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Pages of Destiny

Pages of Destiny



In this love story, Shanaya, a passionate reader of BL novels, finds herself captivated by a mysterious boy she frequently encounters at the library. Despite never knowing his name, she becomes infatuated with him, and their silent interactions become the highlight of her days.

Chapter 1 Story of fate

Hello, my name is Shanaya. I am an avid reader, particularly of romance novels. Today, as usual, I found myself immersed in a beautiful BL (Boys' Love) novel at the library. Yes, I'm a big fan of BL, even though I'm not a lesbian. I'm what you would call a full-time fujoshi.

While I was lost in the pages of the book, my phone suddenly vibrated, interrupting my blissful reading. It was a message from my brother, asking me to borrow a book from the library for his assignment. I sighed and put my book aside, grabbed my bag, and headed towards the computer section where the book was located.

As I searched for the book, carefully placing others back on the shelves, I noticed a boy sitting and reading the very book I was looking for. What luck! I patiently waited for him to finish.

Finally, he reached the last page and placed the book back on the table. I seized the opportunity and approached him, knocking on the table to get his attention. When he looked up, my heart skipped a beat. His eyes were captivating, but he had an air of seriousness, resembling a villain from a movie rather than a hero. Nevertheless, I mustered the courage to ask if I could borrow the book once he was done.

"Hmmm," was his short reply.

Undeterred by his lack of enthusiasm, I took the book and made a quick U-turn, trying not to let his aloofness affect me.

The next day, I found myself wandering through the library again, browsing through the new book arrivals. To my surprise, I spotted the boy engrossed in his own work. I couldn't help but steal glances at him, just as I couldn't tear my eyes away from the books I so adored.

It was clear that he was out of my league. Lost in my own world of BL stories, I continued my routine library visits from 2 to 7 pm. Every day, I caught glimpses of the boy, though I doubted he noticed me. Yet, seeing him was enough to satisfy me for now.

Occasionally, I had to borrow books my brother had read for his work, and more often than not, they coincidentally happened to be the same books the boy was reading. Despite spending so much time in the library together, I still didn't know his name.

Months went by, and the boy remained the only constant in my life. We had established a silent understanding, sharing a particular section of the library. While we didn't sit at the same table, being in proximity to him was enough to make me content.

A year had passed, and I still didn't know his name. But today, I arrived at the library early, hoping to catch more glimpses of him. After waiting for an hour, he still hadn't shown up. Uncharacteristically, he was always there by this time. I tried to push away my concerns and focused on my book instead.

As hours went by and he still didn't appear, worry filled my heart. I couldn't help but miss him more and more. I waited until the library closed, hoping he would suddenly appear, but he didn't show up that day.

Days turned into a week, and he remained absent. I couldn't shake off the sadness that consumed me. How could I explain to my friends why I felt so down when they didn't even know that I was missing someone whose name I didn't even know?

Finally, on a Monday, after ten consecutive days of his absence, I saw him walking towards the library. Relief washed over me, and tears welled up in my eyes. For the first time, he looked directly into my eyes.

I couldn't tear my gaze away from him, and without thinking, I ran towards him and enveloped him in a tight hug. I had missed him so much, and all the questions flooded out of my mouth.

"Where were you these days? Why didn't you let me know you weren't going to come?"

Repeating the questions over and over, I clung to him while he stood there, returning the embrace and trying to console me.

"Due to some unexpected work, I had to go to Japan. I thought it would only take a couple of days, but the workload was heavier than I anticipated, so it took me ten days," he explained.

"But... but you could have told me in advance that you were going," I choked out between my emotions. "Why didn't you tell me? Why?"

He looked at me with understanding in his eyes and gently replied, "I don't have your contact information. I don't even know your name, how could I have let you know? I'm sorry."

In that moment, I realized we were still strangers, and he had no obligation to inform me about his plans. My emotions had run wild, forgetting the boundaries between us.

"Sorry... My emotions got the best of me," I murmured, feeling embarrassed by my outburst.

He hushed me, cupping my face in his hands, and offered a reassuring smile. Then, he pulled out his phone from his pocket and handed it to me. Confusion filled my mind as I wondered what he wanted me to do with it.

"It's for your number," he said simply.

I gasped, shock plastered on my face. He wanted my number? My trembling fingers took hold of his phone, and I entered my number into his contacts. He pressed the call button, and my phone immediately rang, indicating that he had saved my number.

Returning the smile, he held my face gently and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. I couldn't believe it. This moment felt surreal. We held each other tightly again, as if we were afraid to let go. Time seemed to stand still.

When we finally pulled apart, it was already evening, and the library was preparing to close for the day. Reluctantly, we released each other's embrace, but our eyes remained locked.

"Maybe we should go," he suggested softly. "The library is closing."

Reluctantly, I nodded. "Okay."

Hand in hand, we walked together towards the library's exit until we reached the bus stand. Our fingers remained intertwined, providing a comforting connection between us.

"Goodbye," he said, his voice filled with longing.

"Goodbye," I replied, not wanting this magical moment to end.

We finally let go of each other, and as I took my seat on the bus, I replayed the precious moments we shared in the library. It felt like a dream, and I didn't want to wake up.

As I prepared for sleep that night, my phone vibrated with a message from an unknown number. Curiosity piqued, I immediately called the number.

"Hmm?" came the familiar voice on the other end.

"Hmm... Goodnight, sweets," I said softly.

He chuckled. "You made it home, huh?"

"Yes," I replied, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

"Shanaya, I love you," he confessed, his words washing over me like a gentle breeze.

"I love you too," I replied, feeling my heart swell with happiness.

And just like that, our love story began, ignited by chance encounters in the library and fueled by an unspoken connection.

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