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Marriage Compromise for Revenge

Marriage Compromise for Revenge

Axzen Lox


Alexa's world is turned upside down when she is forced to marry Aldebaran, her college ex-boyfriend, in order to save her father's company. Little does she know, it's all part of Aldebaran's plan for revenge against her for the betrayal of their past love. Will Alexa be caught in a web of deceit and heartbreak? Find out in this gripping tale of love, betrayal, and revenge.

Chapter 1 First Meeting

A luxurious reunion party is currently being held on the beach. The party is intended to gather all the 2018 graduates from a prestigious campus.

Alexa is among the graduates. She attends the party wearing a luxurious and quite sexy outfit. In fact, many people are staring at her with mesmerized looks.

However, tonight Alexa doesn't seem interested in enjoying the party. She sits alone, accompanied only by a bottle of wine. When someone invites her to dance or chat, she always declines and says she wants to be alone.

"Alexa, why are you sitting here alone?"

A woman in a bright red dress approaches Alexa, then sits next to her. And Alexa doesn't shoo her away, like the others before, because the woman is her close friend.

Upon hearing the question, Alexa shakes her head.

"It's okay, I just want to sit here alone, Belle."

The woman's name is Belle. She is one of Alexa's college friends who has remained close until now.

"Hey, you're not the Alexa I know. You usually love parties and dancing. Your sexy outfit is perfect for tonight's party, and it's a shame if you just sit and do nothing here, Alexa," Belle said.

Belle also noticed that Alexa's behavior was very different tonight. As long as she had known Alexa, she had always been very active at parties. However, tonight her friend was becoming more passive and thoughtful.

Alexa refilled her glass with wine, emptying the bottle in the process.

"I don't know, Belle. I'm just not interested in doing anything tonight. This wine is enough to keep me entertained," she said.

Belle poured herself another glass of wine.

"If you're feeling like this, then there must be a problem with Cristof. Is he cheating on you again?" she asked, guessing.

As soon as she heard Cristof's name, Alexa's face contorted with anger.

"Yes, he is. He's cheating with someone new again. I'm done with him, and I won't give him another chance," Alexa replied, firm in her decision.

Alexa was a beautiful woman with a sharp mind. As the only child of a wealthy family, she had become one of the leaders in her father's company.

However, when it came to love, her luck was not on her side. Her boyfriend, Cristof, had repeatedly cheated on her despite their two-year relationship and plans to get married next year.

"I had a feeling," Belle said, trying to reassure her friend. "But it's good that you broke up with him. There are still plenty of better men out there for you, Alexa."

Alexa sighs deeply, feeling grateful for Belle's support during this tough time. Belle and Alexa share a very close friendship, and Belle knows Cristof's character and his relationship with Alexa very well.

"Oh yeah, I saw Aldebaran. He seems to have come to this party too," Belle says.

Alexa immediately turns towards Belle upon hearing the name 'Aldebaran.'

"Wait, Aldebaran came to this party?" she asks.

Belle nods her head.

"Yes, Aldebaran - your ex-boyfriend from our college days. He's even more handsome now, Alexa."

All the 2018 graduates clearly know who Aldebaran is. In their time, Aldebaran and Alexa were a couple who were highly supported by their friends. They both came from wealthy families and had equally charming looks.

Alexa's mind is being pulled back, remembering her memories when Aldebaran was still her boyfriend.

"Aldebaran came here? Is that possible?" she wonders.

"Alexa, do you still have feelings for Aldebaran? I think you're still a good match if you were to get back together," Belle says, repeating her words and bringing Alexa back from her thoughts.

Alexa doesn't respond to Belle's words. She seems reluctant to talk about her ex-boyfriend.

"I have to go to the restroom, Belle. Please wait here, I'll be back soon," Alexa said to Belle, hoping to avoid the topic of conversation.

While in the restroom, Alexa stared at her reflection in the mirror for a few minutes until she was interrupted by someone calling her name.

"Hey, Alexa?"

Alexa turned her head to see Aldebaran, her ex-boyfriend, standing near her. He looked so handsome in a navy suit and black shirt, with his hair combed back, which left Alexa quite mesmerized.

"I saw you standing in front of the mirror earlier. Are you okay?" Aldebaran asked, looking at Alexa's face.

Alexa nodded her head in response, "Yes, I'm fine. Excuse me, I have to go."

At that moment, Alexa intended to leave the restroom immediately, but Aldebaran held her wrist and made her stop.

"This is our first meeting after several years, Alexa. Don't you miss me?"

Alexa immediately turned her head towards Aldebaran. She looked surprised after hearing the question asked by her ex-lover.

However, after a few seconds, Aldebaran chuckled softly and shook his head.

"I'm kidding, Alexa. Your expression looks so serious."

Alexa released herself from Aldebaran's grip, then stepped back.

At that moment, Alexa intended to leave the restroom immediately, but Aldebaran held her wrist and stopped her.

"This is our first meeting after several years, Alexa. Don't you miss me?" he asked, looking at her with a smile.

Alexa turned her head towards Aldebaran, looking surprised after hearing the question asked by her ex-lover. However, after a few seconds, Aldebaran chuckled softly and shook his head.

"I'm kidding, Alexa. Your expression looks so serious," he said.

Alexa released herself from Aldebaran's grip and took a step back, looking unhappy with his way of speaking.

"This is our first meeting in a long time, and you shouldn't give me a bad impression, Aldebaran. We are strangers, and I don't appreciate your joke," she replied firmly.

Aldebaran approached Alexa's face, closing the distance between them.

"Okay, now I'm serious, Alexa. Answer my question, do you miss me after our breakup?" he asked again.

Frustration was clearly visible on Alexa's face. However, she couldn't avoid Aldebaran's question now. A few moments later, she was seen shaking her head firmly.

"Miss you? Absolutely not. You're not that important in my life," she replied.

Aldebaran chuckled again.

"Really? Now answer my question again. What was your reason for suddenly ending our relationship, Alexa?" he pressed.

"I have nothing to do with you anymore, so don't ask about something that's already over. I have to go and meet my friends outside. Excuse me," Alexa said, trying to leave.

However, when she tried to open the door, she realized that it was locked.

"I won't open the door until you answer my question, Alexa," Aldebaran said, turning around and walking towards her again. He held her shoulders with both hands, looking intently at her face.

Alexa felt panicked and realized she had nowhere to go to escape from Aldebaran.

"Our relationship has been over for a long time, Aldebaran. I don't want to talk about something that isn't important. I've forgotten all our memories, including the reason why I ended things with you!" she said, her face contorted with anger.

"But for me, everything isn't finished, Alexa. Our relationship isn't over yet because I never agreed to end it," Aldebaran replied, his deep gaze intense.

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