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The Mafia's Cute Son

The Mafia's Cute Son



"You may be Ninite's father, but you don't deserve it. You took me by force, and your criminal life will always hurt him. You are a curse to him; you should leave us alone." "Disappear?" "Yes, if you love our son, you should disappear from his life." Min-Ho just smiled. “Ninite is the most precious thing I have in my shitty life. I will never walk away from him." His smile widened. "And neither from you. I said it before... Once inside, you are mine forever. You should already get used to me." ----------------------------- Bella is an innocent young woman who grew up in a family with strict values. She holds a deep grudge and hatred for gangs and their members. Her biological parents died because of a mafia boss, and her best friend was killed in a war between rival gangs. Since then, she has held them with immense contempt and disgust because, for her, they are all means. But after a one-night stand, which she believes to be rape, she becomes pregnant. Panicked, she runs away but quickly discovers that the father of her son is a mafia member, the most ruthless that exists, and the latter has decided that she belongs to him as his wife and the mother of his son. He will never let her leave him or get away from him. She is now bound to him willy-nilly, for better or for worse. Faced with the many dangers that await her by being with this man, will Bella be able to face them for the good of her son? Will her heart be ready to forgive and accept this man with such a cruel and possessive gaze?

Chapter 1 Prologue

Bella is the adopted daughter of the Grande Santos family. When she was just three years old, she and her parents were victims of a terrible car accident. Her father, a government agent, was battling a powerful South American cartel. They had threatened to attack his family if he did not submit to their demands. But her father knew that even if he obeyed, these people would not leave him alone. So he decided to bring his family to safety by fleeing to the United States.

Unfortunately, their escape attempt failed. The leader of the cartel, the fearsome Jefe, had sent men after them to get rid of them once and for all. The car had finally collided head-on with another vehicle, resulting in a tragic accident. Bella was the only survivor. The pursuers believed them all to be dead, leaving her behind, unconscious and defenseless. It was the locals who found and saved her that day.

Enrique Grande Santos, the family gardener, had known and worked for Bella's parents. Grateful for their generosity towards him, he couldn't bear the idea of leaving their adopted daughter alone in the world, knowing that no other member of his family would want her. He had therefore adopted her as his daughter, and Bella had grown up with the Grande Santos and was considered their youngest.

Bella had never felt rejected by her adoptive family. They had always been kind to her, making no distinction between Leïla, their eldest daughter, and Bella. The two girls had grown up like sisters, brought up with respect for family values and a strict upbringing. The Acapulc* neighborhood where they lived was notorious for its danger, and their parents had always warned them about gangs. When Bella reached the age of understanding, they also explained to her how her biological parents had died.

Ever since, Bella has harbored a huge aversion to gangs. She hated anything related to the violence and criminality they were responsible for. She had promised herself to stay away from it all and build a life away from the menacing shadow of gangs.

But during a concert, in order to please Bella, Leïla invited her to attend the concert of her favorite reggaeton artist. Nothing happened as planned. Bella then had an unexpected encounter that turned her life upside down.

Suddenly, Bella found herself faced with another tragedy that would forever change her perception of gangs. The simple hatred she felt before was no longer enough to express all the anger, disgust, contempt, and hatred she now felt towards those who were part of this criminal society.

However, when Bella realized she was pregnant and decided to find out who the father of her child was, things spiraled out of control. The father of her precious son was one of them—those people she despised more than anything in the world.

But this man was not ready to leave her alone or walk away from their son. Beyond the hatred she felt for him, Bella wondered if she would be able to put up with it for the sake of their child. How far would she be willing to go to ensure a bright future for her son, knowing the danger of being near her son's father?

Min-Ho is far too dangerous; his life overwhelms them and perhaps will consume them. His reputation as a ruthless murderer is far too heavy, and his enemies—those who want to see him dead—are numerous. They will not hesitate to use any means to get rid of him, even his greatest weakness: his family.

But this man seems ready to do anything for her, for their son, and for them. Bella can't ignore him; she wants to hate him and reject him, but her heart has its own mind. She also cannot forget all the misfortunes that people like him—the gangsters—have sown in her life.

"You've been mine since the moment I decided."

"I'm just the mother of your son; you don't have to be so possessive."

"Does that mean you would dare look at any other man than me?"

"I never said that, but that doesn't mean I belong to you. Do you know how much I despise people of your kind?"

