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Runaway from the Cunning CEO!

Runaway from the Cunning CEO!

Joy Lily


The bathroom's glass door swung open, revealing a man half-wrapped in a bath towel. He had a tall and muscular physique, comparable to a supermodel's, without excess fat. As his eyes scanned the room, he was surprised not to find anyone in the bedroom. His gaze landed on the pillow with two pink lipstick marks, and his sharp eyes narrowed slightly. He gripped the towel in his hand, freezing for a moment. A glint sparkled in his eyes, and a smirk crept up the corner of his mouth, showing amusement. So, she wanted to provoke him, huh? Very well! This woman was indeed audacious! Adrian Westwood, he would make her appear before him voluntarily! The next day. On the front pages of major national newspapers in London, there was a simultaneous release of a wanted notice! The entire page displayed the image of an entirely nude woman! Every contour of her body captivated and mesmerized people. Her long and silky hair cascaded like seaweed, inevitably evoking thoughts of her beauty. A pure white figure on a single bed, with seductive red lips, left everyone in a dreamlike state. Next to the image, there was only a small line of text: "Reveal yourself before me, or bear the consequences." "Wow, Sophia! Look at this. Is it a wanted notice?"

Chapter 1 Who is Adrian Westwood

In a luxurious hotel room, running water echoed from the bathroom.

On the spacious king-size bed, a beautiful maiden lay sprawled, her soft and fair skin reminiscent of a child's, while her long, dark hair cascaded wildly.

The young girl, like a blooming flower exuding deadly allure, let out a groan of dissatisfaction as she slowly opened her eyes.

Her mind felt foggy, and her head throbbed as if it were about to explode! She massaged her temples, trying to take in her surroundings.

Where on earth was this place? Why was she here?

She vividly remembered getting drunk yesterday and wandering on the streets.

Witnessing a girl begging a man, she must have interfered and scolded that man without a second thought.

After the scolding, she vomited, and then... oh no...

She slapped her head; she couldn't even imagine what had happened afterward.

Feeling a chill on her body, Sophia Reynolds glanced down and realized, to her horror, that she was completely naked!

She nearly screamed in fear! Quickly covering her mouth, she also felt her soul shivering in dread.

"Lost virginity." These two words were like an oversized pistol aimed right before her.

However, she didn't want to bother calculating anything with him anymore. She tried to escape quickly and deal with the aftermath later!

She turned her head towards the bathroom, catching a glimpse of a tall figure through the transparent glass door, appearing and disappearing instantly.

Sophia Reynolds smoothed her lengthy hair, leaped up from the bed, and rushed to the jumble of clothes on the floor. She noticed her clothes still bore the traces of yesterday's vomiting.

Frowning, she wrapped herself in a blanket and tiptoed to the other side of the bed.

Picking up her underwear and pants, she hastily put them on while grabbing the man's clothes in confusion. She awkwardly dressed in his oversized attire, looking more adorable and mischievous. Sophia Reynolds glanced at the figure in the bathroom and stuck out her tongue.

Turning around to search for her backpack, she discovered it lying silently in a sunny corner. She shuffled slowly towards it, and her lipstick fell out of the bag.

This was Jemima's precious item. If she lost it, she was dead!

Taking the lipstick in her hand, she turned her head to gaze at the man bathing inside.

Suddenly, a wicked idea popped into Sophia Reynolds' mind, and she returned to her original spot in a blink of an eye. She playfully applied the lipstick to her plump lips and even boldly layered it on a few more times for a richer color.

Bowing her head, she kissed the pillow on the bed.

Raising her head to admire her masterpiece, she nodded in satisfaction.

How foolish!

Time to escape!

Sophia Reynolds glanced at the figure of a man and let out a sigh deep within her heart.

Quietly, she gently opened the door and disappeared without a trace.

The bathroom's glass door opened, revealing a man with half his body wrapped in a towel. He had a tall and robust physique, comparable to a supermodel, with no sign of excess fat anywhere.

As she scanned the room, no one else was in the bedroom. She saw two lipstick marks on the pillow, and her sharp eyes narrowed slightly.

He paused, his hand holding the towel frozen in mid-air. A gleam sparkled in his eyes, and a mischievous smile crept up on his lips.

So, this woman wanted to challenge him, huh?

Very well!

This woman, indeed, had guts!

He, Adrian Westwood, would make her appear before him voluntarily!

The next day.

A nationwide wanted notice was published on the front pages of major national newspapers in London!

The entire page was filled with a completely naked woman!

Every contour of her body left people dumbfounded.

Her long and silky hair cascaded like seaweed, evoking thoughts of her appearance.

Her fair body lay on a single bed, her seductive red lips making everyone's imagination run wild.

Next to the image was a small line of text: "Whoever you are, appear before me voluntarily. Otherwise, face the consequences."

"Wow, Sophia! Look, is this a wanted notice?"

"Look at the woman in that picture, and she's so seductive! Truly admirable! I wonder what she looks like."

