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A Love so wrong

A Love so wrong



If I closed my eyes, I would still feel him. The warmth of his touch, like an electric current, igniting every part of me. The sound of his voice, captivating and enticing, resonating deep within my soul. And the scent of his presence, intoxicating and alluring, lingering in the air long after he's gone.  I had wished for the universe to bring him back to me, and the universe listened. Only he was brought back as my best friend’s man and that makes him off-limits. Or does it? It all started with a one-night stand.

Chapter 1 Prologue: A Night Stand.


Tonight, I have a plan to let loose and forget about my loveless existence. I don't care who, neither do I care where, but I need to escape the misery that consumes me.

I carried myself with an air of confidence and grace as I entered the club, or at least, I hoped so. Wearing an elegant red gown that accentuated my cleavage and ended just above my mid-thighs, I felt empowered. The black sandals around my legs completed the ensemble perfectly.

Once seated and having ordered my drink, I sensed a pair of eyes fixed on me, compelling me to investigate their source. What I saw left me in awe.

There was something about his appearance that captivated me. He possessed an extraordinary level of handsomeness, almost unfairly so. I daresay he outshined even actors and supermodels. His physical perfection commanded attention, with long legs and broad shoulders that accentuated his well-developed muscles, fitting perfectly in his Armani suit. A wave of heat washed over me, forcing me to suppress the sensation by discreetly clenching my thighs together. I needed to divert my focus from the undeniable attraction, desperately attempting to dismiss the forbidden allure.

Unfortunately, I was soon confronted with another predicament: his face. It had an arresting quality, a captivating intensity that seemed poised to electrify those around him. His allure was unparalleled, drawing me in like no other. His persistent gaze made me feel as desired as a celebrity.

I needed to get what I was feeling out of me so I impulsively stood up and decided to dance, an act I would never typically engage in. Blame it on the alcohol beginning to take effect. I noticed that his gaze remained fixated on me, which encouraged me to put on a show. Swaying sensually to Beyoncé's "Run the World," skillfully timed by the DJ, I even ventured into twerking, only to be abruptly interrupted by an unwelcome stranger attempting to grind against me without consent.

How rude! Ugh.

Politely, I requested, "Excuse me, please respect my personal space." However, when he acted as if he couldn't hear me, my patience wore thin. "I said, leave me alone! What part of that don't you understand?" I snapped, unable to tolerate his ignorance any longer.

"Excuse me, baby, is this guy bothering you?" A deep voice broke through the commotion, his hands encircling my waist, drawing me closer to his body. The touch sent a surge of heat through me, awakening my desires. I looked up, eager to play along. "Yes, babe! He wouldn't leave me alone."

"Would you mind leaving my girl alone, or do I need to call the bouncers to escort you out?" He threatened with authority.

I couldn't help but be intrigued by the respect he commanded with just a few words. His commanding presence and voice had an undeniable effect on me. Could this man be any more attractive?

"Can I buy you a drink?" he offered.

"I'd love to say yes, but I haven't even started with these," I replied, pointing to the untouched glass of Ciroc colada on the table.

"Wow! Do you plan on drinking all of those by yourself?" he asked, eyeing me curiously.

"Well, not really, but it never hurts to try," I shrugged, displaying a nonchalant attitude.

"What? That's not advisable, unless you have a death wish. Why would a beautiful girl like you come to a club alone and want to get intoxicated to that extent? It's not safe at all," he lectured.

I laughed heartily, contemplating whether to share my troubles with a stranger I had just met. I wondered if he genuinely cared or if it was all just a pretense, not that it truly mattered to me. But a part of me hoped that he did care.

"Nobody cares anyway. I doubt anyone would even miss me if I drank myself to death."

"What do you mean? I would definitely miss you, can't speak for others, but I'd miss you like crazy," he cajoled, his words infused with a flirtatious undertone, as intended.

"Isn't life exhausting enough to make you wish it would all end?" I replied absentmindedly.

"You know you can talk to me, right?" he urged.

"Too bad! I don't really feel like talking right now. I want something else."

"Ask for anything, and I'll give you whatever you desire, absolutely anything," he said, looking genuinely sincere.

"Even if I ask you to make love to me?" I uttered in a sultry manner. He nearly choked on his drink, clearly not expecting such a direct proposition.

"Hmm," he simply responded after regaining his composure, and before I knew it, his lips were grazing my neck.

The space between us disappeared as he turned his head, his breath teasing the shell of my ear. A deep vibration resonated in his voice as his tongue trailed down to the hollow of my throat. And, oh my, it felt as if he had licked my pussy, leaving me wet with desire.

Okay, maybe my neck too, but it was the pulsating desire within me that yearned for more. Aware of the effect it had on me, he skillfully flicked his tongue across that sensitive spot and gently nibbled.

Oh, fuck. I tightly crossed my legs, fearful that he would sense my overwhelming desperation. He continued his assault on my throat, his hand gliding down to my exposed back. His touch ignited a fire within me, scorching and capable of consuming me entirely. It felt as though he could either scorch me or lead me into the depths of temptation.

