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Little Miss "M"

Little Miss "M"



This short story is about a little who likes to do what she wants

Chapter 1 The first step

Hii! everybody,my name is Matilda but my friends calls me little Miss "M".It all began when I was a little girl,I was very smart,upright and a cool little girl .I was the best in primary school at that time ,I was known by every student in my school because of how bright,smart and bold I was everyone liked me and always wanted to be my friend.I got good grades throughout my years in primary school,I represented my school in different academic and social competition.At the age of eight(8),I was done with my primary education and proceeding to the next level of my academic life.

I gained admission into a very prestige secondary school.My school was among the best citadel of knowledge.Everything began when I joined admission into the school has a young and naive,at a young age I started to live and do things independently because I was in the boarding school.

My first in the junior secondary school was hell because I was been bullied and beaten by my classmates and seniors because I was scared and afraid of them,but some of my classmates who had siblings were not bullied because they knew their ways around the hostel.I was really bullied in the hostel but I made sure it never affected me academically.By then I realized school was not by having only good grades.

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