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The Vampire's Queen

The Vampire's Queen

Authoress crystal


Andra Blythe, the daughter of the most powerful pack, went on a vacation and met Alaric, the most powerful vampire, her mate. Will they be able to cope with their sexual differences, approval from their society? Above all will they be able to win each other's love? And the danger that lurks around them?

Chapter 1 One

Andra Blythe woke up from her short sleep. She decided to lay in bed for a while before she stood up and did her daily activities. She looked around her room without moving . Her room was really big , an average person would call it gigantic.

She was the Alpha's daughter, it was only right she had one of the largest rooms . Her parents' room were much larger though. Her bed was placed directly in the middle of the room. She had a princess-like bed with a huge blue curtain which covered the whole bed. On the left there was a door leading to a balcony .

She mostly sneaked out through the balcony, her parents didn't know that though. In her balcony she had a flower at the far end , chairs and table in the middle . Then a camp bed at the farther end in case she wanted to sleep outside. In the right side of her room , she had a walk-in closet. She had her clothes , shoes and bags organized in her closet.

Even though she lived a simple life some things were a necessity. They had parties with other packs and she had to dress appropriately and not her preferred causal self. She had a long mirror which was her height placed at the side of her closet so as to check out her clothing after she was done dressing . Outside her closet she had her make-up table. She did simple makeup so her makeup table wasn't so full. She kept her books which she borrowed from the table at one side of the table. She loved reading , due to this fact she was the top of her class and peers. She was greatly admired as a lady and described as beauty and brains. Her bathroom was close to the balcony . She had a big bathtub , a shower and toilet. Her bathroom was a bit spacious and she loved it .

She looked at the wall clock and saw it was already 7:40am ,she was already ten minutes late. She decided to stand up and prepare for the day. Her 18th birthday was coming up and preparations for the day were stressing her out .

Even though everyone was excited about the day , she felt they were overdoing things. She preferred a low-key celebration. But her parents had other things in mind. Because she rarely went out and only went to important outings , her parents felt she didn't associate enough to find her mate.

Her phone started to ring and she checked who was calling so early in the morning and it was her best friend , Ariana. " Hello bestest , this is a little too early don't you think?"

"No darling it's not, get your lazy hardworking ass up , it's morning already. Are you going to come over today?".

" Yes babe ,I will , I want to talk about some things with you also. "

" Okay then , I'll be expecting you".

They decided to celebrate her birthday and invite so many packs in attendance so she could find her chosen mate.

But she had other plans , after she made a public appearance thanking everyone who came , she was going to go to her favorite spot in the greenhouse where no one would find her , so she could have a quiet time.

She lazily dragged herself to her bathroom and took a quick bath using hot water. She planned to soak herself longer than she did but she had to meet her parents and discuss the upcoming birthday party. She was going to plead with them if they could make it low-key. Even though there was a high chance they wouldn't agree , she would still try her best.

She had her bath and was done in 15 minutes and she went to her closet to pick her outfit.

She picked a yellow flowered shirt which hugged her shape perfectly and a high waist black jeans . She tucked in her shirt and wore a white flip flop . She was supposed to wear her slippers instead but she planned on going to see her best friend Ariana who lived three houses from her. She packed her hair into a messy bun and left her room. Her father was in the kitchen with her mother as usual.

They were the biggest love birds ever. Their bond was so strong that if one person fell ill , the other person also fell ill. When her mother was in labor , her father felt everything she felt and because of that decided after that they won't be having anymore children because he didn't want her to go through the pain again.

"Good morning father, good morning mother" her smile was evident , she loved her parents very much. " My darling daughter, good morning honey, hope you slept well" "Yes father"

"You keep on looking like your mother more and more each day" " Oh please my love , I believe she's looking more like you, she's having a masculine body instead of a feminine one" " No mother , I think I look like you both" she knew the childish banter wasn't going to stop if she didn't solve it equally .

" You're right darling , hope you slept well" " Yes mother I slept very well thank you , hope you two slept well? " " Yes darling, me and your father slept extremely well" she said as she winked to her mate and husband. Andra understood they must have had some intense banging during the night, she rolled her eyes and laughed.

" Father , mother , I want to talk to you about something after breakfast" "Darling, hope it's not too serious ?" Her father asked with concern vivid on his face. "No father, it's not so serious", her mother narrowed her eyes at her as if piercing her mind and reading it, she knew her mother probably guessed what she wanted to talk about.

"I have a very strong feeling. I know what you want to talk about, and I'm sure you probably know the outcome but we would still have the conversation. I appreciate you opening up to us darling".

" Thank you mom and dad, I'll be in the dining room ``''Okay darling" her dad said while looking at her mother.

She knew they were mind linking each other and from the look on her father's face , she knew she wasn't going to win. She decided to change her negotiation , from having a low party to inviting a few members. Only the important neighboring packs who were their allies would be allowed to come .

She went to the dining and sat as her father and mother prepared the breakfast. They were having buttermilk pancakes and eggs. It is her favorite meal. It seems her parents also wanted to bribe her.

In her pack each member lived in a separate house. This was to ensure they had their privacy. They had enough land to build a thousand houses but only built the necessary. Her father served the food on the dining table and they all sat down together to eat.

Her parents were eating slowly and feeding each other like they were trying to slow down time.

"Mom, dad , if you both eat like a tortoise , in an hour max you would be done, just saying". " Yea yea , we won't want to rush our food" " Okay mother". She knew they were definitely going to take their time so she focused on her phone, scrolling through pages on Instagram. She later went to Facebook to view her zeeworld TV profile. She had missed last night's episode because she was so tired and needed to work the next day. Then she went to Instagram and messaged her friend about her coming over .

Her parents finally finished their meal and turned to her, "So what is it you wanted to talk about?" "It's about my upcoming party" "I knew it , I knew that was exactly what you wanted to talk about sweetie " " Wait mom , you don't understand, I'm not saying you should cancel the party..." " So what are you saying then hun, we aren't doing a low profile party " .

"No mom, what I'm saying is only important people and packs should be invited, such as our allies . We can also be less safety conscious."

" That is very true, it's really safer, but is that what you really want dear" her father who had been quiet all along finally spoke." Yes dad, that's what I want" she knew the allies idea would work because safety was very important.

" I was thinking of making a list of allies but I'm sure you would know them better father" "You already have everything planned out don't you ? '' Andra laughed loudly , she really couldn't get anything past her father. He knew how to catch her spot on.

But now that her plan for the party had worked even though she had to adjust it a little , it was still better compared to before. She had better make a list of all allies she wanted, else her father would invite everyone then the plan wouldn't work anymore because the motive wouldn't be achieved.

"I'll be back father, I want to assist you in making the list of our allies " " There's no need daughter, I can do that myself" " No father , just take it as me learning the ways of handling the packs, it's good to know our allies and enemies, right father? " Her father smiled at her knowing she had won the argument. He shook his head and resumed talking with her mother. She just had to make a little number of allies then the problem was solved.

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