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Runaway From The Alpha

Runaway From The Alpha

Louis Y Y


If one day you woke up and found yourself at the house of the person you hate the most, what would you do? Dylan woke up one fine morning to find himself lying next to a rival he had competed with since his school days. Worse, he also told Dylan that Dylan was pregnant with their child. Dylan panicked. How could a man like him get pregnant? So, Dylan ran away!

Chapter 1 Waking up to find myself lying next to someone I hate

Dylan's POV

I woke up from the heat. Obviously, it was winter when I felt hot all over. I uneasily opened my eyes, then…

I was stunned.

Where is this? Why am I lying here?

Suddenly, an arm wrapped around my waist. Goosebumps all over my body surfaced. I instinctively wanted to push that arm away but the person's strength was too great, I had no way to escape. The man leaned close to me, his hot breath hitting my ear making me shiver.

“Don't move, Dylan! I was so tired last night that it was past midnight. It's still early, you should sleep a little longer!"

This voice is all too familiar. Even if I die, I will recognize whose voice this is. I kicked the other man with all my might. He immediately fell onto the bed. The sound was heavy, and just listening to me makes me feel pain.

“Bernie, why are you lying on my bed?” I said boldly, the whole room was closed with curtains, and there was no light. I could only see the shadow of a man on the floor.

“Damn it!” Bernie let out a growl, then yelled, “Dylan, what the hell are you doing?”

Bernie had just finished speaking when I heard a switch flip, and I glared at the angry man. Although I hate him very much, I still have to admit that Bernie has very good-looking. More long brown hair, very romantic, sometimes Bernie will tie his hair up.

I don't know if I'm hallucinating but I feel like Bernie's hair is much longer than the last time I saw him. Moreover, as soon as the room lights came on, I realized, this is not my home at all. Suddenly, my spine went cold. How did Bernie get me here without a sound?

“Why, why am I here? Bernie, what did you end up doing to me?" I growled like I was trying to hide my fear.

Bernie frowned. He straightened up, then pressed his face close to mine: "Dylan, what are you mad about again?"

Instinctively, I took a step back, but I was already lying on the edge of the bed, backing up meant I would fall to the ground. Bernie hastily reached out his hand and he forcefully pulled me towards him. As soon as my face hit Bernie's hard chest, I heard his quick heartbeat.

"Dylan, stop messing around!" Bernie gritted his teeth, angry that he wanted to swing his hand at me. “I didn't take care of you before, but now you're pregnant. You can't continue to be naughty like before!"

Being hugged by Bernie, I'm still in shock, I've heard more horrifying news. Am I pregnant? What the hell is Bernie talking about?

A man like me is pregnant? My eyes widened in fear, I resisted trying to push him away but I couldn't. Then I heard Bernie sigh: “Dylan, can you sleep a little longer? Otherwise, your body won't be able to handle it!"

Bernie's voice trails off, and he pulls me down beside me while I'm still in shock. What Bernie said, I don't understand at all. Since when did he and I become so close? My brain felt like it was empty, no matter how much I searched, I couldn't remember it.

Soft breathing sounded in my ears, I knew Bernie was asleep so I pushed his hand away, then sat up. The night light was still shining softly, and now I was in the mood to look at the room. This is the typical bedroom of a couple in love. I turned around and got out of bed in confusion.

My gaze fell on the picture on the nightstand, scaring me even more, the contents of the photo. Bernie and I were face to face, almost lip to lip. In my eyes and he both carry passionate love. I slipped and sat down on the edge of the bed again. That couldn't be me!

I held my forehead, shaking my head in disbelief. Then as confirmation, I picked up the photo. I in the photo is not much different from me in memory. Still, with my neatly cut red hair, I'm wearing a white suit of the same style as Bernie's. In the photo, there is very bright text.

Bernie White & Dylan Clark.


I froze. Isn't this year just 2019? Why is the year 2021 in the photo? I felt a strange contradiction between my memory and this world. My right hand was placed on my chest, and my heart was still beating according to the rules. I put the photo down on the table, my eyes extremely complicated.

