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Larisa Morello was still in college when her dad, Lucas Morello, the Capo of Chicago threw the papers that she needed to sign to automatically become the heir to the Mafia empire when he dies. She went ahead and told him that she wasn't into claiming his properties, and she was ready to make haste for herself while the sun still shines. Lucas became indignant, he forbids her from seeing the love of her life, Giovanni Texas, the best basketball player in Greece Institution. Seeing that she wasn't ready to listen and her life would be in serious danger, Lucas assigned a bodyguard who would watch her every movement and protect her from his opponents. But the question was... Is he really going to protect her or be the end of her? Angelo Costello, the former leader of Inferno, the most dangerous gangster in Italy, exiled from “Legend of Thyger” a secret association of mobsters. He came down to Chicago to hunt down for something. What was that? But in the process, he was offered a request to be the bodyguard for the Morello's family till their only daughter (Larisa) graduates from college. What happens when that was the starting of his countdown for his quest? Temptations exceeds temptations... Do you think a thief in disguise can conjoin with the Capo of Chicago, and things won't get worse to worst? What happens when things starts going from dangerous to tartarus? What happens when Larisa's life is being put to the task?





•Go Angelo!!!•

•Go Ronald!!!•

•Angelo is taking the lead!!!•

•I bet he'll also win!!!•


The screams and cheers of people filled the fighting ring as it was Angelo Vs Ronald.

The fight ended with Angelo succeeding as usual. He always gets to beat his opponent, and at times, he ends up killing them right there.

"Staí bene {Are you alright}?" Raquel suddenly ran to meet him, handling him a towel to wipe his sweaty face.

"Sí {Yeah}" His deep voice replied as he sat on a bench. Raquel was actually his female best friend, she hailed from Spain.

"Who-ooh!! Bro made it!!" Brandon and the rest rushed to him, and Angelo chuckled as he drank from his bottled water.

Angelo Costello, just as his name, was one of the best combatant when it comes to the fighting ring in Sicily. He's got the deep hazel eyes enough to make a girl go weak on her knees and those thin tempting pink lips. Apart from that, he was also a gangster and thief, the former leader of Inferno, exiled from“Legend of Thyger” in Italy. Along him was his members.

He was known as the most handsome freak in Sicily.

"Will you let go of me" He said with all seriousness and Brandon chuckled as he moved away.

Ronald suddenly walked past them. Brandon and Raquel couldn't resist the urge to laugh and Angelo smirked as he stood up and sauntered to him.

"Arrabato, fai con lomà {Take it easy, are you alright}?" He asked, referring to Ronald who turned to him with a deadly glare. Ronald Reagan was another gangster in Sicily, and just like Angelo, he's also dangerous.

The wounds and bruises on his face were as a result of the fight earlier almost made Angelo laugh but he held himself.

"You just won today Angelo. Don't expect the next one so simple" Ronald replied, and walked away.

Angelo sighed softly as he itched his long jet black hair. He had a lip ring pierced on his lower lip, giving him an hot look.

"Angelo?" Brandon suddenly called from behind him.

"Let's just go, it's running late" He replied almost immediately before walking out of the ring too.

Brandon's eyes met with Raquel's and he shrugged.

Raquel sighed softly before leaving too.



Angelo walked into his suite and the first thing he did was to lit up a cigarette as he walked over to the window.

He smoked recklessly as he watched the mobsters from downstairs.

He suddenly coughed out.

"Shit! It isn't working" He cussed, throwing the cigarette on the floor as he stepped on it. He went into his walk-in closet to change into only a towel as he came out.

Till date he wasn't used to cigarette, he'd always cough or choke whenever he tries it, and today he tried it again but still same as usual.

He pulled the band he was using to hold his hair as his hair fell out in strands, making him look like a sexy demigod. He raised his right arm up high as the mark in his arm revealed.

He smirked as he touched it. "I'll get to the bottom of this" He muttered and dropped his hand down.

He sauntered into the bathroom next.



Athena walked to and fro in the huge living room in deep thoughts as Lucas kept cussing at her every passing minutes.

"She'll return back don't worry, Lucas" She replied. Lucas who had gotten pissed off made to call out his men to go search for his daughter when Larisa walked in, laughing like a drunkard.

She missed her step and fell on Athena who caught her in time. "See, here she is!" Athena said as she walked Larisa to sit on a couch.

Larisa, the goddess had blessed her sea coloured eyes. She was the epitome of beauty. A 19 years old college student of Greece Institution. And the only daughter of Athena and Lucas Morello.

"Evening dad" Larisa greeted, and Lucas frowned. He looked so dangerous, smiling was no where near his dictionary. He doesn't show mercy even to his family.

"What's good about the night? What's good about it, Larisa!" Lucas yelled and smashed a broken bottle at her.

Larisa flinched and jumped up as she went to her mother.

"Dad, I went for the prom party in my school. We had a prom night and that's why I came back home late" She stated.

"And you left without telling me or asking for my permission!"

"Dad you were too busy. You've always been busy with your work! You always don't have time for me!" She yelled back at him, and before she knew it, his cold palm met Wu her face.

"Dad!!!!" She cried out.

"I'm doing this for you! If only your useless mother had given me a boy that would replace me other than Adam's ribs" He glared at her.

"I'm not from Adam's ribs" Larisa muttered. Athena urged her to keep shut or else he might do something to her.

"Oh yes you are" Lucas clarified and she went numb.

Lucas's right hand man suddenly rushed inside with papers in his hands, and whispered something to him before leaving again.

"These papers..." He started, throwing them at Larisa and her mother. Larisa caught it before it could fall .

She read through it and her eyes widened as she looked up at her father.

"Dad, no!!!"

"Oh, Dad yes!" Lucas replied almost immediately.

"Sign those papers to automatically become an heir to all my riches and empires before I die. You're are my only daughter who might become the next Capo of the Mafia" Lucas shared, and Larisa scoffed as tears rolled down her cheeks.

This was what she had always been scared of. She had always dreamt to become a medical doctor to save people's lives but her dad was doing the opposite.

He was actually against her saving people's lives instead of being heartless just the way he is.

"Dad I'm not signing this bull crap! This is pezzo di mèrda{a piece of shit}!" She shouted, throwing the papers on the floor.

"Can't you understand I'm doing this for your sake. I'm doing this to protect you from any danger that might come in the nearest future. I have many enemies!" He shouted at her.

Larisa scoffed, looking at her who was in support of her husband.

"Of course, you'll always side with your husband" She interrupted, and made to walk upstairs when Lucas's voice echoed.

"If you move an inch, then that'll be the end for you to stop seeing Giovanni Texas" His voice echoed.

Larisa froze on her spot immediately she heard his name. Her heart shattered into millions of pieces.

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