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Nanny For His Kids

Nanny For His Kids



Damien Kings, a twenty seven year old Billionaire in Florida USA, who is a single father of three kids: Kathy Kings: The first child, seven years of age, rude to ladies most especially those who get close to her dad. Freddie Kings: The second child, five years of age, handsome just like his dad and also a foodie. Flora Kings: The last child, three years of age, pretty and her mother died immediately after giving birth to her. The trio does not want to see a lady with their dad, every nanny that comes to take care of them either gets fired or resigns by themselves due to their mischievous act. But accidentally Damien meets with a lady and the lady eventually becomes their nanny. Who is she? Sylvia Blanco, nice, gorgeous, a true definition of beauty. She lives with her mum, Mrs Blanco and she has a best friend named Bianca. She is currently unemployed and is looking for another one when she got an from Damien to be his kids nanny and she accepted the offer. What will happen when she gets to the house? Will they like her? Will she get fired or resign like the others?

Chapter 1 Looking For A Job

"Mum am off" Sylvia yelled and walked to the door.

"Won't you have breakfast?" Her mum, Mrs Blanco asked.

"No mum I will buy something later" Sylvia smiled.

"Okay and I wish you good luck on finding a job" Mrs Blanco said.

"Thanks mum, I love you" Sylvia blew her a kiss before going out of the house, she started heading for the bus station.

When she got to the bus station, she board the bus that was going to her direction.

After about thirty minutes, the bus stopped and she got down, she started walking

then she saw a restaurant and decided to have breakfast so she went in and sat on an available chair.

Immediately a waitress walked to her.

"Good morning, what will you like to have?" the waitress asked.

"Hmm...just get me Pastrami and some pickles with a bottle of water" Sylvia replied.

"Okay" the waitress nodded and walked away, she came back shortly with Sylvia's order before arranging it on the table.

"Thanks, please do you have any job vacancy in this restaurant?" Sylvia asked.

"No" the waitress shook her head.

"Okay thanks, how much is my bill?" She asked and the waitress told her the amount, she reached for her and brought out some cash from her bag before giving it to the waitress.

"Thanks and enjoy your meal" the waitress smiled before walking away, Sylvia started eating.

When she was done eating, she stood up and walked out of the restaurant, she began to walk again with the hope of seeing a job.


It was already noon and Sylvia had not seen any job.

She sighted a coffee shop so she started walking to it. When she got there, she walked in before going over to the counter, she ordered for expresso coffee and the waiter went to make it.

Minutes later, the waiter brought her order and gave it to her so she walked out of the coffee shop with the coffee in her hand.

Sylvia was still walking when a guy bumped into her and the whole coffee poured on her.

"Ah" she gasped. "I'm so sorry" the guy apologized and she looked up

but she was awestruck with the sight in front of her, a pair of blue eyes, tanned face and a well constructed jaw.

"Gosh..how can a man be so handsome, God really took his time in creating his face" She was still thinking when the guy tapped her and she came back to reality.

"I'm sorry for staining your shirt" the guy apologized again looking at her stained shirt.

"It's fine, I will just clean it" she said and reached for her bag, looking for her handkerchief when she realised it was not with her.

"Use this" he said, pointing a handkerchief to her.

"Thanks" Sylvia replied and took it but then she realised something so she looked up, it was the famous Damien Kings right in front of her.

"Oh my gosh! How could I have not realised he was the one earlier, I'm even holding his handkerchief" she was still thinking when Damien tapped her and she snapped out of her thoughts and started using his handkerchief to clean her shirt but it seems the stain will not clean off.

"I don't think the stain will clean, why don't I buy you another shirt? " he asked.

"No thanks" She smiled.

"Okay, so where are you heading to..maybe I can take you there since you refused me buying another shirt" Damien smiled.

"No need for that" Sylvia smiled back.

"There is need" he smiled.

"Okay, am going home" Sylvia told him cause she thought it would be better to go home rather than looking for a job cause of her ruined shirt.

"Okay, get in" he said and got in his car, Sylvia also went in and he ignited the car engine and started driving.

"So where is your place?" he asked.

"I will give you directions" Sylvia replied and looked outside the car window.

"Shit" Edward muttered staring at his wristwatch.

"Is anything wrong?" Sylvia looked away from the window and asked him.

