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Dreams stolen, innocence destroyed, life is not always as we want it to be, everything changes in a matter of seconds. Estrela is just one of the thousands of girls who lose everything in search of a new life. Estrela lives in the smallest city in the Amazon Japurá lives a quiet life with her parents until the day she meets Henzo, a handsome and mysterious gringo photographer who was always trying to convince her how beautiful she was and that she should go with him to work as a model. Little by little he convinced her and got her parents' permission to go. Each day that passed she was more involved with him, with all his kindness and his protective manner, until finally she reached her destination and everything she had dreamed of fell apart. Star would not be a model, she would not fulfill her dreams, her life was over, now she would live the true hell on earth. Just like so many other girls Vick, Angel, Cristal and so many others. Henzo, or better said Zeus, was the biggest trafficker of women and drugs, was in Japurá just to settle some business regarding his cargo and ended up meeting Estrela, admiring her beauty and ingenuity, so he dedicated himself to take her with him. Are you ready to live a story full of disillusion, pain, frustration, and heartbreak with Estrela and her new friends? Come and meet Unemelees

Chapter 1 STAR

Hello, my name is Estrela and I'm about to turn 17, I live in a small and quiet town, I love my parents more than anything, I always help in their sales, but they leave me free to study and be with my friends. But I also really like to go bathing in the river alone, I was at a point where I knew that almost no one would show up swimming peacefully when I hear a click noise and I got scared it was a tall man, light skin, dark blond hair with a huge tattoo on his left arm. I was very afraid, but his gaze held me to his.

XX - Hello, no need to be afraid of me

Star - scared - who are you? Why are you taking pictures of me?

XX - Smiling - Well my name is Henzo and what's your name pretty girl?

Star - You still haven't told me why you took pictures of me - I ask suspiciously

Henzo - you know what beautiful girl is, I am a photographer, me and this little beauty - show me the camera - we love to take pictures of everything that is beautiful, I was taking pictures of nature, the birds, the river and everything that is beautiful around here and I found you, the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life

Star - blushing - I'm not even pretty and I don't even know you to take pictures of me

Henzo - you are right pretty lady, I am sorry, could we start from scratch? You know I just arrived in town and I don't know anything around here, could we be friends?

Star - hmmm I don't know

Henzo - Come on please, I promise not to do anything too much, I will even put my camera away.

Star - that's fine, but if you try anything you will just see.

Henzo - Ok - I smile - I wonder if now that we will be friends I can know your name, pretty lady?

Star - of course, my name is Star - I hold out my hand, but he surprises me by kissing my cheek right on the corner of my mouth.

Henzo - a name as beautiful as you are, you really do look like a star.

Star - I'm not happy - thanks I guess, but what are you doing here in this part of the world?

Henzo - Me? I'm taking pictures of the river, I'm taking a break from the world, you know. I travel a lot in these fashion shows. That's what I do for a living, but it's not the kind of photos I like, I like to take pictures of nature, but it doesn't make that much money. I needed a little peace and to photograph things that are really worthwhile and not just models

Star - but I bet you love being in the middle of so many beautiful women

Henzo - of course I do, I'm no fool and I enjoy my work, but sometimes it's good to rest. Don't you want to be a model? You are very beautiful, if you want I can help you, I'll take some pictures of you and send them to a friend of mine

Star - No, thank you but no, I don't know how to do these things - I leave Rio and get my towel and dry myself, I feel his eyes watching me, quickly put on my dress - Look, it was a pleasure to meet you, but now I have to go, my parents must be waiting for me.

Henzo - can I accompany you? - I am a little backward with his insistence - please, I promise not to try anything, it's that I really don't know anything, I just arrived, I don't even have a place to stay yet.

Star - sigh - ok, all right you can accompany me, look but I'm already warning you that there is nothing very fancy here, you came to the end of the world.

Henzo - I don't care about luxury and you don't need to call me sir, I'm not that old.

Star - You are not old, you are far from being old, it is a matter of respect

Henzo - I understand, but I prefer that you call me Henzo, is that ok?

Star - as you .... you can say whatever you want Henzo, well I think my father can help with somewhere to stay. He knows everyone and everything around here, he owns the grocery store. - We start walking towards the grocery store - Henzo

Henzo - how nice, I'd love to meet your mom and dad?

Star: What's wrong with my mother?

Henzo - I don't know, I only asked about her, I wanted to be nice, does she work with your father?

Star - So, excuse me, she works with dad yes, but she also makes handicrafts to help dad with the bills and I help out by staying there for a while every day so they take turns deciding who gets to rest

Henzo - Look, I can see that you are a good girl, studious and on top of that you help your parents.

Star - that's how it should be, I may not have everything in life, but it's what I have and I would do anything for my parents, I love them.

Henzo - really? You would do anything for your parents?

Star - of course I would, they are my family, wouldn't you?

Henzo - yes I think so

Star - I narrowed my eyebrows - what do you mean you think so?

Henzo - I have no family, little Star

Star - I was not amused - I am sorry

Henzo - I had no way of knowing, but I would also do anything for my family. Hey, I'm starving, where can we eat?

Star - oh I'm sure mom has just made lunch and where she eats three, she can eat four.

Henzo - thank you, but aren't we going to the grocery store?

Star - Yes, we are, but Dad is closed for lunch and we live in the back of the grocery store.

We talked on the way, little by little I felt at ease with him, I told him how things were in town, I said that some girls were magically disappearing in neighboring towns and that everyone was very concerned, he even advised me not to go alone to bathe in the river, because it could be dangerous. Arriving in my father was alone in the grocery store and mom inside the house preparing lunch, so I introduced him to Dad who invited him to lunch, asked me to come in and warn mom and of course see if she needed help.

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