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Finally, Coralline and Damon got married after all the struggles they passed through together. After overcoming all the obtacles, they finally got married and started their own family. The question now is are all the problems really over as they had thought? How will the couple survive when their enemies are closer to them than they think? What happens when an old nemesis comes back to haunt them?

Chapter 1 In the labour room



Coralline's POV

(In the labour room)

'Push ma'am, you need to push.'

I could hear the doctor and nurses ordering me. I felt like clawing out their eyes with my nails.

They think it's easy that is why they are ordering me around like this.

Still I tried my best to push but the excruciating pain I felt made me stop. Then I turned to Damon who was standing beside me and holding my hands. He looked really nervous with beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

'Damon, I can't do this. I am going to die if I continue and the baby will too. I can't do this anymore Damon. I am tired.' l said with tears streaming down my face.

'You won't die. Nothing will happen to you and the baby. You just have to push a little harder babe. We are almost there. Just a little more.' He said.

Damon's words of encouragement helped me and I pushed with all my might. Just then, I heard the cry of a baby. Is it finally out?

'You did great Ma'am. It's a boy.' I heard the doctor saying but I didn't reply him.

I was staring at the bloodied baby in his hands.

'Can I hold him?' I finally asked.

'Sure.' He said handing over the baby carefully to me.

I looked at the baby in my hands and my eyes were filled with excitement.

Happiness was bubbling inside of me and I felt like I could cry any moment from now. I have finally put to birth. It felt so unreal.

'It is real.' Damon said like he read my mind.

'Good job baby.' He said and pecked my forehead while smiling.

'Sorry to break the family moment but we need to take the baby for a clean up.' One of the nurses said.

I was reluctant at first, I didn't want to part ways with my baby but I had to let go.

The nurse took the baby and left.

I was rolled into a maternity ward with the help of a stretcher after the nurses cleaned me up. Damon was trailing beside me. I didn't fail to notice the happiness in his eyes i chuckled inwardly.

I was placed on a bed in the ward. I looked around but couldn't find any other person except me and Damon.

'It's a private ward.' Damon said like he knew what I wanted to ask.

'Ok.' l replied.

This is how it has always been since l got married to Damon about eight months ago.

I have been living a life of luxury with Damon spoiling me with his wealth.

It still feels like it was yesterday l got married to him. Our wedding was the talk of the whole city at that time.

Everyone wanted to know who the lucky wife of the famous business tycoon Damon Gonzales was.

Now that I think about it again, I couldn't help but be happy. Have you ever imagined passing through ups and downs just to be with the one that you love? Definitely not.

But that was my life. After being betrayed by my ex fiance and my ex best friend, finding out that my ex fiancee's father is responsible for the demise of my mother, having an ex best friend that was hell bent on making me miserable and the list goes on.

Now that l think about it, I realize that I've been through a lot but it was all worth it. It was all a blessing in disguise.

If they hadn't betrayed me, I would have still been living in the dark. I wouldn't have this handsome husband and a unique baby.

I stared at my son that was lying in the cot and couldn't stop the smile that was forming on my lips.

'What are you thinking about? 'Damon asked bringing me out of my reverie.

'I'm just thinking about how blessed I am to have you both.' I said smiling.

'The thoughts are mutual.' Damon said

'What are we going to name him?' I suddenly asked.

We promised each other not to plan any names for the child until it was born. I know it sounds weird but that was our plan.

We didn't even check the baby's gender at first because we wanted to surprise ourselves.

'I thought you would never ask.' Damon said.

'We should name him Victor because he came as a blessing to us after all the obstacles we faced even when he was still in your womb. He's a really strong kid.' Damon suggested while looking at me and waiting for my response.

I nodded in affirmative after staring at him thoughfully for a while.

'Victor Gonzales he is then.' I said smiling.

'Victor Silas Gonzales.' Damon corrected.

Silas, my father's name.

I heard voices disturbing my sleep so I opened my eyes to see who it was. When I opened my eyes I saw three pairs of eyes staring down at mine with smiles tugging at the corner of their lips.

'Congratulations.' They said. It was my Dad, Monica and Sophie. I was happy that they all came to visit me at the hospital.

I stared at my father and he looked like he would cry any moment from now. He lifted the baby from the cot and stared at him in admiration.

'What is his name?' He asked.

'Victor. Victor silas Gonzales.' I said smiling.

That did it. All the tears he was holding in fell freely. 'If your mom was still alive, she would be really happy to witness this moment'. He said.

'Dad, don't ruin the moment. This is a time for us to be happy not think about the past. I'm sure if mom was still alive, she would want you to move on.' I consoled.

'You're right. I should be happy for you instead. Congratulations again. I can't believe I'm a grandpa now.' He said happily.

'Me neither.' I replied.

'You both are so immersed in your moment that you forgot about us.' Sophie stated which made me turn towards her and Monica.

'And you should also know that you aren't supposed to ruin the moment.' l retorted back, earning a glare from her.

'Whatever.' She grumbled under her breath.

Dad and l chuckled at her childish behaviour.

'Congratulations sis.' Monica said and I smiled at her in response.

'Where's Damon?' I asked when I noticed he wasn't in the room.

'He went out to get you some food.' Sophie replied.

'Okay.' I said and laid back on the bed.



I was finally discharged from the hospital and Damon drove us home.

I went upstairs to our room and placed Victor in his baby cot.

He cooed softly when my warmth left his. I smiled at his adorable face and decided to take a bath.

