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City Girl in Rural Village

City Girl in Rural Village



Jena had to come to terms with the fact that she was fired from her job for trying to save herself from her client's depraved lust. With no job and no income, Jena's life in the city became miserable. Finally unable to pay the rent on her apartment in the city, Jena decides to return to her hometown village. In the village, Jena had a hard time adapting to her new, unfriendly environment. However, there was a young man in the village who stayed by her side and kept her company.

Chapter 1 Rookie Mistake

"Jena! What are you supposed to do now if we lose clients because of that careless attitude of yours?!"

"Sir, I'm not being careless. It's all the client's own doing who is desperate to fondle my feet!"

Jena couldn't stop thinking about her boss' arbitrary attitude, because she was the one who had to meet clients in the field.

Being a marketing staff at a well-known company makes Jena required to be professional at work.

"You know what our company's vision and mission are, huh?!"

Jenna rolled her eyes playfully. What is there to blame him for, isn't what he did right? Kicking the client's valuable assets.

Ah, and let's not forget Jena stomping on the client's toes in the hells shoes she usually wears.

"You're fired, Jena! You look so trivial about this! How many clients have you run away from?!"


An annoyed Jena immediately hit the table and glared at her boss, "I'm selling services here, sir. Not selling myself! So you don't need to worry, I'll gladly leave this company. You just have to send my severance pay to account. Remember, sir. Send it in full, don't corrupt anything."

After saying so scathingly to her boss, Jena immediately stepped out of the room. The sound of Hells knocking on the floor seemed to indicate that Jena was really upset.

Jena cleared all the things that were on her desk, her activities were stopped when she heard a ringing sound from her cell phone.

Jena immediately took her cell phone in her bag and saw the notification there. He stared disapprovingly because the severance pay given by his boss was so little.


Before Jena could control her emotions, a message notification from her boss came in.

[That's the severance pay available to you. It's your fault for presumptuously kicking the client's belongings.]

Actually Jena was about to protest, but she discouraged because she was lazy to get stares from her friends who were there.

Feeling that she had finished packing her things, Jena immediately rushed home.

"You old fart, because of him. I got fired," said Jena, who grumbled as she walked out of the company.

Jena was about to hide her car alarm, but her movement was stopped when someone took her car keys.

"I forgot that the facilities from the office will also be revoked. This is the car from the office, right? So this belongs to the office," said Jena's boss who immediately left Jena, who was digesting what had just happened.

"Damn old fart! Damn you!"

Jena had to sigh in disappointment because her company also had to take her favorite car. Now Jena looked around, it seemed impossible if she had to take public transportation such as buses.

Jena still has the embarrassment of doing this, Jena is quite desperate to order a taxi online from one of the service provider applications.

Jena checked her account, she wanted to make sure how much money she had left. "Damn it! Do I never leave my money every month?!"

Not long after Jena said that, a car stopped in front of her. He immediately got into the car, "You don't have to ask too many questions, sir. On point."

After hearing Jena's words, the driver immediately drove his car to the destination Jena had said earlier.

Not long after circling because the road was in the same direction, the car finally stopped at a towering building.

Jena who felt the car stop immediately stepped to get out of the car, without giving a word to the driver.

Jena entered the apartment building in a hurry, she was afraid that her rent would be collected by the receptionist.

What Jena did was not justified. But he has made late payments very often, even now he has been late paying for 2 months since his lease expired.

Of course he was always terrorized by calls from the receptionist, but he said he was abroad. After all, the receptionist wouldn't recognize him because there were so many residents in the apartment.

Jena stopped by the convenience store first to buy some bread or other ready-to-eat food to save on her daily expenses. In fact, he is willing to buy instant noodles which are usually the food he avoids the most while in this big city.

Jena took a deep breath as she entered her room. Jena sat herself on the edge of the bed, as she opened the bottle of cold drink she had bought earlier. He also opened a pack of bread for her to eat.

"Why are you so alive like this! Aish!"

Jena is annoyed because now she has no savings and the severance pay given by her boss can only support her life for 4 days.

"It's all because of that damn bastard, huh! Because he wants to abuse me, I'll be the one affected!"

Jena who felt the heat in her brain immediately decided to take a shower first, she hoped that after taking a bath her mind would be cooler.

Jena positioned her body under the shower, she enjoyed the warm water that directly touched her skin. He intends to wash his hair today because his hair already feels dry due to excessive exposure to the sun.

Jena washed her hair humming, she intended to forget her troubles for a moment and calm her brain again.

Getting fired was something that Jena had never thought about before, because it was something that was impossible because Jena always marketed her products so well.

It was her old boss who was too emotional and immediately fired Jena for kicking another heirloom. After all, Jena was only defending herself.

What are you doing washing your hair and humming, suddenly the water pouring out of the shower turns off. The shampoo that was on top of Jena's head fell and hit Jena's eyes.

Jena opened her eyes causing quite a stinging sensation in the area around her.

"Wow! It's really fun, turn off the water channel! Where does the light go out too!"

Jena, who felt pain in her eyes, looked around by narrowing her eyes to find the bathrobe she usually used after taking a shower.

Jena intends to contact the receptionist who is downstairs. After getting what he was looking for, he immediately went out of the bathroom.

In each apartment unit, a normal telephone is provided, this is to make it easier for tenants and receptionists to connect with each other.

"Damn it! I forgot when I cut my power!"

Jena seemed to have just woken up and immediately stepped out of the apartment unit. He took the elevator to get to the first floor. When the elevator doors opened, there was a group of people looking at Jena with strange looks.


Jena ignored the crowd of people staring at her. He immediately stepped out of the elevator and headed straight for the reception desk.

