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Mr. Walter's Reborn Feisty Wife.

Mr. Walter's Reborn Feisty Wife.



Emma was a pure and gentle girl, but after a traffic accident, everything went wrong for her. She was despised by others, bullied by classmates, and suffered from depression. All of these were undeserved. The scariest thing was her mother, Barbara, who conspired with a stranger to deceive the affection and money of Mr. Botavo, causing him to have a stroke. His son ordered his subordinates to bring Emma's mother back. But unexpectedly, the subordinate captured the wrong person, Emma instead of her mother. Emma had to endure all of Sope's rage, being beaten and tortured. Until he discovered that he had captured the wrong person, and couldn't find Emma's mother and the terrible man. Therefore, he ended Emma's life with a silver bullet. Reborn. God has given her a new chance. This time, she will make those who have hurt her pay the price! __

Chapter 1 one

In the big castle, a recent voice resounded as Walter Sope waits for the iron door to open. The bodyguard is standing next with reverent gestures, the iron door opens up.

Walter Sope stared at the woman being bound in her hand and her foot with large iron chains. Her eyes were red and blazing, her lips were dry and tight as she wanted to say something. Walter Sope appeared cold and indifferent, he didn’t want to care about this damn woman. In the past, this woman was the one who cheated his father out of three hundred billion dollars and fled with another man. At present, she is being punished for her foolish actions in the past. Walter Sope doesn’t care whether she has repented, but he will certainly not let her live well.

Walter Sope advanced a few steps forward and ordered his bodyguards to step back. Walter Sope’s tall figure covered the only oil lamp in the room. Holding the oil lamp, he walked towards the woman. The night from the oil lamp now illuminated the face of the woman. In front of Walter Sope at this moment, it wasn’t his father’s lover, but a younger girl. Her face, if observed carefully, wasn’t the person he was looking for.

Walter Sope’s face suddenly turned grim. He roughly grabbed the girl’s chin with his hand, his eyes expressing anger and madness.

“Speak. Who are you?” Walter Sope growled.

The girl instinctively closed her eyes, flailing her arms and trying to break free from his demonic grip, but being weaker than him, she couldn’t resist. She had been starved for the day, and her mind was not clear at the moment. She couldn’t only use all her strength to push Walter Sope’s hand away. Unfortunately, that wasn’t possible!


Her tears flowed like a waterfall, a hot tear drop fell onto his hand, and Walter Sope’s lowered his head to look at the beautiful teardrop, involuntarily revealing a demonic smile.

“Crying, huh?” Walter Sope laughed cruelly. “Ha ha ha. I really like seeing other people cry. Keep crying, you have to cry until I allow you to stop, or else I will tell those guards to gouge your eyes out. I want to see how much more you can cry.”


“Do you wanna bite your tongue?” He asked coldly. “Do you wanna die that badly? What a pity! The more you wanna die, the more I want you to live. I wanna know who you really are, how you could resemble that damned promiscuous woman. Where is she? Speak up!”


Walter Sope immediately let go of his hand. The tears on the girl’s face were drenched. She coughed a few times and stare fiercely at him.

“Hmph!” The girl used a contemptuous tone to amplify her hatred towards Walter Sope. “You tell me to speak? Hmph, why should I reveal it to you? Why should I let you know?”

Faced with her stubbornness, Walter Sope sneered and laughed coldly. Under his management, no one dared to defy him like this. After all, she was just a girl who looked very similar to that damned woman. He wouldn’t hesitate to send her to meet her God if he had caught the wrong person.

Walter Sope waved his hand, and the man standing behind him immediately understood and stepped forward. Holding a silver gun in his hand, the man immediately fired. A cold sound echoed. The smell of blood flowed heavily on the floor, and her eyes widened. She looked at everything that was left before death approached.


“Emma? Emma?”

A gentle voice of a woman echoed. Emma suddenly woke up after a long nap. Sweat on her forehead dripped down her cheek, and back, and her T-shirt was also wet with her sweat. She looked around in panic, trying to find that familiar voice.


