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Runaway From The Alpha

Runaway From The Alpha

Author: Louis Y Y

Chapter 1 Waking up to find myself lying next to someone I hate

Word Count: 1712    |    Released on: 19/06/2023


it was winter when I felt hot all ov

s st

is? Why am

ctively wanted to push that arm away but the person's strength was too great, I had no w

ight that it was past midnight. It's stil

this is. I kicked the other man with all my might. He immediately fell ont

e whole room was closed with curtains, and there was no

growl, then yelled, “Dylan,

ry man. Although I hate him very much, I still have to admit that Bernie has very goo

ast time I saw him. Moreover, as soon as the room lights came on, I realized, this is not

id you end up doing to me?" I growl

hen pressed his face close to mine: "

p meant I would fall to the ground. Bernie hastily reached out his hand and he forcefully pu

wanted to swing his hand at me. “I didn't take care of you before, b

I've heard more horrifying news. Am I preg

push him away but I couldn't. Then I heard Bernie sigh: “Dylan, can you

hat Bernie said, I don't understand at all. Since when did he and I become so close?

up. The night light was still shining softly, and now I was in the mood to look at the room. T

photo. Bernie and I were face to face, almost lip to lip. In my eyes and he both carry

I in the photo is not much different from me in memory. Still, with my neatly cut red hair, I

ite & Dyl


ion between my memory and this world. My right hand was placed on my chest, and my heart was still

world, or I've lost my memories of these years. I hold my head,

d what Bernie said. H

something like that happen? Am I still a man? That damned t

w, l

luckily, I am

ore. My phone will be on airplane mode and under the pillow. Just as I thought

passed since that photo was taken. My head hurts like it's about to explode. I'm tryin

with each other, every little thing like exam results to who got the prettier girlfriend. Even when I was in my second year of high school, Bernie and I even g

again that he and I are lovers. No, if I judged from the picture on the nightstand, maybe

based on current technology

onfused my mind became, and I touched m

to a taxi. I was only wearing a not-so-thick coat. I

are you

ngry voice spoke from behind. I panicked and hurried

like that for two minutes. The taxi driver couldn't hold it anymore, so he said: "If you and your lov

nic just now. And now I was both urgent and angry

nt, I could remove his hand and

rry up!" I

ddress, I closed my eyes and leaned back on the seat. Obviously, I've never been motion sickness, but now I feel dizzy, na

egnancy is just too much of a myth. But I can't find a reaso

conversation: "Haiz, I tell you, you're young, quarreled for a day or two and then stopped. Like the past few years, I was often k

I tell him, I don't know why I married Bernie. Furthermore, I lost this very i

e this early in the morning out of anger. Anything shoul

dded and smiled at the driver with a pale face. Along the way, I tried really hard not to vomi

I went to knock on the

middle-aged man I'm familiar with, which makes me feel more relaxed. He pu

me dumbfounded. I avoided his gaze, answere

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