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Sara's Bodyguard

Sara's Bodyguard

King David


When The richest Businesman in the United States discovered that his family has become the primary target of his old friend who later turn to his brutal enemy, He tried all he could to save his family from him. Mr. Drake and McClark rules the city of Los Angeles, San Francisco and Las Vegas. They become an enemy when Drake Madison decided to fought against his friend McClark who has caused much damage to the society of US because of his illegal business and drug trafficking. David Jeffson one of the Eagle Security Agency became the major trait to McClark and his gang after been employed as a personal guide to Sara Madison.

Chapter 1 Attack on Sara Madison

The Saturday sunlight was as blinding as a flash of laser light and gunpowder, It was like the rattling and hissing of a desert snake, a tempest of a sea wave and sounded like a pearl of thunderstorm, just like distant artillery fire.

For a moment, Sara Madison, the daughter of Drake Madison wondered if she had gone to hell and ended back in the "who owns the city war" between her father and Ben McClark who has the biggest drug bunker and a deadly gang in the city of Las Vegas, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

She did regrets the reason why she left the house so early this morning, She shouted and cried loudly as bullets keeps flying by the side of the car she in.

All the cops who are supposed to protect her are all down on the floor in their own pool of blood.

This was a mistake ... The sirens of more cops was slamming on to her ear, she keeps digging in her heels on the car door, trying to claw her way back behind the safety of the blood-soaked driver that divided her from the front door, She raked the perfection symbol of the Ross Royce car as she tries to escape ...

Her heels left deep impressions in the damp gravel. So much for stealth, as she run seeking for a hide out.

Sara could not help but cry as she stuck herself between the hedge of a flowers

Sergeant Steven, one of the cops blinked and shook his head to her to keep hiding to avoid a stray bullet.

"Okay, Sara. I will be sneaking out to find a safe place for you and when you see me wave, you start coming"

Sara stared hard at the cop.

She wanted to stand up as she sees sergeant Steven's wave at a corner of the town square. She got shoot and she slumped on the floor.

All she could hear was sirens and the voice of sergeant Steven yelling so loud to other surviving cops.

"call the 911, we've got emergency here, she's shot and it looks very bad".

The gun battle came to an end as the SWAT team arrived at the scene, The unknown gunmen drove off.

The powerless body of Sara Madison is then taken inside of the ambulance and they drove off.

A lot of Ambulances drives into the hospital, doctors, nurses, attendants, paramedics, volunteers, porters, visitors were all baffled by the number of police officers taking part in what was happening.

Getting to the veranda of the hospital, IV bags and stands, were set on the rolling bed to get her back to life.

Blood was dripping uncontrollably from the hole made by the bullet.

The doors leading to the ward she should be admitted was continually sliding open and shut as the doctors and nurses keeps tripping in.

The screams, cries, moans, gasps, grunts and groan of pain keeps shaking the door as the doctors keeps trying to bring her back to life. After a lot of blood was lost, the bullet were smoothly taken off from Sara's body.

People talking in low voices, intercom calling out codes and directions, squeaky wheelchairs, the clack of the keyboard, a low-volumed radio and TV, made the hospital a very chaotic place to stay.

The janitors are all busy with all kinds of materials making the place look more good and to die down the horrific smells from the antiseptic, a metallic tang from stainless steel in the open air, bleach wafting from bedding, blood, vomit, sweat, cologne, the scent of get well flowers, questionable food smells from room trays, grease, meaty, soup smells really bad.

Burnt coffee from machines, bland food from vending machines, Hospital food and snack foods from vending machines.

Cold metal bed rails, soft pillows, crisp sheets, smooth plastic emergency remote and call remote. The prick of a needle, cool swipe of antiseptic being applied on skin, a sweaty forehead, sweat dropping,.

Sergeant Steven could not hold the horrible sight again and wanted to leave the corridor but he meets Mr. Drake Madison.

Mr. Drake's gaze swivelled over the waiting room, looking for the ward his daughter was in.

Sergeant Steven horrid to him and and asked him to sit down

"Steven, you all are bunch of weak and pathetic cops!! if anything happens to my daughter, I won't let you live!!"

