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Queen Anna

Many years ago, different beings lived on earth peacefully. Witches, Vampires, Werewolves, Demons, even Humans. But suddenly, the once peaceful world turned into chaos and they all became enemies.They created boundaries for themselves and this went on for centuries. After many years of grudge, there came a prophecy:"In a thousand years to come, a queen will be born. She will possess the power, strength and gene of all beings and will be the one to unite the world but will be mated to a human. What would happen when our queen waits for centuries without finding her mate? What happens when she finally meet him?

Chapter 1 Baby Liam

5000 Years later.

Annabelle walked into the throne room with pride, her face cold and void of expression.

Annabelle was born unique, she had purple eyes and hairs that reached her knees which she had tried cutting but grew the next day.

Every one bowed in fear and respect as she walked in. Anyone who dared to look into her face would end up choking.But behind her cold face could be seen sadness and loneliness.

Anna had been in search of her mate for thousands of years but nothing to show forth. She knew that she was mate to a human but she had gone to almost all of the human world but couldn't find her better half. But she never gave up. She had ruled the people fairly and had never failed in her duty as a queen be it a slave or a common man.

She sat on her throne and everyone greeted her in unison. She had a meeting with the leaders of each clan. She had to choose a leader to make it easier and they would come twice a month to give her feedbacks on the people's issue and grieviances.

Hours later, the meeting was over and she thought of making a visit to the mundane world.

She took off her dress and wore a jean and hoodie. She wouldn't want to attract too much attention as the humans has long forgotten that supernaturals exist. "I feel restless” Nicky her wolf growled in her head. 'Me too' her demon said. She sighed. All her beasts had been feeling restless since morning and she couldn't tell why.

She walked along the street in Los Angeles when she suddenly heard the cry of a baby. Her heart melted immediately. It was from a nearby hospital but she could hear it clearly because of her super hearing. She made herself invisible s and entered the hospital and was welcome with a pleasant smell of rose and lavender. She traced the scent to a ward and saw him. Her soulmate. Her heart began to beat faster. 'Damn! This Is the most handsome and cutest baby she had ever seen. He had blue eyes and pink lips with blonde hair. She walked closer to him and stared into his innocent eyes.

Her beast growled in excitement. Thankfully only the boy could see her. She held his hands and he smiled cutely at her and for the first time in her live Annabella smiled with tears in her eyes. Finally the time has come. She looked at his mother who was fast asleep and smiled again. She was beautiful.

She pecked his forehead and whispered 'I will protect you, I promise'

A young man came in and smiled after setting his eyes on the baby. Seems he is the father' Anna thought to herself. The mother woke up soon after and named the child Williams Alexander George.

She walked to liam and placed a necklace on his neck to mask his scent before leaving the hospital not after promising to return at exactly eighteen years because he could be in danger if his identity is exposed.

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