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Pages of Destiny

Pages of Destiny

Author: Sinu_yy

Chapter 1 Story of fate

Word Count: 1211    |    Released on: 16/06/2023

sual, I found myself immersed in a beautiful BL (Boys' Love) novel at the library. Yes, I'm

t was a message from my brother, asking me to borrow a book from the library for his assignment. I sighed

e shelves, I noticed a boy sitting and reading the very book I

ble to get his attention. When he looked up, my heart skipped a beat. His eyes were captivating, but he had an air of seriousness, resem

as his sh

took the book and made a quick U-turn, t

book arrivals. To my surprise, I spotted the boy engrossed in his own work. I couldn't help

inued my routine library visits from 2 to 7 pm. Every day, I caught glimpses of the b

n than not, they coincidentally happened to be the same books the boy was reading.

ed a silent understanding, sharing a particular section of the library. While we di

to catch more glimpses of him. After waiting for an hour, he still hadn't shown up. Uncharacteristica

couldn't help but miss him more and more. I waited until the library c

ss that consumed me. How could I explain to my friends why I felt so down when

him walking towards the library. Relief washed over me, and tears wel

I ran towards him and enveloped him in a tight hug. I had mis

Why didn't you let me know

clung to him while he stood there, return

it would only take a couple of days, but the workload was heav

e that you were going," I choked out between

eplied, "I don't have your contact information. I don't eve

he had no obligation to inform me about his plans. My em

best of me," I murmured, feeli

ile. Then, he pulled out his phone from his pocket and handed it to me.

r number," he

ook hold of his phone, and I entered my number into his contacts. He pressed the

rehead. I couldn't believe it. This moment felt surreal. We held each other

e library was preparing to close for the day. Reluctantly, w

he suggested softly. "

y, I nodde

it until we reached the bus stand. Our fingers remained i

id, his voice fi

, not wanting this m

the bus, I replayed the precious moments we shared in the

brated with a message from an unknown number. C

familiar voice o

ght, sweets,"

"You made i

smile tugging at the

nfessed, his words washing o

plied, feeling my hear

ignited by chance encounters in the libr

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