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Tales of Moonlight (Zero's Identity)

Tales of Moonlight (Zero's Identity)

Bhadie bae


"ZERO  HAS BEEN DEAD FOR A LONG TIME! HOW CAN WE BELIEVE YOU IF THE NAME YOU SAY HAS BEEN BURIED IN THE PIT FOR A LONG TIME ?!" As the game end, the dream title of Red is gone because of Moon, Now Moon need to know the truth that Zero is dead

Chapter 1 Reason

Inside of our school bus was quiet, no one spoke to us, our eyes were straight and my companions had no emotion.

On our way home to Moonlight, the Leviticus students stayed in the arena because they were still preaching and talking. None of my companions had greeted them before except me.

Dark was immediately rushed to the hospital near the Arena, that's all I know. His companions said that he felt better immediately, something that made me feel better.

I still can't thank him for blocking himself so that Red won't stab me.

I knew they were disappointed and angry because we weren’t the winners, especially Red who was really emotionless and only looked in one direction.

I bent down and took a deep breath, I could feel Red's anger from here in my seat.

Even though I was ready for what would happen, I was still nervous. I knew this was going to happen with the plan Dark and I made.

"Damn it." Star said stunned so I looked at him and so did those with us except Red as if no one else had heard.

"What happened?" When Ice asked softly and looked at me. "Moon?" She added as she looked at me, I could see the disappointment in her eyes.

I didn’t know what to say, what to explain, I wanted to speak and apologize but I didn’t have the strength to move my mouth.

"We talk about it, isn't it?" Star asked weakly and looked at me.

"You said, you won't repeat what you did. You promised me Moon." His voice was full of regret, I bowed down, my tears immediately flowed.

"You're a Moonlight student but you chose to side with the Leviticus. You're a traitor." I was even more discouraged by what Shadow said.

I chose to remain silent rather than speak, I also feel useless if I explain my side but they will not listen.

Their minds are still closed.

"Sorry." Finally I also had the strength to say that one word.

I immediately closed my eyes when Red suddenly rushed at me and choked me up to my seat, Cloud immediately calmed down but Red was still stronger so he just jumped.

I could see the anger in Red's eyes as she choked me.

"SINCE YOU HAVE BEEN WITH US, NOTHING ELSE GOOD HAS HAPPENED TO US BUT SOMETHING!" Red shouted and put more pressure on strangling me, I could only struggle.

Her tears flowed.


"Stop!" Rain shouted and restrained Red and this time Shadow and Star also restrained, they pulled Red away from me while Rain pulled me away from Red and supported me.

"Is it okay, that's right. It's over, there's nothing we can do to change what happened." Rain said while supporting me, I caught my breath and looked at Red who looked at Rain and me badly.

"You, you're to blame for this Rain." Red said and Rain looked at us alternately.

"If you hadn't included her name in RFE she probably wouldn't have been drawn and she's not here right now!" Full of anger Red says.

"Why do you want to win? To make you Famous? To make your parents proud of you? It's just a game!" Annoyed Rain said.

"YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND!" Shadow shouted at Rain, I immediately touched Rain so she looked at me, I shook my head to tell her not to speak but she didn't listen.

"If it's just a game for you, it's more than just a game for us!" Shadow said angrily while looking at Rain.

"My grandfather's life is at stake here." Full of resentment Red said while crying and looking at me.

"That game is my hope for the recovery of my grandfather Moon, Fuck. But it's easy for you to lose the game!" Red's shout caused me to stop.

"Because, you're used to losing Moon, because you only think about yourself. You didn't even think about those with you, Moon, that's my grandfather's life." When welding Red said and sat up in extreme pain he was feeling.

Immediately my tears flowed.

"Red .."

"Don't come near me!" She shouted, Ice immediately comforted her.

"Two years ago my youngest brother died." Shadow said coldly as he looked at me.

"The prize that we see Hasreffa is a great honor to bring back the life of my brother Moon." He said and his eye was full of pain.

"But you chose to side with the Leviticus more than our friends of yours." He added that it made me feel even more guilty.

I don't know what they said, I don't know why they want to win is because they have things they want to ask Hasreffa.

"I'm sorry--"

"That's enough, sorry you can't bring everything back Moon." Cloud said coldly so I cried even more.

I thought, when we lose it's okay with me, but because of what they said I'm sorry, I didn't even know that they also needed to win.

I thought more of Zero than them, but Dark said, when we win there is something they will ask Mr and Mrs Steler to come back, that's why I don't want to win.

I helped Zero, I'm sure he'll help me explain to Red why I chose to lose the game.

"That's why I lost the game ... Because of Zero." I said as a reason for them to look at me at the same time.

I was swallowed.

"He said I'm going to lose the game because they have something Mr. and Mrs. Steler are planning to bring back." I explain. Red frowned and stood up.

She slowly approached me then slapped me hard.

"DO YOU THINK WE WILL BELIEVE WHAT YOU SAID HA ?!" she shouted angrily at me, Shadow immediately took Red.

"Believe me, Zero showed up to me twice in the game and--"

"Moon that's enough." Rain stopped me so I shook.

"I'm telling the truth Rain, that's my reason and I'm sure he'll explain that to you." I said I saw Rain's tears dripping then hugged me tightly.

"That's enough Moon, that's enough." She said crying as she hugged me.

"Why don't you believe me, yes I'm the reason why we lost but I'm telling the truth." I said, Rain let go of the hug then looked at me while crying.

"Who would believe in a madman like you Moon?" Star asked so I looked at him.

"You're using Zero's name to make us believe you, do you think we'll believe you?" Ice said as she hugged Red.

"It's true--"


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