" My kind?" Min-Ho sneered, "I see. Do you think I'm giving you a choice?"

"Are you going to impose yourself on me?"

"No need, like I said, you're mine; as long as you're breathing, as long as your body can't push me away, you'll be mine."


"Yes, Kitty"

"You're just the father of my son; don't cross the line."

Min-Ho smiled before pressing his lips against Bella's. They kissed for a long moment before parting for lack of air.

"No, I think I'm more than that."

When love and hate collide, Bella wonders what the best solution would be for the good of all. Torn between her contradictory feelings, she will have to face the difficult choices that lie before her.


The City of Inchon, afternoon.

Shots rang out like a swarm of bees as residents try to take cover. It is rather common in this city where only gangs and Clans rule with impunity.

Whether it is the police or the competent authorities, no one would dare to say anything.

Only gangs rule here.

Police sirens were however heard, a sign that the cops are on their way but that did not change the situation. None of the actors in this carnage moved. They are not afraid of the police, on the contrary, it's quite the opposite.

Whether it's the police or the entire political class of this city, all are subject to the will of the gangs that govern this city. Especially the Hwasan Clan.

Over the years, the latter has gained importance within this city spreading more and more in the country.

Its members are senior executives in certain administrations and many high dignitaries lick their feet to be able to maintain their status or even negotiate a place within the government.

The Clan is so powerful that it has representations all over the country and wants to increase its influence abroad.

Hwasan knows no bounds and its abuses have become law. If the Clan has decided that a person has become too troublesome, they order his execution. No matter who you are, what family you come from, your reputation, or your status, once you are in Hwasan's crosshairs, your only way out is death.

No one escapes the Clan, whether its members or its enemies, once you have a relationship with the Clan, you remain there for life or you are executed.

And for this task, only one person is recognized. Nicknamed the executor, he takes care of everything that constitutes an obstacle to the projects of the Clan.

Some say he is a weapon of experimentation created by the Clan leader to fight against his enemies. Others still, the oldest of the Clan say that he is the son of the leader whom the latter had trained to become his war machine. For all these beliefs, a reputation has been given to him for his ruthlessness.

Min-Ho Kim, the Hwasan Clan's mad dog.

He is a man who kills without emotions and whose expression is never visible on his face.

But the very belief of him is that he grew up in this Clan and underwent daunting training which led to the frightening and fearsome monster that he is.

Whether it's dismantling a network of more than a hundred members, no worries for him. He dispatches the mission in less than two.

Whether it's dealing with obvious threats to the Clan, he doesn't hesitate to bare his fangs to protect Hwasan. Especially from their lifelong enemy, their main rival in Inchon, the Cursed Clan.

The two Clans federate on the fringes of each other all the activities of the city and it is not often surprising that a shootout between the two takes place from time to time.

At this precise moment, Min-Ho had arrived earlier in this alley where some thugs like to sit and without any hesitation, killed everyone present.

The panicked people screamed, trying to get to safety as the Hwasan Clan members who came with Min-Ho wondered if this guy had a heart.

It had indeed been reported that these people had a suspicious relationship with their archenemy, Cursed, but he could have reassured himself that it was true.

He just walked in, pulled out his gun without explanation, and started shooting anything that moved, creating this chaotic situation.

Perhaps the scariest thing about this story was his gaze as he killed these people, with no emotion. It looked like he was shooting through the air as blood spurted everywhere.

He's too scary. Normal that no one wants to stay near him unless it's on a mission. In this specific case, they are forced to be alongside this monster to dispose of the bodies. If it wasn't for that, they would never come near such a demon.

Min-Ho finished his job before lighting up a cig seeing the city commissioner's car parked.

Strangely, the chief of police going in person to such a situation.

But it was a matter directly concerning him and as the right arm of the powerful chief of Hwasan, he has a certain power that makes it unthinkable to people to ignore him

"Shit you created a whole mess site", the man spoke, twisting his face at the corpses before looking at Min-Ho who was completely ignoring him.

The man sighed, deciding to speak with a more open person. He walked, dodging the corpses on the ground and the pool of blood as much as possible before standing in front of one of the men who had come with Min-Ho.

"I hope you'll take care of it," he growled before spitting on the floor. "I don't want to deal with more than the paperwork you put on me every day, so please get rid of your Corpses, I'm fucking sick of it."

