom I won't cause any problem unless If they asked for it though"Juliet smirked as she left the room heading towards her new school

That's girl is crazy"Ms Rosemary smiled

Hey she's my sister"Elena quickly defended her

Go get ready for school you too"Ms Rosemary pushed Luna out of the room chuckling

Romeo already reached school same as his two friends as they came down from their various cars in the parking lot and the students couldn't stop screaming

🗣️ Romeo my crush

🗣️ Giovanni please come fvck me

🗣️Have a thirst of me Romeo

🗣️Carl is so fvcking cute

Hey buddy"Giovanni shook Romeo's hand

I miss you Loml"Carl hugged Romeo blinking cutely

At least someone misses me not like my household"Romeo said and Giovanni laughed

Just then two SUV cars entered into the school premises

🗣️ It's our goddess Madelyn

🗣️Boss Madelyn is here

🗣️ She's so hot

🗣️Rhema is so cool

Some students cheered happily , Juliet just got to the school gate and immediately she opened her backpack and removed a paper which the school name was written on it and she stared at the building before skating on her skateboard entering inside the premises

Bright Way College Here I Come"She mumbled as she Continued skating going towards to the parking lot

🗣️Who the hell is she?

🗣️ She's an expert

🗣️ She's a newbie here

Hey Romeo"Madelyn waved at Romeo and his friends

Hey Lyn"Romeo called back smiling

At the restroom I'll be waiting"Madelyn smiled as she catwalk into the school building

Another pussy huh?"Carl smirked and Romeo Just chuckle

That's girl is so hot"Giovanni said and both Carl and Romeo turned to his direction to see Juliet parking her skateboard beside of the cars since it's against the rules to bring skateboard inside the classroom

Don't you think we should approach her?"Giovanni asked and Romeo walked to her first both hands in his pocket

What's he up to again?"Rhema asked as she stood beside her car watching them

Hey darling"Romeo smiled sexily and Juliet turned to him

Leave while am still nice"Juliet said and started leaving as if that wasn't enough Romeo drew her backpack making her move backward

Who the hell did you think you are?"Romeo asked her

This is getting more interesting"Carl and Giovanni laughed as they watched from their cars

Am miss spitfire get that in your useless brain idiot"Juliet yelled and spat on his eyes then she spat on his nose and his lips before spitting hugely on his canvas

Stupidest thing have ever seen"Juliet said and started going towards the main school building

He really deserve it"Rhema smiled as she left too

By now some students already entered classes since it's time for lectures and some already uploaded the drama on the school blog group since every classes has each group

#Hashtag Our Popular Model Romeo White got disgraced in Bright Way College 🙈😄

Giovanni already got close to Romeo and they started laughing hard at him as he cleaned his lips and eyes with his nose disgustingly

She really gave you your size dude"Giovanni laughed hard as he walked to the school building leaving Carl and Romeo

I love that girl swears"Carl laughed too

Are you gonna also laugh too jerk"Romeo hiccup slightly

Tough one daddy"Carl patted his shoulder lightly before leaving also still laughing so hard

Who the hell is that girl?"Romeo wondered as he stared at his expensive shoe he just bought yesterday and now it's full of spits from that girl

Oh gawd why me!!!




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