I stripped off my clothes and went into the bathroom. I put on the shower and let the water cascade down my body. It felt really good.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands wrap around my body. I knew it was Damon and smiled. His hot naked body was pressed against mine and I could feel the hardness of his manhood on my ass.

'How about we save water?' He asked huskilly.

I felt tingly because his breath was fanning my neck.

'Hmmm??' He hummed and pecked my neck.

I turned around and kissed him deeply while wrapping my arms around his neck. He chuckled and kissed me back with both our tongues fighting for dominance.

He won easily and lifted me with my legs wrapped tightly around his waist. We continued making out until we were done bathing.

I put on my nightdress and carried Victor from his cot because he was crying. Maybe he's hungry.

I placed him on my lap and put one of my breast in his mouth. He kept quiet immediately and started sucking like his life depended on it. He was really hungry.

Damon chuckled deeply when he saw the screen.

'I can't believe that was the reason he wanted to tear down this house.' He said stroking Victor's cheeks. I smiled at his statement.

'I can't believe those used to be mine, now I have to be sharing them with another man.' He suddenly said.

I stared at him in confusion, but understood him when I saw him staring at my boobs. My face flushed bashfully.

'Pervert.' I said.

'I'm a pervert only for you babe.' He teased making my face grow hot. What a happy family I'm blessed with.


Coralline's POV

We were all currently in my father's house. We were celebrating the new years eve. Damon, little Victor, Dad, Monica and I were celebrating it together.

Victor was playing with dad and Damon while Sophie and I were cooking in the kitchen. We were done and served the food on the dinning.

'Food is ready.' I said and they came to the dinning.

Victor struggled to sit on the chair beside me but couldn't because of his height. I chuckled inwardly.

'Should I help you baby?' I asked him.

'No mummy, I can do it myself. I'm a strong boy like grandpa always says' He said flexing his invincible muscles.

Everyone burst out laughing because of his gestures.

After several attempts, he finally managed to sit on the seat without any help. He smiled victoriously after achieving his aim.

Life had been really good to us for the past three years. Victor started walking after he clocked one and his first words were 'mama'.

Damon was obviously jealous and he didn't talk to us for hours. He is really childish, he still is.

Victor has started schooling but still in the kindergarten class.

'Alright, let's pray.' Dad said bringing me out of my reverie.

He prayed and we ate the food while gisting happily.

When we were done, we decided to watch a movie. I took the remote and flipped though the channels in search for the perfect show.

Just then, something in a news station caught my eyes. It was about the fight that happened in NY city prison.

It was about Jake Humphrey, Monica's father.

It read that he passed away in the cell due to the fight that occurred between inmates in the prison.

Just then, l heard gasps. I turned to see Monica's unconscious body on the floor.

She had slumped!!!!

Coralline's POV

It all came as a shock to me. Damon was quick enough to catch her before she landed on the floor. He carried her up.

'Let's take her to the hospital' my dad said.

I carried Victor and trailed behind them as they took her to the car. We settled inside the car and Damon drove off.

When we got to the hospital, nurses quickly attended to us because Damon was there. They placed her on a stretcher and took her to an operating room. I followed them closely with tears blinding my eyes, but a nurse stopped me.

'You can't go in there ma'am she said.

'No, let me go. I want to see how she's doing.' I said trying to struggle out of her grip.

'No you can't ma'am. You have to wait out here' she explained but I wasn't having it.

'Baby, calm down. She'll be alright. Just wait outside' I heard Damon's soothing voice and I calmed down immediately.

He took Victor from me and gave him to my father, then he took my hands and led me to a chair.

'Sit' he urged and I complied.

'Everything will be alright okay, you don't have to worry baby.' He said while stroking my head camly.

'I noded my head and tried to remain calm.

About twenty minutes later, the door to the operating room opened and the doctor in charge came out. I rushed towards him immediately.

'What's wrong with her doctor? 'I asked him.

'She's doing okay. She just passed out due to shock'. He said.

The door to the operating room opened again and Monica was pushed out with a stretcher by some nurse. They took her to a ward. I sat down on the chair close to her bed and studied her carefully. Her face was very pale and her lips look chapped.

I felt bitter in my heart. First it was her mom, then John and now her father. Why are all these happening to only her? She doesn't have to go through all these misfortunes.

She was just born into the wrong family and has to live with that for the rest of her life. I'm so sorry Monica.

Finally, her eyes fluttered open. She looked around probably not recognizing her surroundings.

'Monica' I called snd her eyes settled on mine. Her bright and clear eyes were filled with unshed tears.

'Coralline, the news... Is it true? Is my father really dead?' She asked staring at me.

I stared back at her not knowing what to say.

Monica's POV

I looked at her dead in the eye but she didn't reply me. I sighed bitterly.

'So he's actually dead?' I asked but she still kept quiet.

Gradually, the tears I've veen trying to hold fell freely. He's gone too. My father is dead.

No matter what crime he had committed, l was willing to forgive him because he's the only family l gave left. But now he's gone.

Coralline wrapped her arms around me and I held her tightly while sobbing hard.



I stared intently at the coffin that was being carried into the crave by the undertakers. He's finally six feet underneath the crust.

Who knew that the powerful Jake Humphrey would go down like this. What sort of ill fate is this?

Why are all these happening to only me?

'Don't worry Monica, all these will soon pass as well' Coralline said patting my back on a way of consoling me.

Yeah, she's right. All these will pass. But I'll still have to live with the scar of being a murderer's daughter for the rest of my life.

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