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Ana, at the age of 25, was a figure of delicate beauty and innocence. Her petite frame and attractive appearance sharply contrast her professional demeanor and meticulousness at work. She served as the private assistant and right hand of Mr. David. On the other hand, Max was a stern and aloof 30-year-old director who instilled fear in his employees. He could have been more approachable with his handsome looks and masculine aura. Women didn't pique his interest; he viewed them as insincere, troublesome, and annoying. He once harbored a genuine affection for an older woman, but that romance had scarred him. Max hailed from a wealthy family that ran a renowned fashion enterprise named Lisas. His mother had passed away early due to illness, leaving him with a father with whom he could hardly see eye to eye. The business demands left his father with little time for him, causing their relationship to turn frigid gradually. In stark contrast to Max's family, Ana, albeit not wealthy, was the beloved granddaughter of her grandfather. Orphaned at a young age, she was raised and doted upon by her grandfather. Her slightly clumsy yet warm and kind nature gave those around her a sense of security. Her family was involved in a tragic accident caused by Mr. David, driving under the influence after a client meeting. This incident robbed Ana of her parents, but the remorse shown by Mr. David prevented the family from pursuing charges. Since then, Mr. David has felt guilty and ready to help Ana. As she grew up, he sponsored her fashion education, intending for her to work in his company, where she provided steadfast support. Ana was showered with love and privileges by Mr. David. He trusted and favored her, providing her with a luxurious city apartment and funds to build a house in her hometown. These privileges led to misconceptions about their relationship, with people mistaking Ana as Mr. David's lover. Neither addressed nor clarified these rumors, further fueling Max's resentment towards his father, whom he believed was dating someone his age. During a site visit for a new store, Mr. David suffered a heart attack. With his dying breath, he clung to Ana's hand, entrusting her with fulfilling his remaining wishes and the instructions in his will. He departed this world in her arms. Thus began the complicated relationship between Max and Ana. For reasons unknown, Max's father asked Ana to work as Max's secretary for a year. Max could fire her if he weren't satisfied with her work after this period. But if Max refused, all his assets, company, cards, and cash would be frozen and handed over to Ana. What was the intention behind Max's father's wishes? And where would Max and Ana's relationship lead? Let's wait and watch.


Mr. David was sitting on the sofa, waiting for Max, holding a newspaper with a scowl of frustration on his face. The tension-filled atmosphere cloaked the entire room, terrifying Luxi, the housekeeper.

The sound of a car came from outside; Max, the cherished son, was returning. He was dressed in a sharp, black suit from head to toe, his calm demeanor bearing a striking intensity. He calmly moved through the living room, carelessly uttered,

"Hello, Father!"

David irritably glanced at Max and spoke loudly:

"Come here, have a chat with me."

Max halted, walked to the sofa, and crossed his legs. He looked out at the yard, avoiding David's gaze.

"Get to the point, Father, I'm a bit tied up."

David shook his head, lifted his cup of tea, took a sip, put the cup down, and looked at Max.

"You've been working in the company for a while now. I want you to take the position of Chairman, to manage the company in my place. What do you think?"

Max turned back and looked at him,

"Where are you going? Why aren't you doing it anymore, isn't everything going well?"

David chuckled lightly, folded his arms, and looked at Max.

"I just want to retire early. I've fought enough battles, now I want to enjoy my old age."

"Enjoying it with your little mistress? Good for you, sure, if you wish."

David was angry, his face flaring up in red.

"You shall not speak like that. You must treat Ana well in the future. You don't need to understand my business, but you can't insult or think of Ana that way."

"Alright, if you don't want me to talk about your mistress, I won't. I can run the company, but the first thing I'll do is replace the secretary. I have the right to do that, don't I?"

David sighed at his son's words; he slammed his hand down on the table angrily.

"You can't do that, because she understands the company. She will help you run things better. And she will take care of you in my absence."

Max rose to his feet and angrily shouted:

"Who needs her care? I'm not handicapped, and I'm not so incapable as to need her guidance. For a long time, the person you cared for and looked after was her, not me. You spent more time with her than with me. Don't think I don't know that you sent me abroad to study so you could have more time with her. So, do as you like. My business is none of your concern."

With that, Max stormed off, leaving a sad David sighing behind him.

At this point, the housekeeper came out, comforting David with a pat on the shoulder.

You should tell him the truth. He's grown up now and has a right to know."

David shook his head, looking at the housekeeper.

"He's already indifferent to this old man. If I tell him now, he might not even acknowledge me as his father. It's okay, let it be, what will be, will be. I wonder who he takes after, being so obstinate."

The housekeeper laughed at him.

"He takes after you, sir. I see a lot of you in him. And someday, someone will change him."

David gave a kind smile,

"I hope so."

In the middle of their conversation, David began a fit of coughing, a prolonged bout that had the housekeeper rushing for a glass of water.

"Your health has been deteriorating of late, sir. Should I ask Max to take you to the hospital for a check-up? You look quite pale."

Once David had stabilized, he soothingly rubbed his chest.

"I'm fine, really. It's just old age, nothing serious. I've lost some appetite and cough a bit recently, but don't worry, I know my limits."

David said these words with an air of dismissal, but his face looked grim. He was acutely aware of his declining health, which pressed him to groom his son for the reins of control before it was too late.

Meanwhile, in Max's room:

Max flung his suit jacket into a corner, collapsing on his bed in exhaustion, his gaze fixated on the blank ceiling. His irritation was palpable when the ring of his phone broke the silence.

"Hello, what's up?"

Recognizing Max's irritable tone, his friend Ken poked fun at him.

"Who ruffled your feathers, buddy? You're treating me like your personal venting post."

Max exhaled deeply:

"So, you gonna speak up or hang up?"

To his close circle, Max was always a dominating, aloof, and cold character, which instilled a sense of fear in his friends, Ken and Dany.

"Got a street race tonight, you in?"

Max sat up, undoing his tie, then asked indifferently,

"What time? Where?"

Ken chuckled over the phone.

"Same time, same place, catch ya later."

Max hung up, heading to the bathroom. He glanced out the window and saw his father watering the garden as he did. From the back, his father appeared lonely. Max's mother passed away long ago, but he never truly knew the reasons. He was just angry that his father had moved on with a much younger woman, even bringing her into the company, giving the world something to discuss.

The fact that he and his father seldom had open, heart-to-heart conversations resulted in a growing rift between them. Their discussions, infrequent and bristling with irritation, were often characterized by misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

After a long observation, Max sighed, lowered the blinds, picked up his clothes, and headed to the bathroom. He turned the shower on, the rush of water seemingly washing away the thoughts swirling in his mind.Donning his sportswear, he went downstairs, where the housekeeper approached him.

"You're not eating at home, are you? It's rare that you and your father are home at the same time," she inquired.

Max cast an icy glance at the housekeeper, his hand absentmindedly polishing his glasses.

"I won't be eating here, I have some matters to attend to outside," he responded curtly.

The housekeeper shook her head, her gaze filled with sadness as she looked at him.

Max turned away, spotting his father still outside, tending to the flowers. He passed by with an air of indifference.

Knowing Max harbored ill thoughts about him, Mr. David refrained from explaining further. He merely watched as Max moved to fetch his car.

Max climbed into his vehicle and sped off, leaving a disheartened Mr. David to return inside the house. Their relationship seemed irreparable, marred by a chasm that neither could bridge.

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