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The Business Trip

The Business Trip

Pyramid Prex


fantastic story about a business man

Chapter 1 the trip

Mr Uzor a successful business man who is into 'winery (wine productions and sales). He started the business at his young age as an apprentice after is secondary school education he moved to Anambra to learn trade which lasted for seven years of training and he was finally free he was settled by his boss and with the little support from his parents he start his own business from the scratch at the initial things where difficult for him but he did not relent he continued the business and struggled to make sure his business grows after five years finally mr. Uzor was now beginning to be known in the country and Also competing in the business of wine brands his business name was called THE VALLEY WINERY he married at th age of 26 to his beautiful wife Mrs. Chidimma Uzor and they had four children two boys and two girls. God helped they they trained the children in good condition ..

Mr. Uzor has been travelling around for business and other business related issues on one of his trip to Port Harcourt which he stayed for two weeks he met a young beautiful lady they got along with each other and spends the nights together in some occasions after the business he travelled back to Anambra where his business headquarter is. Years past and one of his daughters gained admission into the university of port Harcourt to study law and she moved down to port Harcourt to live there after eight years of studying she graduated and decided to grow her carrier in port Harcourt

In the line of work as a lawyer

One day she was hired as a defendant lawyer for a case after the hearing of the case she came out and a young guy approached her and engaged her in a conversation and she responded calmly after he introduced himself as a prosecutor. so both got along with each other and became close friends they go out on dates work together.. they continued to the extent of developing feelings for each other but they kept it to their self as time passed the young man couldn't hold back his feelings anymore and proposed to her but she turned down the proposal. Saying she isn't ready for marriage yet . Months passed the young man continued persuading her till she finally accepted his proposal and they finally agreed on a day to see her parents and arrange for the wedding.

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