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The Handsome CEO's Second Wife

The Handsome CEO's Second Wife



Ratna Saraswati, a young girl, finds herself in a confusing and disorienting state after suspecting that someone spiked her drink. With blurred vision and a throbbing headache, she stumbles through a hotel, struggling to identify her room. Eventually, she enters a room that she hopes is hers and settles down to rest, only to be awakened by a touch on her body. Startled, Ratna realizes that a man is embracing her. She screams in shock, demanding to know who he is and what he has done to her. The man, in a half-naked state, dismisses her accusations and belittles her appearance. Angered by his remarks, Ratna confronts him, asserting her self-worth and threatening to report him for inappropriate behavior towards a minor. Their argument escalates, with the man physically restraining Ratna and making unwanted advances. Despite her resistance, he kisses her neck, violating her further. Ratna desperately tries to break free, but her efforts are in vain.

Chapter 1 The Beginning

Ratna Saraswati felt a throbbing headache. Her vision was blurry, the world trembling in a violent earthquake. Blurry, that's how she saw things now. The number one looked like the number eleven. She walked with unsteady steps, weaving through people who occasionally bumped into her.

"They're all alike! They must have spiked my drink!" Ratna Saraswati muttered, leaning against walls and room doors.

"Oh, which room is it? Ah, I don't know..."

She gazed at the numbers etched on the front of the room doors, but couldn't see them clearly. It felt so confusing to enter the wrong room.

As her hand touched one of the doors, it suddenly swung open by itself. She smiled. "Maybe this time I didn't pick the wrong room," she murmured as she stepped inside.

She took off the heels she was wearing and continued by removing her dress, now only in a tank top and thin shorts. Her body felt weary, and resting was the most beautiful thing she would do.

"Good night," she whispered with a sweet smile, then she lay down on the bed and dozed off under the thick blanket.

Suddenly, Ratna Saraswati felt a touch on her body... the touch forced her drowsy eyes wide open. Her head still throbbed, but she struggled to stay alert. Yes, maybe she had only slept for two hours. She tried to remember that she was in a room, but who was touching her? And she had to remember that she didn't have a husband yet.

Ratna Saraswati tried not to believe what she was experiencing at the moment, but the embrace felt tighter from behind. She swallowed hard before gathering herself to see what was now clinging to her body.

Her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as she saw the figure on her body. Yes, it was true... there was a muscular hand tightly hugging her. And she could confirm that the owner of the hand was a man. She tried not to be startled, but in vain, her mouth couldn't hold back a scream.

The scream echoed at the highest pitch possible. She wanted to make everyone in this hotel hear her outcry. Truly shocking! Without much thought, she immediately moved from her sleeping position, pulling the blanket to cover her body and distancing herself from the bed.

When she turned around, she was faced with an even more surprising sight. Not a ghost or anything of the sort, but something that could drive a sane mind crazy. A man in a half-naked state... or rather, only wearing underwear, now stood in front of her.

"This is insane! I suddenly wake up with a man who... is hard to believe," she muttered while biting her lower lip.

The man stared sharply at Ratna Saraswati, covering his body with a shirt that lay on the floor. "How impolite! Entering someone's room without permission!"

"Heyyyy!! You're the one being impolite!" Ratna Saraswati pointed at the man with frustration and accused him. She wanted to curse him with words, but her lips felt stiff. Finally, she sat on the floor, screaming about what she was experiencing.

The man approached Ratna Saraswati and forcefully pulled her arm to make her stand up from her seated position. Then, roughly, he grabbed her chin.

The man approached Ratna Saraswati with determined steps, forcefully pulling her arm and making her rise from her seated position. Roughly, he gripped Ratna Saraswati's chin, his face filled with despair. "What do you think you're doing?!" he exclaimed sharply, a cunning smile forming at the corners of his lips.

"Yes, it's true... for the sake of wealth and status, they say women would do anything. They would even sacrifice their dignity and bodies!" he said with a sarcastic tone.

Ratna Saraswati's body was pushed against the wall, causing the blanket covering her to fall to the floor. However, anger consumed her to the point where she easily forgot about the object. She took a step forward, approaching the man unaffected by the fierce glare he threw her way.