Some daring thoughts kept running through my head, I'm in another world, or I've lost my memories of these years. I hold my head, panting. It's so bad that things are slowly getting out of control.

Suddenly, I remembered what Bernie said. He said I was pregnant?

I rolled my eyes. Yes, Bernie said I was pregnant! How could something like that happen? Am I still a man? That damned thought suddenly appeared, and I frantically touched my bottom.

“Phew, lucky!”

I whispered, luckily, I am still a man!

I tap my head once, then look for my cell phone. My routine is the same as before. My phone will be on airplane mode and under the pillow. Just as I thought, I found my phone. Of course, it's no longer the same old phone I used to use.

The phone screen lights up, and the time shows October 28, which means four months have passed since that photo was taken. My head hurts like it's about to explode. I'm trying to keep myself from making too loud a sound. I don't want Bernie to wake up right now.

Because I don't know how to face him. For twenty-three years, I have always considered Bernie as my rival. From childhood to adulthood, he and I always competed with each other, every little thing like exam results to who got the prettier girlfriend. Even when I was in my second year of high school, Bernie and I even got into a fight over a girl in the cheerleading club. Since that time, Bernie and I no longer talk to each other, completely treating each other like strangers.

The relationship between I and Bernie is completely frozen. At this time, Bernie tells me again that he and I are lovers. No, if I judged from the picture on the nightstand, maybe they got married and became husband and wife. Why would I marry someone I've always hated?

Moreover, to my knowledge, based on current technology, how can a man get pregnant?

The more I thought about it, the more confused my mind became, and I touched my stomach. Is there really life in here?

In my reverie, I walked out of that house and got into a taxi. I was only wearing a not-so-thick coat. I'm still wearing my slippers, which look really weird.

"Where are you going?"

Before I could say anything to the taxi driver, an angry voice spoke from behind. I panicked and hurriedly closed the car door, then said: "Driver, hurry up!"

But the car door was locked by Bernie, I kept inside, and he pulled outside. The two of us struggled like that for two minutes. The taxi driver couldn't hold it anymore, so he said: "If you and your lover can't decide, get off the taxi! I still have work to do, so I don't have time to play with you two!"

I had not been able to get out of the state of panic just now. And now I was both urgent and angry, shouting: "Bernie, quickly let go of your hand!"

Bernie was stunned. At that moment, I could remove his hand and then shut the taxi door tightly.

"Driver, hurry up!" I said hastily.

The driver just looked at me through the rearview mirror, but he didn't say anything either. After giving the driver the address, I closed my eyes and leaned back on the seat. Obviously, I've never been motion sickness, but now I feel dizzy, nausea rising up my throat. I tried to control myself, but the corners of my eyes were also red. Is it because of pregnancy?

I'm going crazy. I am married to someone I hate. And this pregnancy is just too much of a myth. But I can't find a reason why Bernie wants to trick me. This is not necessary at all!

“Did you argue with your boyfriend?” The driver probably couldn't stand this overly stuffy atmosphere, so he spoke up and started a conversation: "Haiz, I tell you, you're young, quarreled for a day or two and then stopped. Like the past few years, I was often kicked out of the house by my wife in the middle of the night. It's just angering her a bit, then I have to buy flowers to make up."

I smiled wryly, listening to his story. I didn't know how to respond, nor could I tell him, I don't know why I married Bernie. Furthermore, I lost this very important two-year memory. Will I be able to find any clues when I go home alone?

“Kid, I'm a bit wordy, but it's not good for you to leave this early in the morning out of anger. Anything should be discussed with your lover. Anything can be solved!"

After the driver said this sentence, the car also stopped at the gate of the subdivision. I nodded and smiled at the driver with a pale face. Along the way, I tried really hard not to vomit in the car. This situation is so strange, the more I think about it, the more scared I feel.

After paying the driver, I went to knock on the door of the security room.

“Mr. Clark? Why are you coming here today?" The security guard is still the middle-aged man I'm familiar with, which makes me feel more relaxed. He pushed open the door, then glanced sideways. "Doesn't Mr. White come with you?"

That question from the security guard made me dumbfounded. I avoided his gaze, answered casually, and quickly walked to my house.

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