Jemima looked down at the newspaper, seemingly lost in thought, unable to hold back her continuous sighs.

"Yes! Probably," Sophia Reynolds replied nonchalantly, sitting to the side and barely glancing at it.

In her heart, she recalled the events of the previous day. As soon as she escaped, she immediately took a shower upon returning home.

She heard that if she "did it," it would be painful, and there might even be blood.

She remembered not seeing any traces on the bed that day and felt no pain. It was nothing that happened!

Suddenly, Jemima exclaimed, "A—"

Sophia Reynolds was startled by her, looking at her with a reproachful gaze. "Miss, you shouldn't scare people like that! It can be hazardous!"

"Come and see, Sophia! Do you know who issued this wanted notice?"

Jemima approached closer, waving the newspaper in her hand. "It's Adrian Westwood! Do you know Adrian Westwood?"

"Who is Adrian Westwood?" Sophia Reynolds pouted.

Jemima gave her a disdainful look. "Oh my god! Even Adrian Westwood doesn't know who he is now?"

"He is the CEO of Phantom Inc, a financial conglomerate. He's nearly twenty-eight years old, one meter eighty-five tall, wealthy, and most importantly, still single! Every woman in London wants to marry him!"

"Is that so? Then why don't you marry him?" Sophia lifted her chin, casually observing Jemima's excited expression.

"Unfortunately, he once declared that he would never get married." Jemima sighed with regret.

Suddenly, Sophia's eyes widened, her eyes turning into blossoming flowers. "But being his lover would be just as good!"

Sophia Reynolds looked at her friend's ambitious expression and glanced at the newspaper.

Wow! This woman's figure is alright!

She caught sight of the pink mole with her eyes and suddenly widened them in shock.

Quickly, she felt her clothes; indeed, a pink mole was on her left shoulder.

She hastily snatched the newspaper and stared intently at the exposed back, her face turning completely red.

With wide-open eyes, she recalled yesterday's playful prank in the room, her skin twitching and her head numb.

Oh my god! She had poked the devil!

Lost in her thoughts, she repeated the man's name eight hundred times. No, she cursed him eight hundred times!

"Adrian Westwood... the CEO of the financial conglomerate Phantom Inc..."

"Seeing this, do you also have feelings for him?" Jemima curiously asked.

Sophia Reynolds ignored Jemima's words, her eyes wide open, staring intently at the three words "Adrian Westwood," grinding her teeth in frustration. She suddenly crumpled the newspaper into a fist.

She jumped up from the chair, and a raging fire erupted from her as if it could incinerate everything.

"Show yourself in front of me, or bear the consequences," Sophia muttered, repeating it.

He was indeed a disgusting man. Why did he dare to take her picture?

He must have taken it while she was fast asleep! Was he a pervert who enjoyed voyeurism? How could someone have such a twisted preference?

He's nothing but a despicable creature!

How dare he mess with her! That narrow-minded devil!

What should she do now? Sophia Reynolds pondered, making up her mind silently that she would do anything to prevent him from spreading her photo in this city of London.

First, she would find him and negotiate!

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. With a determined spirit, she marched forward.

"Sophia, where are you going?" Jemima's voice came from behind, filled with surprise.

Sophia Reynolds didn't turn around and replied, "Jemima, I suddenly remembered something. I have to go ahead!"

Jemima stood there, watching her move farther away, stomping her feet. "But we still have classes in the afternoon!"

"Please cover for me and say I'm taking sick leave, as usual!" Sophia Reynolds's defiant voice echoed, causing people on the street to turn their heads.

Feeling everyone's gaze focused on her, Jemima quickly covered her face with the newspaper, whispering resentfully, "That damn Sophia, causing a scene like this in public! Does she want to live or not!"

A towering building reached into the clouds in the bustling area of AA.

The sun seemed to be infected with the girl's anger, emitting a scorching ray of light that spread all around.

The glass windows of the building refracted the sunlight into dazzling pink, making pedestrians hesitant to look up.

Sophia Reynolds confidently exited her car and rushed into the Raven Tower.

Inside, men wore suits and leather shoes, while women wore elegant and expensive office attire.

Sophia Reynolds appeared in the lobby, which was not crowded with people but instantly became the center of attention.

She was wearing a T-shirt and jeans, an easily noticeable mismatched combination.

Scanning her surroundings, she focused on a particular spot and headed straight to the service counter.

"Hey, you!" Sophia Reynolds stood before the service counter and lightly tapped on the table.

The employee behind the counter quickly smiled, offering courteous service, "Miss, I'm delighted to assist you!"

Sophia Reynolds heard her words and felt a moment of shock, her eyebrows momentarily furrowing in confusion.

What should she say? Should she reveal that Adrian Westwood had issued a wanted order, prompting her to seek him out? Pondering momentarily, she didn't know how to express herself adequately!

Gritting her teeth and closing her eyes, Sophia took a deep breath. "I want to meet Adrian Westwood."

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