With a brave smile, Ratna Saraswati stared at the man challengingly. "Do you think I'm like those women? Selling myself for money?" A sudden slap landed on the man's cheek, leaving a clear red mark.

His cheek reddened and stung. Never before in his life had he experienced a slap like this. He was stunned by this young girl who easily delivered a slap to him.

"Listen here, you perverted man! I am not like what you say! Position and wealth... they have nothing to do with self-worth. That's the difference between an educated person and someone..." Ratna Saraswati paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. "What have you done to me?!" she asked consciously, returning to the core issue.

The man looked Ratna Saraswati up and down, then smiled at the corner of his lips. "Do you think a girl like you attracts me? There's nothing attractive or even remotely interesting," the man said, belittling Ratna Saraswati's appearance.

Ratna Saraswati's hands clenched tightly upon hearing the man's words, which felt like a heart-piercing insult.

"You perverted man! Don't bring up physical appearance! I'm still in high school, still a teenager... it's impossible for my body to be perfect or my chest to be large. That's too much!" Ratna Saraswati felt angry.

"What?" he asked in surprise when Ratna Saraswati admitted she was still in high school.

"What? Don't pretend to be surprised! I can report you to the National Commission for Child Protection for your indecent behavior towards a minor!" Ratna Saraswati threatened.

The man pointed his finger in front of Ratna Saraswati. "Hey, wake up from your dreams. Do you think I'm the type of man who sleeps with someone like you? It's not even convincing that you've gone through puberty."

Once again, the conversation shifted back to physical appearance.

Ratna Saraswati felt irritated, her frustration multiplying. She pushed the man, causing him to take a step back.

"This is outrageous! Tell me what you have done to me!"


Ratna Saraswati ignored the shout. She was solely focused on her anger. "What have you done to me, huh?! Tell me... tell me!!!" Ratna Saraswati screamed hysterically.

The man's hand restrained Ratna Saraswati this time. "Let go!"

"I don't acknowledge my actions, yet you keep getting closer to me. Well then... it seems you do want it, don't you?"

Ratna Saraswati fell silent upon hearing that. Suddenly, one of the man's hands was on her waist, while the other locked both of her hands.

"Is this what you want?"

"Get away from me!" Ratna Saraswati shouted.

Quickly, the man kissed Ratna Saraswati's neck, despite her resistance and attempts to avoid it. This was the consequence of dealing with him. The threat directed at him had turned into reality.

"Is this what you want?!"

"Let me go!"

Although Ratna Saraswati's hands eventually broke free from the man's grip, she couldn't escape his presence.

Countless scratches now adorned her back as a result of Ratna Saraswati's clawing. She truly was a brave young girl.

"Stay away from me!" Ratna Saraswati continued to scream, pushing the lecherous man away from her. She felt her nails cutting into the man's back, but she still failed to avoid the unwanted situation.

"Stop! Go away!" shouted Ratna Saraswati loudly, vehemently resisting as she pushed with all her might against the lecherous older man. A burning desire to harm the man who had violated her blazed within her, but her efforts proved futile. Her nails extended, attempting to scratch his back, but no marks were left behind.

However, unexpectedly, something unimaginable happened this time. The lecherous man approached Ratna Saraswati, crossing an unexpected boundary. He kissed Ratna Saraswati's lips. How would Ratna Saraswati respond? Initially, she felt restless, hitting and screaming. She fought with all her strength, scratching the man's back like an angry lioness. Yet, the commotion came to a sudden halt. Something unexpected occurred. A drop of clear, warm liquid accidentally fell on Ratna Saraswati's cheek.

Ratna Saraswati remained silent, frozen without a single word, her face devoid of any expression as the boy continued his actions. Her eyes widened, but the drops of clear liquid had already trickled from her eyelids. In her heart, Ratna Saraswati tried to convince herself that this was only a dream, a mere nightmare. She tightly shut her eyes, attempting to persuade her heart that this was not reality.

However, suddenly, the door forcefully swung open from the outside. The noisy sound interrupted Justin's actions, causing his gaze to shift towards the source of the noise. And not only that, Ratna Saraswati, who was in front of him, right in his embrace, suddenly fainted and nearly fell to the floor. But swiftly, Justin held her, reaching out to support her body from falling until the girl found herself in his warm embrace.

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