When she saw her mother, Emma rushed over and hugged her, tears streaming down her face.

"Mom! Huhuhu! Mom! Where did you go?"

What the hell on going on with you? Are you still not awake?" Barbara snapped at her daughter, pushing her out of bed and pointing a finger at Emma's forehead. "Do you even know what time it is now? Sleeping too long makes your mind foggy, doesn't it? Hurry up, go wash your face and change your clothes! We need to go to an important place."

"Important place? Is it Mr. Botavo's house?" Emma asked as if confirming something.

Emma's father, Mr. Bostom, had died in an accident while on duty. Her mother, Barbara, was a beautiful, intelligent, and charming woman. Before marrying Mr. Bostom, many wealthy men had pursued her, but she only loved him and did not accept the affection of other men.

After Mr. Bostom passed away, Barbara became a single mother, and she made a lot of efforts to support their life. Many times, Emma saw her crying on cold nights. Perhaps, her mother never wanted her to see her vulnerable side. But the truth was, she had seen it all. She didn't want Barbara to know this, so she pretended as if she hadn't seen anything.

The two of them lived happily together as mother and daughter.

When Emma was seven years old, she was hit by a car and had to stay in the hospital for six months for treatment. During that time, Barbara had to work very hard to take care of her.

Because Emma couldn't keep up with the curriculum of her old school, Barbara helped her transfer to a new school in a small town in the state of California. Emma had to adapt to a new environment and make new friends. Everything was difficult for her, especially communicating with everyone.

At that time, because everyone thought she was a bad student with a strange personality, all her classmates in the school showed hatred towards her. They isolated and bullied her, even using violence to demonstrate the power of their wealthy families. Emma became depressed.

She even thought about ending her life. It was too miserable and terrible. Most importantly, she couldn't bear the disdainful looks, mockery, and ridicule from the rich kids in the school. They made her realize that school compared to hell is only scarier and not as fun as she had imagined.

Many times, she wanted to go back to her old school, but her mother told her:

"Emma, I have heard complaints from your teacher about your attitude towards learning at school. The teacher said that you always make your classmates tired. Emma, what have you done at school?"

Her mother never asked her what had happened. She only cared about the way others looked at her daughter.

She was her biological mother, why didn't she protect her?

Where was she when she needed her?

Just because of an unfounded complaint, she accused her own daughter and hurt her heart.

Her mother had changed!

She fell into an abyss of despair, loathing her reality and contemplating suicide.

But she failed.

She was hospitalized again, and the feeling was comforting. Compared to the first time she was hospitalized due to the accident, this time seemed better.

After being discharged, she never went back to school.

Every day, she stayed at home and did nothing.

Life was boring and purposeless. It continued like that until one day her mother told her that she had met a man and loved him very much. She wanted to marry him and hoped for Emma's blessing. Emma agreed, thinking it was simple: her mother had suffered a lot and was lonely. She should accept the man for her mother's sake.

That's why her mother and the man ran away together afterward!!!

If the two of them ran away together, she wouldn't care too much. But they dared to cheat Mr. Botavo out of his money and run away.

Mr. Botavo was so shocked that he had a stroke and had to be hospitalized, his health was very poor. His son, Sope, ordered his bodyguard Jepot to bring fifty tall men with them to surround her house. They all held guns and had fierce faces. On the right hand of each of them was a black dragon tattoo.

As soon as Jepot saw her, he grabbed her and locked her up in an abandoned castle. It seemed like a secret base of theirs. They didn't give her any food, beat and tortured her, making her live in hell. And they ended her life with a silver bullet.


"Who's Mr. Botavo?" Her mother frowned at her, looking very displeased. "Today, I will take you to a new school!"

"A new school?" Emma jumped as if waking up from a dream.

Ah, so she had been given a second chance and had been revived at the age of seventeen.

If given another chance to live, she would make sure they all lived worse than death!

Just wait and see!

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