The man finished speaking before returning to his car, his face very angry. He's sick of all this gang war bullshit. If he could just put an end to it but unfortunately in Inchon, it is not the police who make the law but the gangs.

He sighed knowing that after this Hwasan's movement, Cursed will not remain silent and he will still have to deal with another bloody war in the streets of this poor city.

He feels sorry for the poor citizens of this town, but there's nothing we can do about it. As difficult and dangerous as this city is, it is also thriving and full of opportunities. Despite its reputation as a city ruled by violence and bloodshed, however, many continue to immigrate there in search of a better life.

Even if for the most part, they find themselves enlisted in gangs and do not last long.

He sighed, turning the key to his vehicle before starting to drive. He glanced at Min-Ho and twisted his face. This one is the worst, he is young but already has a whole graveyard behind him. He does not even count the number of people who would like to kill him, whether outside or inside his Clan.

It's really unfortunate.

He rolled away from this tumultuous area as Min-Ho received a call.

"Yes? Fine"

That was all. Min-Ho also took his vehicle and drove towards the Clan Leader's mansion. The latter must have a new mission for him. He might complain about it since he's coming out of another but frankly, he doesn't care. He doesn't have to think, it's his job so he'll do it.

He arrives in front of the mansion while the people he meets, all of the same clan as him, avoid him like the plague. Others even literally run away from his gaze believing that he might eat them if they try to cross paths with him. He sighed, it's not like he needs any friends or companions within this Clan.

He knows that everyone here would like to see him dead. Many of them want to quickly climb the grades in the hierarchy of the clan and would not hesitate to shoot him in the back.

He knows it very well, which is why he is always on his guard, leaving them no loopholes from which to attack him.

In this world, betrayal is like a quality and feelings are a curse. He has no right to have this kind of weakness, otherwise, he is dead.

He arrived in front of the Clan leader and stood at attention, placing his hands behind his back and spreading his legs slightly.

His usual expressionless face and icy gaze fell on the Clan Leader who smiled at his finest creation: a cold and ruthless monster.

He is particularly proud of it.

"Hello my boy," the chieftain greeted, receiving no words in return as he felt increasingly happy. A woman by his side, with seductive looks, certainly his new bimbo clicked her tongue seductively coming to caress the old man as she winked at Min-Ho who just coldly ignored her.

The latter blushed with embarrassment while the clan leader burst out laughing.

"Darling, don't make that face, my little Min-Ho isn't interested in women, unless it's one I asked him to please," the man spoke thus recalling one of Min-Ho's other tasks.

His incredible physique and gorgeous face made him a trap for women and the clan leader decided to use it. When a mission involved a woman, he didn't need to get his hands too dirty, he just had to seduce the woman and use his body in ways other than fighting.

Min-Ho just looked at whoever he can call his master while waiting for the mission order.

The leader quickly realizes this as he stops having fun and asks for documents to be brought to him which he throws in front of Min-Ho.

"Are you aware that I want to expand our business to South America," he stopped before handing his cigar to the woman who lit it for him. "Well, it seems that in the region that I targeted, the Jedi who is established there is a little… difficult". The man ended up slightly annoyed by the turn of events.

"Do you want me to get rid of him?" Min-Ho asked, his gaze still studying the stack of documents in his hands.

The Clan leader burst out laughing again as the other Clan members stared at him like crazy. What could amuse him when this psychopath has just announced that he would kill one of the most powerful Jedi of the South American cartel?

You had to be damn crazy to imagine such a scenario.

"Ah my little Min-Ho, you're so funny," the man spoke before taking a glass of whiskey being served by the woman next to him.

"No, you won't have to go that far. Let's just say I have some pretty reliable sources that tell me that the godfather of this cartel is just a godmother and she has heard a lot about you. Do you know what I mean?" The man finished giving Min-Ho a consequent look as the latter enclosed the documents in his possession.

"I understand," he answered calmly, knowing the tenor of his mission. Satisfying another one of those women who drool over his body.

He turned around receiving the final details of his mission as he made his way to the airport.

"I adore this kid, he has become so indispensable to me that I can't imagine my Clan without him. Ah, still happy that he has no life apart from the Clan." The man sipped his whiskey before his face turned cold.

"Anyway, I would never allow him to attach himself to anything other than the clan, anyone who comes to interfere between my faithful dog and I will have to disappear"

He announced breaking the glass in his hand as Min-Ho on his side was ready for his journey.

He never imagined that this trip would change his life for the better.

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