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Means to love

Means to love



What do you think would happen when fernanda finds out that the man she is madly in love with has a connection with her mother's murder, would she fight for justice or let love leads.

Chapter 1 Dante family

The Dante family is an extending family and they live under same roof.

Abuela is the mother of the house, she was blessed four sons, Bruno which is the first son and his wife, a pregnant Maria jose their two sons.

Benicio the second son and his wife Florence had two sons as well.

Luciano the third son of Abuela isn't married yet, and the fourth son, Alejandro and his wife Paulina had only one kid.

Alejandro and his wife stay alone, they refused to live together with the whole.

An argument broke out in Bruno's room as he disagreed strongly on his wife ( Maria ) suspicion,

"Believe me Bruno, Luciano isn't hanging out with a good gang, I saw a gun in his wardrobe the other day and lately he doesn't come back home early" Maria explained seriously.

"Enough of the agreement, you maybe seeing things, I remembered sneaking back with you to confirm what you saw but there was no gun in his possession, Maria I want to believe you but this doesn't make sense if we base our suspicion on what you are saying"

"Luciano is my brother and the most trustworthy member of this family, He's is only grieving over his late fiancee nothing more that's why he stays out late, honey I would like the idea of you not saying anyone about this, it would only make mother worried" Bruno requested.

Why can't you believe me Bruno? I would never say anything that would ruin Luciano's image if not the truth so why are you finding it hard to believe your wife?" Maria shouted seriously and her water broke.

"Honey are you okay?" Bruno asked as he went closer to help her sit.

"Bruno I think the baby.... "Maria pushed bitting her lips hard as she felt so much pain.

"Mum!" Bruno shouted holding her wife's hand.

" Mum! Florence! Maria needs your help" Bruno shouted helping her up so they could head to the sitting room

Fred ran into his parent's room..

Fred is Bruno and Maria's first child, he's seven years old and his younger brother Fernand is four years old.

"Mum!" Fred called out as he held his mother's hand.

"Fred you have to take care of Fernand when your mum and I are not home,you have to look after him" Bruno instructed.

"Maria are you okay?" Abuela asked nervously as they all head out of the sitting room.

"Bruno where are you car keys?

"I have it with me" Bruno said.

"Leave it to us Bruno, go get the car started" Florence cut in sharply and they helped Maria into the car.

"Bruno hurry, Maria can't hold up for too long" Abuela said anxiously as Maria screamed in pain.

Running around anxiously as all the Dante family with pregnant Maria jose.

"What are you looking at? Can't you see she is in so much pain" Benicio shouted at one of the nurses and swiftly she called for help with a stretcher along side her.

Hours later......

"They are taking long in there, do you think everything is alright? Florence asked worriedly.

"What are you saying Florence? You know this isn't the right time to talk about jinxed words. Maria is fine" Abuela said.

The doctor came out of the delivery room removing his nose mask, he was sweating all over.

"Doctor how is my wife doing?" Bruno asked curiously as he rushed to the doctor.

"Congratulations Mr Dante, it's a girl, both the mother and baby are fine" The doctor said smiling and the baby cry was heard.

"Thank so much doctor" the whole family choruses in excitement.

"Congratulations Bruno" Abuela said as she hugged him.

"Lucky Maria, she got blessed with a girl this time around, congratulations Bruno" Florence said with a wide smile

"we've got a princess in the house, congratulations bro" Benicio shouted excitedly and Bruno couldn't help but smile through.

"Thank you so much, we finally have a princess in the house" Bruno smiled.

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