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Princess Bella

Princess Bella

naomi lee


She fell in love with the person she shouldn't fall in love with, and to think that she didn't believe in love in the first place. The feeling she developed would cause her alot is she willing to scarfice for love?

Chapter 1 Wedding preparation


"This one was designed by the greatest tailor at Florida made with diamonds....." The tailor tried to explain but she cut her off.


"Princess Bella at this rate we won't have a

Dress to pick for your wedding" Nami told her looking tried

"Like I want to get wedded?" Bella replied her

"Princess you don't have choice about getting married, you marry who so ever your father gives you" Nami explained

"The you should also marry who so ever your father give you" bella told her too.

"I am not a princess but you are" Nami explained again.

"Whatever, just pick anything I don't care, I have the marriage class in the afternoon, thinking about it makes me sick" she told her maid.

"So jealous that you are getting married to the most handsome prince in the entire world" Nami told her while demonstrating with her hands and also with a big smile on her face.

"Stop exaggerating, we haven't even seen him before" Bella disagreed with a frown on her face.

"But we have heard about him" her maid insisted

"And?, Nami seeing is believing" she also insisted

"What if you don't like him?" Nami ask accepting defeat.

"Like I have a choice?" She told her maid then kept quiet for a very long time.

"Pick one dress and let's return to the palace"

"Yes your highness" Nami bowed to the princesses command

"We would pick, the white gown with purple diamonds please" Nami told the tailors

"Yes ma'am" and they responded together.


While they where arranging the clothes, she walked out from the Tailor shop and looked at the large number of people working on the farm, just opposite the farm Land.

she had insisted that she wants her wedding dress done here because she thought of it as the only opportunity to leave the palace.

And she is happy that, that is now happening.

"Princess Bella let's go now, your dress would be sent to you tomorrow" Nami said as she gave little bow.

"Okay" she replied her.

She picked her gown as usual to walk, most people think that royalties picking up gown means majesty, but not in all kingdoms.

In her case the dress keeps falling to her feet and she might fall, if she step on it, and she won't want to embarrass herself by Falling down in the presence of her subject right?

She stepped into her Carriage and her maid stepped inside with her, and they started to move.

She breathed out real deep she going back to the dungeon.


Desmond watch the carriage move and let out a smile reveling his dimples.

"Why are you smiling?" His friend asked cleaning the sweat from his face

"Just saw the princesses" he responded still smiling

"Princess Bella?" His friend asked

"Yeah, didn't know that she is so beautiful" he tells him.

"I heard she is but, she is no match for you" his friend tells him pointing out the obvious

"I didn't say I was going to marry her though" he replied with the smile on his face wiping of as he remembered the reality.

"Your eyes looks like it Desmond before it gets too deep snap out of it" his friend reminded him.

"She is just so pretty" he said to him with a frown on his face still.

"You are controlling a lot of girls here in this kingdom, if you don't want to get in trouble with her father get your eyes off her, and get back to work, we need to collect our wages" his friend said got back to work

"Alright, let's get back to work"


The carriage slowly entered the palace, the further they got inside the deep her frown appeared on her face.

The palace is the last place she would want to be.

She saw the queen waiting for her in front of the palace with her maids and guards and she wondered if anything is wrong and she couldn't wait to find out.

As soon as the carriage stopped she got down and went over to her mother, with a worried look on her face.

"Mother" she called softly as walked towards her

"Welcome princess how was the dress?" Her mother said taking her daughter's hands in hers.

"We picked a beautiful one and it would be brought to the palace tomorrow for the proper inspection, Nami picked it out" she responded with smiles on her face.

"I see" her mother said

"We have a problem?" Her mother told her

"I'm not getting married again it has been cancelled?" She said in excitement

"What?!, No not that, your father decided to make your engagement to be shifted to this night?" Her mother explained in a Rush.

"This night? But why?" She asked dropping her hands from her mother's hands.

"Obviously to make your wedding a day after tomorrow" her mother said taking her hands back into her own hands.

"You didn't agree with do you?" She asked her.

"This is for the better" her mother assured her

"Mom, this isn't fair" she insisted

"Nothing is fair my dear, so we need to get you ready for your engagement this night"

"Just wake me up and tell me that this is a nightmare"

"It is reality my dear, let's go"


After working on the farm Land, Desmond and his friend rover collected their wages and made their way out of the farm land.

"Let's get some food with this I am starving" rover said as the sat down beside the barn

"Foods on me" Desmond told him.

"Sure, you are the prince, a servant won't buy food for the prince would he?" Rover told him smiling

"Shut up don't let people hear you" he said looking around.

"Your father would be really worried we have been gone for too long now" rover thought aloud worried

"Not a bother my brother is getting married so he won't have our time yet"Desmond assures him.

"We need two more workers to convey this goods to the palace were do we get them from" someone announced beside them.

"Nobody is willing to work because they say our wages are to small" another person responded

"I would go" he volunteered to those people

"What are you doing?" Rover asked trying to stop him

"No we would go, no matter the wage we would go to the palace, no matter the pay"

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