"Sir we did everything within our powers to handle the situation but the perpetuators are heavily armed.

Sir, you need to calm down. Trust me she will be fine very soon"

"Sergeant Steven this is the third time this is happening to her I'm done trusting you. Maybe it's time to look somewhere else.

A TV played quietly in one corner, a distraction that might help keep Mr. Drake's mind off the anger he might be having in his soul. He sits at the seats closest to him while Sergeant Steven stood empty.

The sandwiched between two sweating and shivering men very close to Mr. Drake makes him feel very uncomfortable as one leaned forward and filled the space with harsh squeaking and hacking coughs.

Mr. Drake understood why no one else had tried to seat at the same seat with him, he looks very rich and some might have seen him on the TV'S.

He looked at the left side of the the hospital and finds Sergeant Leo near the bland walls and tableful of weak magazines.

Suddenly, a much more appealing hard face and shrink wrap face of the doctor create strong winds and discomfort as he walked out of the ward with a mask full of blood stain on his face

The doctor's face shows that Sara is not actually going well as sergeant Steven said.

"Doctor, what is happening, you don't look normal, hope nothing have happened to my daughter?"

"Mr. Drake, I'm sorry to tell you this but I think you should know. Your daughter is in a critical level of her life and could pass away any moment from now?.

Mr. Drake could not hold his tears back as he slumped on the chair with his tears dropping so smoothly at the hospital floor.

"Doctor, what do you think I should do now?"

"Well Mr. Drake, I think she needs a blood to stabilize"

"Doctor, can I see her now?"

"why not,"

Mr. Drake speed down the hall with his two Bodyguard, straining to reach the dearing steers that leads to his daughter's ward.

Mr. Drake pushed in, there was a lot of Doctors swarmed Sara's bed just like the bees serving their queen, racing to bring her back from the dead...

Mr. Drake Madison was very furious with all the security agents whom should been more protective of his daughter.

He turned his gaze to one of the doctors with is glasses on his hand.

It was a miracle because this was actually the first time for many years he is taking off his glasses at the public.

"Doctor, what should I do, I need my daughter back to life at all cause"

The frustration on his face moved the doctors forcing one of them to take off his surgical mask, he placed his hand on his shoulder as they move to another side of the room.

"Sir your daughter need blood transfusion to survive, she have lost more than enough"

"You can take mine"

Few hours after the transfusion, Sara Madison sneezed. The father could not do anything but to embrace her.

The anger was boldly written on Mr. Drake Madison's face as he climbed down from the Helicopter with the help of his Bodyguard.

He stood at the spot watching as his daughter slowly step down walking so unstable as she tries to stand.

It was like a home coming ceremony, all the workers in Mr. Drake Madison Villa were all out including the mother and the siblings who are all happy to receive the injured Sara alive.

"Take her inside her room and assign to her a private nurse who will be administering to her"

She was taken in by the workers with three set of Bodyguard following them.

"Sergeant Steven I want to know exactly what happened this morning"

"Sir, everything happened like a flash of a dearing lightining, We were taken by surprise.

We couldn't have the time to regroup ourselves from the gunmen, but I believe and I know that it was the same gang that attacked us few months ago but they are more armed today than the first day"

Mr. Drake goes more closer to Sergeant Steven who was not very comfortable with his smile, he stood looking at Mr. Drake as he moves his mouth very close to his ear whispering a faint words to him.

Sergeant Steven could not read meaning to what he said to him but pretended to have heard him very well.

"Sergeant Steven, what did I say to you, I believe you didn't get me well"

Sergeant Steven let out a quick smile trying to clear the agonizing face of his.

"Actually sir, I did not get you clearly, but I felt the hit air from your nostril"

"Good. I said nothing, I did drop my breath unto your soul so that you can see how pained I'm, it's hot and heavy and I believe you noticed it. so tell whom do you think was responsible for this?"

Sergeant Steven goes closer to him with his eyes firmly fixed on Mr. Drake's face.

"We all know who is responsible and if we don't act fast, they will come for you"

Mr. Drake let out a spooky laughter as he goes back to a sofa very close to the pool.

"I think it's time to drop a letter to those mother fuckers, go get prepared".

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