"I'm going to pleasure you so intensely that you'll never be able to forget me, no matter how hard you try," he whispered as he firmly grasped me. The words sent a shiver through my entire body, one that I couldn't suppress despite my efforts.

Without hesitation, we leaned in, gradually closing the distance between our lips. Our mouths finally met, the sensation of my lips against his warm and supple ones, moving in harmony and gradually melding together.

A surge of revelation and ecstasy coursed through my veins, infusing my entire being as he continued to press his lips against mine, growing more passionate and forceful. His insistent mouth parted my quivering lips, evoking sensations I had never known were possible. I eagerly responded, reciprocating the kiss, diving deeper than the vastness of the cosmos. Our lips melded together like a profound imprint, leaving an impression of allure and audacity.

Thirty minutes later, we found ourselves in a lavish suite, a fact that surprised me. Most men wouldn't splurge on such extravagance for a fleeting encounter, but perhaps he possessed boundless wealth and it held no significance to him.

Before we even stepped foot into the spacious room, his mouth found mine again. "Get a room, for God's sake!" someone snapped as we hurried into the suite, still unwilling to let go of each other's lips. It was as though an invisible force kept drawing us closer.

Normally, I would have been mortified to be caught in such a compromising situation, but the taste of his tongue in my mouth eradicated any remnants of shame that may have lingered. He explored, sought, and engaged with me, his relentless kiss intoxicating my senses. In that moment, more than anything, I craved for his cock to plunge into my dripping pussy, to claim me and ravage every inch of my being.

I was inexperienced in bed, lacking much practice, but being with this man ignited desires within me that I never knew existed. I longed to explore every inch of him and bring him pleasure in return. Summoning unknown courage, I pushed him onto the bed, straddled his hips, and leaned down to take control, kissing him passionately. Unable to resist, my hand naturally gravitated towards his member, gently stroking him through the fabric.

As I ground myself against him, I intensified my teasing, heightening my own desire and growing increasingly desperate to feel him inside me. Rationality gave way to overwhelming lust, and any concerns about appearing overly eager faded into insignificance. Unable to wait any longer, I moved down the bed, removing his last remaining piece of clothing, all the while relishing the sight of his impressive, fully erect cock.

"Amazing," I found myself uttering, my eyes fixed on the magnificent sight before me. His cock elicited a cocky smirk in response. I had seen my fair share of penises, but none had possessed the same grace as the one now in front of me.

In the dim lighting of the room, his pink tip glistened, and I licked my lips in anticipation of tasting him. I heard his quiet groan as my soft hands wrapped around his manhood, relishing the thrill of having him at my mercy.

With firm strokes, I watched as beads of liquid formed at his slit. Bending down, I took the tip of his penis into my mouth, initially focusing on the end, licking and sucking gently. Open-mouthed kisses followed, capturing any traces of escaped liquid.

Enthusiastically, I lapped at him, tracing a path from his balls to the tip, lost in a delirious moan, and twirling the tip of my tongue over his glistening glans.

At that moment, he had likely reached his limit of teasing, as he suddenly flipped me over, positioning himself above me. After slipping on a condom, he entered me without warning, prompting a pleasurable yelp to escape my lips.

He thrust into me relentlessly, showing no mercy. Our fingers intertwined as he intensified his movements, fucking me with greater force. My tight pussy gripped him, and I felt every inch as he repeatedly reached the deepest part of my channel. A powerful wave of orgasm crashed through me, causing my legs to uncontrollably tremble, but he wasn't finished yet.

Once again, he flipped me over, my back now facing him. With a firm hold on my hips, he entered me once more, picking up the pace even further. It didn't take long for me to climax again, and I could sense his impending release.

As the waves of pleasure began to crest, he withdrew, removing the condom and grasping his cock, coming over my ass in a pulsating arc. The sound of his release mingled with our heavy breaths, filling the air.

After taking a few moments to catch our breath and recover, he spoke, breaking the silence. "How did you become so skilled? You seemed innocent yet experienced. What's the story behind that?"

"I honestly don't know how to respond. Should I say thank you? I'm not sure," I replied, feeling shy and looking away.

"I hope you won't regret this, though. You appear to already be questioning it," he expressed with concern.

"You made it an incredible experience. I might feel a bit slutty or unconventional, but regret isn't part of what I'm feeling. I'm genuinely grateful for the beauty we shared. It feels unforgettable to me."

His ego inflated as he playfully wiggled his eyebrows and teasingly remarked, "Well, I never disappoint, that's for sure. But it will be difficult to let this be just a one-time thing. Very difficult." He successfully teased me, raising my hopes.

"Really?" I inquired, seeking confirmation.

"Absolutely!" he affirmed.

However, we soon drifted off to sleep, and when I awoke the next morning, he was gone. All that remained was a note on the table, which read:

"I had an incredibly memorable night."

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