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Darkened desire

Darkened desire



Sophia, a reserved and ordinary woman, finds herself in a compromising situation after a one night stand with Derek, a dominant mafia member. When Sophia becomes pregnant with Derek's child, he proposes a contract marriage to protect their child and secure his position in the organization. As they navigate their dangerous world, Sophia and Derek must learn to coexist and eventually grow to care for each other. However, their complicated relationship is tested by rival gangs and secrets from Derek's past. Tension builds as their feelings deepen, culminating in a dangerous confrontation that threatens their newfound love and could tear them apart forever.

Chapter 1 Sophia:

A Night of Passion Sophia couldn't believe what she was doing. Here she was, in a dimly lit bar, sipping a drink and waiting for a complete stranger. It wasn't like her to take risks, especially not risks of this nature. She had only made the decision to come here because of the meltdown she had experienced earlier. Maybe it was all her fault, but Sophia needed to feel something other than the misery she had felt for years. As she sat there, she noticed a figure walking towards her. He was tall, easily over six feet, and had broad shoulders that stretched the fabric of his black suit.

Sophia couldn't see his face yet, but his aura screamed power. When the man finally reached her table, Sophia's breath caught in her throat. "Hello," he said in a deep, husky voice that sent shivers down her spine. Sophia found herself nodding in response. She didn't quite know what to say, but she had to admit that the man in front of her was captivating. His jawline was sharply defined, his hair was slicked back neatly, and his eyes were so dark that they felt like a bottomless pit. "I'm Derek," the man said, pulling out a chair for himself. Sophia watched as he sat down across from her. "Nice to meet you, Derek. I'm Sophia." Sophia forced a small smile. Derek simply raised an eyebrow at her. "You're not quite what I was expecting, Sophia." Sophia felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her at his words. She knew that she wasn't the typical kind of woman that would catch the interest of a man like Derek. "Oh?" Sophia's voice came out as a whisper. Derek leaned in closer, his eyes focused on her. "I was expecting a woman with more...experience. Someone who knew what they were doing." Sophia's cheeks flushed crimson at his words. She had no idea how to react to the insult. "That's not very polite," she said, her voice quivering slightly. Derek simply shrugged and motioned to the bartender to bring him a drink. Sophia sat there, feeling awkward and out of place. She was ready to leave when Derek finally spoke up again. "Don't take it personally, Sophia. I'm just used to women who are a little more...sophisticated." Derek's tone was condescending. Sophia didn't know what to say, so she simply sipped her drink in silence. She felt like crying but held her tears back. She was about to get up and leave when Derek spoke up again. "Let's get out of here," he said abruptly, pushing his chair back and standing up. Sophia hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do. A voice in her head told her that this was a bad idea, that she should just go home and forget about this night. But another part of her, the part that craved excitement and passion, told her to take the risk. "Okay," Sophia said finally, standing up herself. She followed Derek out of the bar and into the cool night air. They walked in silence for a few blocks until they reached a sleek black car parked on the street. Derek unlocked the doors and motioned for Sophia to get in. As they drove, Sophia stole glances at Derek. She couldn't get over how lean and muscular he was. It was almost intimidating. When they reached a gated house, Derek got out of the car and walked up to the intercom. After a few seconds, the gates slowly opened, and they drove through. The house was almost as intimidating as its owner a sprawling mansion that exuded luxury and power. Sophia felt a mixture of awe and trepidation as Derek led her to his bedroom. She thought about so many things, Would she regret this in the morning? But as Derek kissed her and touched her, Sophia's worries melted away. For the first time in a long time, she felt wanted and cherished. She gave herself over to the moment, forgetting everything else in the world. The next morning, Sophia woke up alone, confused and disoriented. She remembered the night before in a haze of pleasure and passion. But where was Derek? As she searched the house, she realized that he was nowhere to be found. Had he used her and left her behind? Sophia felt a lump in her throat as she put on her clothes and prepared to leave. Her heart ached with the knowledge that she would never see Derek again. But as she walked out of his house, she realized that something else had happened the night before. Something that would change her life forever

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