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Leila is a Nigerian girl, who moves to the United States to further her education and achieve her dreams. On the line, she gets tangled up with Liam, a boy who has been broken from childhood. The Tangles between two causes a huge turn in their lives.

Chapter 1 ONE


"Leila we are running late already!” My mum exclaimed as she stood impatiently in my room.

“Mum the flight is by eleven stop exaggerating” I hissed as I moved to the wardrobe and brought out along coat.

“So? the time runs fast Leila, it's 6am now, but trust me with a blink of your own eyes the time it's gonna fly and you are going to miss your flight”.

“Mum can you stop nagging already” I immediately regretted what I said when I turned and saw my mum's expression. Her eyes held surprise but her body was ready to pounce on me.

“it was a slip of the tongue” I corrected myself quickly and paused my lips in a thin line hoping she didn't take my words to heart. “let’s pray”

My eyes widened at her words as I watched her walk to my bed side, she knelt down beside my bed and motioned for me to do the same, I guess this was the reason she wanted me to get ready early.

“close your eyes Leila, don’t let the enemy use you I’m already annoyed right now” I did as she asked and we began our prayers. I received her blessings, even though I’m not a strong Christian like my mum, I never kept quiet when I heard prayers.

Immediately we were done she continued her nagging, I couldn’t even digest my food properly as she was always rushing me.

We finally left for the airport and luckily the road was free. I believed the lord’s blessings were already working for me, because if there was a go slow my mum would have probably pulled out my ears.

By the time we got to the airport there was still enough time before my flight as it was just past seven. My mum had suggested we take my luggage in to weigh and get my ticket but I refused causing me to earn lots of scolding but I held on to my decision. Sitting in the car was already enough embarrassment. I didn’t want to go inside the airport and watch people leave way ahead of me.

“mum I don’t understand, are you not supposed to delay so I would miss my flight and stay back with you?”

“And waste my money, not happening” I sighed, I was already missing my mum but I guess it was a one sided feeling.

Just like my mum said time flew by and I was beginning to offload my luggage with the help of a security man. The luggage were taken inside the airport building for security check. I held on to my ticket tightly as we moved on to the boarding gate.

My mum held me back as we neared the boarding gate. “Leila I know I’ve said this countless times but I have to remind you, you know you don’t have a father, it’s just you and I, so please stay away from things that would kill you because what kills you is going to kill me, you are my daughter Leila and whatever affects you would affect me, don’t hurt yourself and don’t let anyone hurt you. You have to take care of yourself is just you now, mummy is not going to be there with you so take care of yourself dear hmm?”

My eyes began to water from her words I squeezed my mum into a hug and I could hear her sniffle. “l’ll miss you love I’ll miss you so much”. I was excited to study abroad but the thought of leaving my mum alone was devastating, there was no body at home to keep her company she’s probably going to seat in the dinning and eat alone. I cried in my mum’s arms and didn’t care about who was looking at me.

“It’s time dear” she loosed her arms around me and pulled me out of the hug. I nodded and wiped my eyes as I began to walk away I kept on looking back at my mum who waved at me with tears in her eyes until I was passed the boarding gate.

Eventually it was time for departure, I strolled to my sit which was close to the window. I settled myself and quickly fastened my belt. It wasn’t long before an elderly man sat beside me. I greeted him which he replied with a smile. Everyone had began to settle down, and the pre-flight announcement was on. Sounds of fastening belt filled the aircraft as everyone obeyed the flight attendant.

“So that was you mother huh?”

I turned to the man in confusion. “the woman you were hugging”

“Yes” I answered, it hasn’t been up to an hour but I already felt weird around this man. He seemed somewhat familiar to me but he looked creepy.

“So what are you going to do in Brooklyn?” His gaze were still on the flight attendant and I wondered if he was listening to what she was saying. “to study” I shifted my gaze to the window as the aircraft began moving on ground. “nice, Brooklyn college I guess” “yes”.

“I came to seal a business deal you know, but I was hit with my past today”. I didn’t reply him, I wasn’t in the mood of talking with anyone as I was still feeling emotional. The man noticed I wasn’t interested in talking and thankfully he didn’t try to bring up another conversation.


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