"I'm sorry, I have got to pick my kids from school, it's past closing hour" Damien said.

"It's fine, let's go pick your kids first before you drop me off" Sylvia said.

"Thanks" Damien looked away from her and focused on the road while she continued looking out of the window.

Minutes later, they got to the school and Damien came out of the car, Sylvia also came out of the car.

"Daddy!" the youngest among the three kids shouted immediately she saw him, she started running to them which brought the attention of the remaining two to them and when they saw their daddy they also began to run to them.

"My baby Flora, how have you been?" Damien hugged the youngest known as Flora.

"Fine Daddy" Flora smiled.

"Hey dad" the boy among them known as Freddie, smiled.

"Hey little champ" Damien smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Dad you are late" the eldest among them whose name is Katherine frowned.

"I'm sorry, I had to..." Damien was still saying when she cut him off.

"You came late to pick us up because of her" Katherine frowned staring at Sylvia.

"Dad who is she?" Little Flora asked.

"Hmm she is... " Damien trailed when he realised he doesn't know her name.

"Sylvia" Sylvia cut in and Flora nodded.

"Who cares" Kathy rolled her eyes and entered the car, the others followed her and Kathy sat on the seat next to the driver's seat while the others sat at the back.

"I'm sorry for Kathy's behavior" Damien said to Sylvia.

"It's fine" Sylvia smiled and Damien nodded, he got into the car and Sylvia went to the back seat knowing that she won't be able to sit at the front seat anymore.

Damien ignited the car engine and started driving.

When they got home they got down, the guards greeted them and the kids quickly rushed inside leaving Damien and Sylvia.

"Do you mind stepping in for some minutes?" Damien asked.

"Okay" Sylvia replied and they started walking inside with Damien leading the way.

When they entered, Freddie ran to his daddy.

"Dad why is there no food in the house?" He asked.

"Your nanny resigned, remember and it is all you guys fault" Damien rolled his eyes.

"But daddy we are hungry" Kathy pouted.

"Yeah" King and Flora supported.

"What are we going to do now?" Damien asked looking at his hungry looking children.

"Hmm...I will cook" Sylvia volunteered seeing that there is no one available to cook for them and they were really hungry.

"Really! " Freddie's eye lit up.

"You would do that? " Damien asked.

"Yeah, that is if you don't mind" Sylvia shrugged.

"I don't mind" Damien nodded.

"But Dad..why will she cook for us" Kathy frowned.

"Like we have a choice" Flora rolled her eyes.

"Seriously, you want her to cook also" Kathy faced Flora.

"Kathy if she doesn't cook, we will die of hunger" Freddie said.

"Gosh you guys are annoying" Kathy said and stormed upstairs.

"Miss don't mind her can you start cooking already" Freddie smiled.

"Okay please show me the way to the kitchen" Sylvia smiled back and Freddie started walking to the kitchen with Sylvia and Flora behind him.

"What would you guys like to eat?" Sylvia asked when they got to the kitchen.

"Pasta and chicken stew" Freddie quickly replied.

"Okay, Flora what would you like?" She asked Flora.

"Same thing with what Freddie said" Flora replied.

"Okay show me where you keep foodstuff" Sylvia said and Freddie pointed it out, she nodded and got all what she needed for the food, she started preparing it with the help of Freddie cause Flora left after.

Some minutes later the food was ready so she took it to the dining table before arranging it.

"Wow I love the smell of the food, I can't wait to eat it" Freddie salivated and Sylvia chuckled.

"Wow, what is that smell" Flora said, walking into the dining room.

"Wow, the food looks amazing" Flora said again and sat down on one of the chairs.

"Freddie, can you please call your dad and sister" Sylvia said.

"I'm already here" Damien said, walking in.

"Same with me" Kathy said and sat down.

"I must say the food looks really good" Damien complimented.

"Thanks" Sylvia smiled back and started serving the food.

"Serve yours too" Damien muttered and she nodded.

When she was done serving the food, she sat down and they started eating.

"Hmm this is the best food I have ever tasted" King moaned.

"It isn't, mum's food is still the best" Kathy rolled her eyes.

"Hmm...I don't think so" Freddie shook his head.

"Really, Flora what do you think?" Kathy asked.

"I don't really know" Flora replied, simply and faced her food.

"Seriously, dad what do you think?" Kathy asked.


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