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Tale of Moonlight (The Game in Arena)

Tale of Moonlight (The Game in Arena)

Bhadie bae


The game was about to start, one life in exchange of others life. Moon Laureen Venomous unleashed her sleeping power while she's inside of the game and the truth about Zero's Identity will be revealed

Chapter 1 Arena

"Let's go Moon." Shadow said and looked at me. I smiled and nodded. A nice limousine is now in front of us, I thought the bus would take us to the arena. It's really different when you're rich.

"I'll take it." Shadow said and snatched the bag I was holding. I smiled.

"Can you? The amount you can carry." I said, he laughed.

"Don't be rude. I'm showing you my elegance." He said making me laugh more.

"You know, that's mine. You might be overwhelmed by the bag with too much you're carrying." I said and snatched the bag he took from me and then a bag he was dragging.

"But I don't want you to get tired." He said.

"Eh there all." We looked behind us and saw Star staring at us.

"I hope everyone has Shadow." Star said making me laugh.

"I hope everyone doesn't get tired, I hope everyone is sweet." Star added, making us laugh.

"Oh here, you want to show off your elegance to Moon, don't you. Oh bring that." Red stretched and placed her luggage in front of Shadow.

"Are you Moon? Are you Moon? Hey Cloud, what's that red you're eating apple again oh." Rain complained to Cloud. Cloud just stared at Rain and then grabbed Red's bag that was placed in front of Shadow.

"Red is just jealous." Cloud whispered to us then winked at us.

After we put the things in the car, we smiled and got into the beautiful car.

This is the first time I have ridden in such a beautiful car. I looked at Shadow next to me with a question in my mind.

"Shadow." I called. He turned to me with a smile.

"Does Zero is in this car too?" I asked him in a whisper.

Immediately the smile disappeared from his lips, something I silenced. He just looked at me and slowly shook then took a deep breath.

"No." he answered sparingly. I forced a smile and averted my eyes. I think Zero is with his parents, it's impossible for him to be with us. Eh almost all our actions with him are separate.

I took a deep breath and focused myself on watching the scene we were passing through.

"Moon, wake up." I opened my eyes when I heard Shadow's voice. I looked around and saw what was left of us in the car.

"They've been down before. I didn't want to wake you up before but it looks like you slept well, now I just woke you up because it's dark." He said so I looked out the window and he was right, it was already dark.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize I fell asleep on your shoulder." I said and smiled, he laughed.

"It's nothing, come on. They've already entered our belongings." He said. I nodded and we got out of the car together.

My jaw almost dropped when I saw the beauty of the arena. The vastness of the place where it is located, I am just here outside I am amazed. What if we were already inside.

"Our room is in the west wing, but Ice said earlier. They said they were sending us to the south wing of the Arena." Shadow said and looked at me.

He held out his hand in front of me then smiled.

"Come on?" He asked. I looked at his hand in front of me then smiled and accepted it.

We walked towards the South wing together as Shadow said as we held hands.

“I think we’ll be introduced to the players we can compete against.” He said.

"I am-" I couldn't keep up with what I was going to say when i collided with someone. We looked at the man I had bumped into who was obviously irritated by what had happened.

"Sorry i--"

"Don't you have eyes?" He asked irritably and looked at the hands we were holding.

He turned his gaze back to us.

"I'm sorry." I said and bowed. Shadow immediately pulled me behind him so I looked up.

"Look, I can really see you here Shadow. Long time no see." The man I bumped smiled. I looked at Shadow with his forehead wrinkled.

"I also saw the traitor again. Long time no see .... Dark." Shadow said emphatically something I swallowed.

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