"Ma'am! Why have my electricity and water been cut off?" Jena asked feeling displeased with the attitude of the apartment owner.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am. But here we are also looking for money, so I just have to obey my superiors. According to the data on the computer, you have not paid your rent back even though it has been up for two months."

"Go ahead! Then I'll pay the rent."

"Sorry, Ma'am. Can't. If you want to rinse your hair, you can just use a public toilet."

Bang! "Damn it!"

Jena pounded the receptionist's desk so that the guest book flew a few inches from its place.

In the evening Jena packed her things into a suitcase. He doesn't want to go back to his hometown, his ego is still too high

On second thought to Jena, she'd be better off boarding somewhere else. The rental price for this apartment can be used for boarding costs for 5 months.

Jena got out of the elevator without looking at the receptionist who was also looking at her. Jena knew this because she glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.

Jena ordered a motorcycle taxi online. Yes, you heard that right if Jena ordered a motorcycle taxi online. He wanted to save money starting today, so he could survive in the city.

"In the name of Kak Jena?" asked the motorcycle taxi that stopped in front of Jena.

"Yes, sir. Can you put this suitcase in front or not?" Jena asked hesitantly.

"I can, sis."

After finishing with everything, Jena immediately sat in the back.

Jena took a deep breath because the hair that she spent millions caring for had to run aground due to the wind.

Jena had arrived at an area that was quite far from the main road, she deliberately looked for a rented house that was a bit far from the main road. Because if the location is strategic, it will make you have to pay quite a lot of money again.

Jena opened the door of the rented house that would now be her residence.

"How? Do you like it?"

"Eh ... um, yes, ma'am. I am with this rent."

Of course those words were filled with a tone of compulsion, even he was disgusted when he saw some of the paint peeling from its place.

"Okay, Mom. I'll just take this one, OK? Here's the money for the next two months."

Jena handed over one million rupiah worth of money. Yes, the rent that Jena rents per month is only 500 thousand. But the area that Jena lives in is close to a TPA, so the smell of garbage is always scattered every day.

Jena lay down on the hard mattress, "This really makes my body ache, not heals my body from aches."

Jena grumbled because the mattress she was on had absolutely no foam. Wanting to ask a friend for help, it feels like Jena doesn't have really good friends in this village.

"Ah, never mind. I'd better sleep, and look for work tomorrow."

Jena closed her eyes to sleep, but she was very difficult to sleep.

Even now there was a noise from outside that made Jena shudder in fear.

"Tsk! It's still evening, why am I scared?!" Jena immediately took the cell phone that was on the charger to accompany her to sleep.

In the morning, Jena, who was lazy to go out, chose to order food online. He took a deep breath because again and again, buying food online.

"This is crazy, my back really feels like it's been stepped on by an elephant. It really hurts," said Jena, who almost cried because she felt all her body hurt.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Yes, just a moment."

Jenna got up from her seat and took her two feet to open the door.

"Thank you, sir."

Jena immediately took his order and brought it right away. He opened the food he had ordered.

Jena ordered burgers, spicy chicken wings containing 6 pcs, spaghetti and also soft drinks.

"Occasionally eat like this, it won't make you bankrupt right?" Jena asked while chewing the burger that was in her mouth.

Junk food is everyday food for Jena, she can't live without instant food like that.

"Which other favors do I need to deny."

It seems that Jena has been carried away by a bad habit, namely not being self-conscious when she currently has no salary. But of course Jena didn't eat up everything she ordered, she had to save some for dinner later.

After eating, Jena scrolled through several job vacancies accounts. He intends to find work online.

Eventually, Jena fell asleep because of sleepiness. Just moments before Jena closed her eyes, the ringing of the phone startled her.


"Jena! Where have you been? Why did you disappear from the company! This is what the old fart has to find me? What will happen to me later?"

"Tsk!" Jena chuckled angrily because her division mate said, "Shelya, that's your job. You're a lackey there, so yeah... you have to obey your superiors!"

"Where are you?! While I'm in the field, I'll go to your apartment."

"I'm not there anymore, I was fired from the old proud man's office. So I'm poor now, Shelya."

"Astaga! So where are you now?! Why didn't you tell me!"

"You're not my boyfriend, why should I tell you?"

"We're friends, Jena! You really think I'm a devil, don't you!"

Jena, who didn't want to bother with it, immediately cut off the call unilaterally and sent a share of the location where she was.

[I'm here, don't be fussy anymore. Your friend is in trouble, bring me lots of food and snacks.]

Jena immediately went back to sleep after sending the message. Meanwhile, in another place, Shelya is seen returning to meet the client who was kicked by Jena yesterday.

"Yes, sir. How about it? Are you interested?"

"Sure. Of course I'm interested in your offer, as long as ... you want to spend the night in a hotel with me."

Shelya tilted her smile, "Oh, sir. I will be very happy to accompany you, but I have a condition so that you can spend the night with me."

"Okay, how?"

"Buy the product, dp first and sign this. I will be happy to accompany you afterwards."

Soft words from Shelya, made the man believe and obey Shelya's wishes. After finishing, Shelya immediately entered her files and hurriedly said goodbye.

"I'll say goodbye first," said Shelya after getting what she wanted.

Now his goal is to meet Jena, he also doesn't forget to bring some food for Jena.

Shelya followed google maps, but she was made to shudder when she arrived near Jena's rented house. "It's not Jena's fault to live here, if my friends at work know, it'll be great."

Knock knock knock!

Shelya repeatedly knocked on Jena's rented door, because the door was not immediately opened.

Jena blinked her eyes, she immediately moved when she heard a blind knock on the door.

The door opened, "Gosh, Jena! I didn't expect you to actually live here," said Shelya laughing loudly.

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