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Tangled Web Of Love

Tangled Web Of Love

Juliet Omek


After losing his father's company due to his father's I'll health. Well cultured,wealthy and handsome businessman Audrey is forced to sign a marriage contract with the daughter of his father's business partner, the beautiful and spoilt Vivian. Whereas he has Mandy with him, the only woman he plans to spend the rest of his live with. The only woman he has ever loved with his body, mind and soul and plans to build a future with her. Vivian Lockwood,who had always harbored a secret crush on Audrey sees this as an opportunity to finally get close to the man she has always dreamed of. However, Audrey sees it as nothing more than a business transaction and is determined to keep their relationship strictly professional. As they navigate their new life together as husband and wife, they face challenges that put their arrangement to the test. Vivian begins to discover that Audrey is not the cold-hearted businessman she once thought he was, but a caring and vulnerable man who has been hurt in the past. As they spend more time together,Audrey's can't wait to spend more time with his true lover Mandy. Vivian, on the other hand, is falling deeper in love with Audrey every day, but fears that he will never see her as anything more than a business partner. Just when they think their arrangement is coming to an end, Audrey discovers a secret that could tear them apart forever. Will they be able to overcome their differences and build a real marriage based on love and trust, or will their contract marriage come to an end, leaving them both heartbroken and alone?

Chapter 1 A Bad Day

How could you do that to me? After everything that I've done for you kelvin. After everything we've been through and now you want to break up with me kelvin! With tears in her eyes she was devastated she wasn't expecting something of that great gravity to happen to her.

Mandy and kelvin have been together in a relationship for 4 years. They've been dating since college days and even graduated together to continue their love story. Almost everyone around them were indeed jealous of their love and envied them. Some even wished to be like them, but only if they know that the four years relationship they've always looked up to is about to be broken.

Mandy, I know you won't be able to handle this, but I want you to know that I'm doing this for your own good, I love you and I've always loved you but right now we have to split things up. People change and things happen everyday, just maybe we weren't meant to be together.

As kelvin said those last words, Mandy immediately hushed him up.

Just maybe, you say, why didn't you tell me that when you were on top of me making me the best love I've ever done and caressing my breast as if you've never touched one before. Why didn't you say we weren't meant to be when you're moaning out my name late last night.

Kelvin looked down, unable to meet Mandy's eyes. "I'm sorry, Mandy. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just don't see a future for us anymore. We're going in different directions and I don't want to hold you back."

Mandy wiped away her tears and took a deep breath. "Fine, Kelvin. If that's what you really want, then go ahead and leave. But don't you dare come back begging for me to take you back when you realize what you've lost."

Kelvin nodded, his eyes still downcast. He slowly made his way to the door, turning back only once to look at Mandy. "I'm sorry," he whispered, before closing the door behind him.

Mandy fell onto her bed and cried herself out. She couldn't control her emotions anymore, so she went to a club house not too far from where she stays just to recieve fresh air of her broken life and grab some cold glass of wine.

As she entered the club house, she went straight to the bar stand and told the bar man to give her a glass of vodka, the bar man didn't hesitate to give it to her.

Hello! Young damsel, My name is Mr. Audrey, do you mind if I sit beside you as a company.

Mandy looked up to see a man in his late thirties smiling at her. She hesitated for a moment, but then nodded. "Sure, why not?"

Mr. Audrey took a seat next to her and ordered a glass of whiskey. "Rough night?" he asked, noticing the tears in her eyes.

Mandy took a sip of her vodka and looked at him. "You could say that. My boyfriend of four years just broke up with me out of nowhere."

Mr. Audrey nodded sympathetically. "I'm sorry to hear that. But sometimes, life has a funny way of taking us on unexpected journeys. Who knows, maybe this breakup is a blessing in disguise."

Mandy looked at him skeptically. "A blessing in disguise? How so?"

Mr. Audrey smiled. "Well, now you have a chance to focus on yourself and your own goals without any distractions. You never know what opportunities might come your way when you're not tied down to a relationship."

Mandy thought about his words for a moment. Maybe he had a point. She had always wanted to focus on her art but had put it on hold for her relationship with Kelvin.

"You know what, you're right. Maybe this is a chance for me to pursue my dreams and see where it takes me."

Mr. Audrey raised his glass. "To new beginnings."

Mandy smiled and clinked her glass with his. As the night went on, they talked about their passions and their goals.

As time passed, Mandy became increasingly inebriated, making it difficult for her to maintain her composure. Audrey, recognizing her condition, decided to act as a gentleman and offered to escort her home.

However, Mandy was so drunk that she could not remember her address, so Audrey instead brought her back to his apartment to spend the night.

The next morning, Mandy woke up feeling groggy and confused. She didn't remember how she got to Audrey's apartment. As she looked around, she noticed that the apartment was luxurious and opulent. She felt out of place, like she didn't belong there.

Audrey came into the room with a tray of breakfast. "Good morning, sleepyhead. I hope you slept well."

Mandy looked at him and tried to remember the events of the previous night. "I'm sorry, I don't remember much. Did we...?"

Audrey interrupted her with a chuckle. "No, we didn't do anything. You were too drunk to even stand, so I brought you back to my place to sleep it off. Don't worry, I behaved like a gentleman."

Mandy felt relieved and grateful. She didn't know what she would have done if she had woken up to a stranger in her bed.

As she ate her breakfast, Audrey explained that he had been impressed by her passion for art through the little chat they had last night at the club house and wanted to help her achieve her dreams. He offered to fund her art projects and provide her with the resources she needed to succeed.

Mandy was shocked by his generosity. She had never met anyone who was so willing to help her without expecting anything in return. But she couldn't help but wonder, why was he doing this for her?

Audrey could sense her hesitation. "I know this might seem too good to be true, but I genuinely believe in you and your talent. I want to help you because I believe you have the potential to be great."

Mandy smiled, feeling a sense of hope and excitement for the first time in a long time. Maybe this was the start of a new chapter in her life, one where she could pursue her passions and fulfil her dreams.

Little did she know, Audrey had a hidden agenda, a plot twist that would change everything.

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