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You Are Not Alone

You Are Not Alone

Seraphic River


"I didn't allow you to sit?" "Well, you were taking too long to respond, and I don't have much time" he shrugged his shoulder at looked at the girl, who was huffing at him. "Then why ask?" her stern voice made Khizar stare intently at her, her face still had sweat drops, and red cheeks because of anger, and hair strands were waving trying to touch her face, Khizar averted his eyes. "Just a formality," he said nonchalantly. Mahtaj fisted her hand, she subsides her urge to punch the man in his face, she turns herself and sits straight, watching Hunain playing with his mother. Khizar pursed his lips at the attitude of the small girl. "My name is Khizar and yours?" Khizar has watched this girl since he came and starts running, before sitting she was playing with the kid, and the girl attracted him, therefore, when he saw her sitting on the bench, he didn't waste his time approaching her. He must know her name and if possible, have her number. However, Mahtaj was already enraged at him, so when he asked her name, she looked at him with her eyes narrowed and her expression scornful.

Chapter 1 Breakfast

The ladies of Laghari house were busy in the kitchen preparing breakfast for their husbands and children.

When Sophia asked Huma to go and ask everyone to come and sit in the dining room for breakfast.

"Yeah, aunt Sophia I'm going" Huma left the crockery she had picked to set on the table and went upstairs to call everyone.

"Sasha, Taha come on finish your food, your bus will be here soon." Zubia like other mothers of Laghari house was shouting on her children, who were busy in fighting with each other instead of having their breakfast.

Zainab, Sophia, and Zubia the daughters-in-law of Laghari house were exhausted from their morning routine, which was not an easy task for them, and usually, this time is spent shouting at their children.

"I don't get why they all never show a sense of responsibility, we have to daily call or force them out of their room, give them all their belongings in their hands, and still we have to listen if they get late" Zainab let her frustration out in front of her sister in laws.

"Exactly and they never accept they were the reason for being late" Sophia was helping them in placing the dishes on the table."

Mrs. Nuzhat was sitting on the head chair of the dining table and was watching the news, listening to her daughter in laws conversation she shook her head and pulled her chair to stand.

"It's been years and you guys still fail" she went into the lounge of her house and standing there keeping her hands on her hips, yelled at her children giving them a warning.

"In a minute I want all of you downstairs, or else I will kick you all out without giving breakfast"

People of Laghari house knew if she is saying she will kick them out without giving them food, she will do that, therefore, just a few seconds passed and the doors of every person's room opened and they all came out running toward the stairs.

It was a game of a few minutes, and the noise of the young generation of this house could be heard along with the clinking sound of crockery, Mrs. Nuzhat was having her breakfast with them, she was enjoying their chattering, right after their breakfast, the man left for their offices while young generation left for their institutes.


Heavy curtains on windows had covered the only source of natural light in this room, the room was completely dark and gave the night's look. The person laying on the bed had hidden her face in the pillow but the sound of sniffing tells that she is crying.

There was a knock on her room's door but she ignored staying in her same position, after a few seconds there was another knock on her door, this time the person didn't wait for permission and opened the door slowly peeking inside to see.

He stepped inside the room, shutting the door behind him when he saw her laying on the bed, shivering due to crying, sadness appeared in his eyes, it was painful for him to see her in this state.

He walked to her and hold her by the shoulder making her sit.

"Stop it Mahtaj, it's already been days you are crying" Mahtaj looked at him with her puffy eyes, but again tears rolled down her cheeks.

She lowered her head and was sobbing, Hadi hugged her, understanding the pain she is feeling.

"Okay, you want to cry, you think if it is the way of lessening your pain then I will not stop you. Just come downstairs and have breakfast, you have not eaten properly these days. All are waiting for you" Hadi stood and pulled her hand to make her stand too, but Mahtaj snatched her hand from his grip.

"I don't want to eat, and don't lie to me I know no one is waiting for me" She got angry at him for saying that to her.

"And I don't want to leave here, drop me at my mother's house" she rubbed her face with her hand back. Hadi was listening to her, standing at a little distance from her with the support of the wall.

He furrowed his brows at her but relaxed when he saw her crying, he falls his head back looking at the ceiling, sighing he walked to her and sat on her bed near her.

"Mahtaj listen to me, you will live here with us, with me and dad, try to make yourself get adjust to it, and about other people's behavior, ignore them," Hadi told her softly.

Mahtaj looked him in the eyes, she could see the care and sincerity in his eyes.

"This is your father's house, don't worry about what others are saying, and mom is no more, how would you live in that house alone?" Mahtaj lowered her head, her mother is no more in this world, these were the most painful words she has ever heard in her life.

Two days before when Mrs. Tania died in a car accident, Hadi went to her funeral and brought her little sister Mahtaj with him to the Paracha House, though no one in the house liked his act, he didn't care, his sister was his responsibility and he will take care of her from now on.

When Mrs. Tania died no one came from the Paracha house except her son Hadi, not even her Husband.

In these two days of her stay in this house, Mahtaj has hardly taken a few bites from the food which was served to her by the servant in her room, and she did not leave the room, Hadi was worried for her, so he sent the maid to bring her to the table but when she came alone, he was disappointed, he immediately stood from his place and went upstairs to talk to her.

When Mahtaj didn't say anything, Hadi stood from the bed and said to her.

"No come with me, let us both have our breakfast together," he said to her smiling, and went towards the door, Mahtaj wiped her tears and followed him.

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