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Business On Bed

Business On Bed

naomi lee


The story about a mafia who got cheated on and got depressed, and also, the life of a therapist who needs therapy herself. They both meet and decided that love is for suckers and they decide to bring their life to the bed.

Chapter 1 Luna and Salvatore

Today is his anniversary, the anniversary of his relationship with his beloved girlfriend, Luna, but then "big boss" is on business, he never plays with his gold, with anyone.

So his girl has to Wait, she can wait and she would wait, she belongs to him already.

He smoked from his cigarettes again as he watched the man he tried down trying to catch his breath after the Hash beating he has received from the mafia boys.

He wasn't looking like a human, but then Salvatore made his beating minimal because he needed him to talk, if not..... Heavens knows what would happen.

The whole atmosphere is tensed, everyone was on their track so as not to offend big boss and get killed.

The smoke of cigarettes fill the dark room, and all the man present were on black, that's the colour of the Mafia, they were about twenty standing behind Salvatore the "big boss"

"Are you still not going to talk?" He asked him between his smoke.

"I seriously don't know anything about it, I don't know anything about the Gold". The man cried trying to get up on his feet even with his hands tied.

Salvatore laughed and stood on his feet, everyone knows what that means, another person is about to be sent to the other world, they all prefer him sitting down while doing business, him being on his feet always smelt danger.

"Big boss, Salvatore I don't know anything about it" the man started panicking.

"What about the golds found in your house?" Salvatore asked him.

"I..I...well....I... don't.. know?" He was slowly losing his breath, as he watched him walking close to him.

"You don't look like it" he gave a smirk.

He pulled out his gun and the man lied down flat,at that time he couldn't even beg for his life, he already saw death gesturing for him to cross over to the older side of the river, he already saw the angles singing a welcoming hymn for his untimely arrival.

He was about to pull the trigger when his phone rang, Salvatore had a call.

He Lower his hands and picked his call.

"Told you not to call me when am on business" he said with a low voice.

"Sorry, I just wanted to know if you are on your way home?" His girl Luna said over the phone silently.

"No not yet, I would be home around eight" Salvatore confirmed for her.

"Okay sorry Salvatore take your time" she giggled and ended the call.

He dropped his phone and looked at the man on the floor rolling about, with his whole body shaking, and his eyes losing it's soul.

"Today is your lucky day, bring all my gold by next week, if not I would be showing you what your stomach looks like." He turned around and left.

"Thank you Salvatore, thank you big boss, thank you" he started appreciating as he also watched death go in silence.


"Where are we heading to big boss" Marco his right hand man asked has he entered the car, ready to drive his boss.

"Home, today is our anniversary I need to be with her" Salvatore fasten his seatbelt.

"I thought you were going home by eight?" Marco looked at his face through the front mirror.

"Yes I was, and now I am going now, I changed my mind" He smiled looking out of the window.

"On our way big boss" Marco started the car.

"Sure drive on" He said.

He shouldn't go home empty handed but then he doesn't know what to take home for her, he has no idea of what ladies want.

"Do you know any gifts ladies would want for this day?" He asked Marco.

"No maybe flowers" The forever single guy answered.

"I get that for her every time, something unique, something so beautiful" he asked saying his mind.

"A necklace, the trending one" Marco suggested.

"Nah let's get her the most expensive diamond, I want to surprise her" He went with his suggestion, he like everything that glitters, so it is right that his beloved would also glitter.

"Sure, yes boss" Marco gave him a smile and turned the car around to go the shopping mall.


Luna picked up the two glasses of wine and headed over to the bed, she stretched her hands and gave one to the guy on the bed, who is half naked.

"What did he say?" The guy asked her as he collected the wine from her.

"He said he wouldn't be home until eight" Luna said and adjusted her night gown on the bed.

"Isn't today your anniversary" The guy asked her as he took a sip from the wine.

"Yes" Luna confirmed.

"And he is not home to celebrate it?" the guy asked happy not looking surprised.

"Well I am doing so with your right now" Luna laughed as she dropped her cup and started moving close to him.

"Do you think this right? What if he comes now?, I am dead" the guy expressed his fears through his eyes.

"He said eight, he said eight"Luan said almost shouting, frustrated on how scared he is.

"I know we should just be careful, and then what about money? When are you getting the $10billion?" The guy asked immediately he remembered about the money.

"I told you to chill I would collect it, you know that he doesn't deal with money he deals with gold and diamonds, he doesn't carry much cash" Luan explain to him.

"Let's take that then" the guy said, expressing that, that is a better solution

"Then we would be long gone, he would kill us, and feed our bodies to the birds" Luna said.

"Hmmm getting impatient" the guy complained, dropping his wine on the table.

"Same here, with that being said Let me relief your stress" Luna winkled at him and started crawling to him on the bed.

"Can you?" He opened his arms wide to welcome her

"Sure" she removed her clothes and jumped on him.

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