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Luisa is a doctor full of pain and trauma accumulated from a troubled past, a mother who "loses" her daughter with Down syndrome that was so planned and at the same time rejected by her own grandmother; Christopher, a doctor-surgeon and son of one of the owners of the ClinBustamante Imperial Hospital, both with pains from a past for completely different reasons, unknowingly seek the healing of their anguish, a suffering of their "losses" are installed and little do they know that maybe one is the cure for the other A simple meeting years later, will become calming, it is just like a medicine does, bringing healing for the pains. Will they both be able to find the cure for so much torment?

Chapter 1 1

⚜ Luisa Bergantine ⚜

My life has always been very complicated, I lost my father when I was ten, leaving only my sister MaitĂȘ and my mother, if you can call that woman mother. When he died I thought we would be in the worst situation because my sister was only eighteen, she worked as a receptionist and of course she had the help of her father, but I couldn't abuse it because he had no obligation to me

At eighteen I was like any girl of that age with dreams and full of plans for my life, among them I had the dream of becoming a mother, one of which I would achieve was to graduate from medical school. My dream was since I was a little girl when I saw my father help the neighbors who he couldn't afford to go to the hospital, we led a humble life, but very comfortable and we never lacked for anything, especially in studies that even after he died he left us a large amount so that for me to fulfill my dream of studying medicine and for Mai's future even though he is not the father

Needless to say, my mom hated not getting one percent of that amount, she said my dad left her a dead weight. I suffered a lot with his absence, triggering an eating disorder, I gained weight from the age of ten to eighteen, which was when my mother wanted to do business with one of the owners of the city's central hospital.

His son was one of the worst human beings on the face of the earth, with a reputation for being a womanizer and also involved with drugs, which is why his father wanted to marry him as soon as possible with the intuition of leaving the hospital for him, thinking that maybe he would come to his senses

- Time ago -

Blanca - LuĂ­sa get ready for a visit from Henrique Bustamante in this house

MaitĂȘ - And why mommy? Does he intend to give LuĂ­sa a job now that she has two years left to graduate?

Blanca - Much Better! Her sister is getting married in a year, before she even graduates.

LuĂ­sa - What Mom? I can't get married! You know my plans don't involve getting married, not now

Blanca - I don't care about your plans, LuĂ­sa , you can't imagine the millions I'll earn from this promising marriage

MaitĂȘ - And, why don't you marry the lady? Since you want the money so much, marry the lady! - MaitĂȘ has always been my right arm

Blanca - In fact, you should be marrying him because you are the same age as Alessandro, Henrique's son, however, you prefer to stay with that starving boyfriend of yours

LuĂ­sa - But Mom, I don't want to get married

Blanca - I already said that you don't have to love LuĂ­sa , besides everything you are my only virgin daughter the way Henrique wants. Make sure you don't put on those clothes that mark your tires, slip into a modeling belt

And it was exactly that night that my torment began, Alessandro said he could never marry someone overweight like I was and from that day on I started to eat only lettuce and chicken. Every day I was woken up at five in the morning to walk until nine, in the afternoon I did another three hours at the gym and I only had time at night to study, this was my routine for two long years

When I turned twenty I thought it would be the year of my freedom, also because it was the year I graduated as a Doctor, I was valedictorian of the class and the pride that my sister carried in her eyes was clear. She was already engaged to Samuel, so he died in a robbery when he was returning from work and with that she was experiencing a moment of mourning.

My plans were to get a job and move in with MaitĂȘ, I didn't want any contact with my mother, because she didn't even show up at my graduation, even though she knew it was the moment when I was most vulnerable. Days before graduation I was very down because it was a special moment and not having my father here with me, the damn day he suffered a heart attack leaving me alone in this cruel world, but MaitĂȘ, noticing my low spirits, had a cardboard display made with daddy's picture

- Time ago -

MaitĂȘ - See what I ordered my sister to do, you are not alone today! Your father is present both on cardboard and here in your heart, there's no reason to be sad because I know that wherever he is, he's proud of the woman you've become! Now go there and rock your speech, little sister - He hugged me and that's how I went

LuĂ­sa - We knew that the path to be followed would be long, that it would demand sacrifices, but we carried hope in our chests and the certainty that our dream would be enough to withstand all the difficulties. Finally formed! Dad, wherever you are, this diploma is for you!

It would be the happiest day of my life if my mother hadn't set up an engagement dinner with Alessandro who was completely enchanted when he saw me after two years of food torture, we got married in less than two months and I can honestly say that that was from there that the biggest hell in my life began

Alessandro won't let me study my profession, we've been married for exactly five years and even in so much pain we came to discover that my second dream is on the way, I'm pregnant with a beautiful little girl. I did thousands of exams and through the fetal morphological ultrasound we found out through the nuchal translucency that she has Down syndrome, of course this is not a problem for me because I already love and will always love my daughter. Alessandro, on the other hand, suggested that I abandon her in the maternity ward as soon as she was born, because he didn't want a retarded daughter.

I would never let go of my daughter, she is just like any other child and maybe she is even more special to me as a mother. I didn't expect this from Alessandro, with all his flaws, but I still expected him to change with the pregnancy, because he was very happy too

Alessandro - What are we going to do, are we going to leave the country and live a better life? Who knows, maybe we'll find a treatment there or something like that.

LuĂ­sa - You know perfectly well that there is no treatment Alessandro, you need treatment - We argued while he was driving - And it's dangerous for me to travel now, it's not long before I give birth

Alessandro - We should have seen this before LuĂ­sa - Punched the steering wheel - Let's go on my jet, when you get home you pack your things and we'll leave

LuĂ­sa - I can't leave MaitĂȘ alone, her father is missing and she's out of work, our mother's useless not even to help her since she got so much money from that cursed marriage. I will not leave Brazil

Alessandro - Yes it will! Fuck your family, let's build ours out of this country - Run over a person - Shit! See what you caused?

I immediately got out of the car, even going home after nine months, I still knelt down to see how the boy Alessandro had run over was doing, I was going to practice first aid since people around called the ambulance to pick him up

LuĂ­sa - Hello young man, how are you? Be still, the ambulance will arrive soon - I put my bag under his head to be safe

Alessandro - If you do word of mouth in this unknown, our marriage ends here!

LuĂ­sa - It's a favor you do me Alessandro!

Alessandro - I won't give up, I'll take the car and go home and wait for you with the bags ready - He escaped from the place

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