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My Dominant Lover(CEO)

My Dominant Lover(CEO)



Ângela Rodrigues Jones, a beautiful and elegant 27-year-old woman, businesswoman, owner of a famous (clothes, shoes, accessories) store, married for 5 years to Robson Jones, a 33-year-old judge who together has a daughter, Clara Jones of 4 years. Angela and Robson's marriage is not in a better phase. And Ângela sees her life take a big turn and get out of her control when she bumps into a party at a club with Leon Escobar, CEO of a famous company, one of the most eligible bachelors in Los Angeles, a handsome 32-year-old man and with a well-structured body. Want to know more ? Don't waste time, come and embark on this journey.

Chapter 1 1

"Clara, don't run!-I scream going down the stairs

"Yes, mom.-he says walking very slowly, making me laugh, we walk to the kitchen

"Good morning, Aunt!-Clara says, sitting down

"Good morning my love !

Good morning, ma'am!-Joana, the secretary here at home speaks

"Good morning, Joana!" I say, sitting down, we drink our coffee, then I help Clara brush her teeth, I take her backpack, we leave the house, I open the car. the door, I get in the car and start it. I put on some children's songs that she likes and she hums the whole way, my daughter is so sweet. Very pretty, she looks more like Robson, but the little green eyes are mine.

I stop the car in front of her little school, get out, open the door for her and help her out, we enter the school hand in hand

"Good morning, teacher!-Clara speaks with that sweet childish way

"Good morning, Clara! You can come in.-the teacher says and she waves to me and enters the room

"Hi, teacher! See you later.- I say

"See you later!"

I walk to my car, get in and start heading towards my store, from Clara's school to the store it's not very far, it takes me about 10 minutes to reach the store.

I park the car and go into the store, which is already open, it's a very large store, and thank God, very well known.

I greet the employees and go to my office, see what's missing from the store, talk to suppliers, sign sales contracts, sort out advertising issues, etc. That's been my job, I don't need to be in the store every day.

I hear my cell phone ring, I see on the screen that it's Manuella, my best friend and the only friend I have.

Call on:

"Hi Manu!-I say

"Hi honey, how are you ?

"I am good and you ?

"I'm fine, it doesn't convince me. It's your wedding, isn't it?

"That's right.-snort.-It's pretty difficult.

"How boring! We have a party to go to today, so you can have some fun.

"I don't know.-I say a little discouraged

"Come on, please, please!-begs, typical of her

"Okay!-I say and hear her jump and scream on the other side of the line

"Good, you won't regret it.

"I hope so, now I have to get back to work.

"Kisses !

closed call

I keep working until lunchtime, there's a cafeteria here that I bought so we don't have to spend money on lunch, the employees and I eat there.

I pack my things and head towards the snack bar, place my order, look for a table, sit down and have lunch.


I met Robson 6 years ago, I'm Brazilian and I went to Los Angeles to study and ended up staying here. Robson is from here, we dated for 2 years, everything was a bed of roses, I was madly in love with him and he with me, we decided to get married in the 2nd year of dating, after 1 month of marriage I found out I was pregnant, me and Robson we were too happy, it was our dream to be parents.

Clara was born, our greatest blessing and joy. All these years have passed and a lot has changed, Robson is no longer that loving, attentive husband, now he's always busy with work and doesn't have time for me, I've talked to them countless times but it's no use, he doesn't changes. He's been a great dad, I have nothing to complain about in that regard.

It's been a while since we've had that intimacy, that of husband and wife, I don't know what to do anymore. I think our relationship has cooled down.

My cell phone vibrates, it's a message from Robson saying he's taking Clara to spend the weekend at her parents' house. I just say "Okay".

I get home, it's 5 o'clock in the afternoon, I go up to my room, take off my shoes and clothes and put on more comfortable clothes, I go downstairs, prepare a sandwich, get some grape juice, sit on the kitchen counter and as.

I lie down on the couch and my cell phone vibrates, it's a message from Manuella saying she'll be by in two hours to pick me up. I immediately get up from the sofa and run up the stairs to my room, I forbid Clara and I keep doing it, but only when she's not there lol. I take off my clothes, go into the bathroom and take a 10-minute shower, come out wrapped in a towel, moisturize my skin and start putting on my makeup, I opt for nighttime makeup, I smile with the result, I look beautiful. I wave the ends of my hair, I walk to the closet, I opt for a red dress that outlines my body, a little above the knee, with a plunging back, on my feet I wear black 15 high heels, I apply red lipstick on my mouth, apply perfume, grab a black Prada bag, put mydocuments, money, lipstick and I go downstairs already hearing Manuella honking, turn off the lights, lock the door and put the keys in my bag.

I walk to Manu's car, entering it

-You are very cute friend!-Manu says smiling

"Thank you, you too.- I say and the same one at the departure, the journey from my house to the club, is done in a lively conversation. And yes, the party will be at a club, private of course.

"We're here!-Manu yells parking the car, you can hear the noise of music coming from inside. Manu opens her bag and hands me an entry bracelet, I put it on my left wrist and get out of the car.

We walk to the entrance, which is immediately released to us, we walk to the VIP area and sit down at one of the tables, soon the waiter appears with a tray of champagne glasses, I take one, Manu too.

"A toast!- I say and we toast, then I take a sip of my champagne which is delicious

"French champagne.-Manu says smiling and I smile too. And funk music starts to play, I get up pulling Manu to the dance floor."Go, show these gringas how it's done."he speaks in my ear making me laugh, I sway my body to the beat of the music, starting to roll and bounce all the way down.

"I need a drink.- I say taking another glass and pouring all the liquid into my mouth and leaving the glass on the tray."

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