Poetry from a fallen soul
I was stuck in darkness of the past overwhelmed with hatred and fear.
I forgot how to love and trust, and you offered me a hand out of the darkness.
I broke through the wall of sadness surrounding me and reached out to you.
I have a fragile heart that wants to be filled with love and trust.
But I could crumble at any moment. I need your strength to protect me.
I need to heal from the past and concour our future.
My voice has been silent for far to long.
My mind has been cluttered for far to long.
My heart has been cold for far to long.
My voice will be heard loud and strong.
My mind will be clear with purpose.
My heart will be loved until the end of time.
My soul has been dormant, trapped in a dark husk for so long.
Now the sun emerges, and feeds my soul.
Do I let the nutrients seep deep into my soul.
Do I let the love fill me and grow.
Do I let the frail flower whose beauty surpasses all bloom.
Or do I let the husk remain withered and dull.
Darkness and gloom permeated my past.
Sprinkles of sun would be fleeting and rare.
Violent waves crashed into the shore.
But today is different the sun is emerging strong and bright.
Do I run from the light or embrace the love and warmth it offers.
Other books by Arianrhod913