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Redemption is the second phase of She is the Devil. After you reader have known the story of Maria Alice since her teenage years where she met the love of her life in an exchange program and got pregnant, she was thrown out of the house by her parents, her best friend took over the child, got married and moved to Sydney, her current husband Tom's home town. Even with all the support of Tom and his family, Maria Alice became a bitter, cold and calculating person. In addition to becoming a symphonic and ruthless businesswoman feared by all, she is known as a SAIRED DEVIL Maria Alice and Tom live a love triangle with Annie, Tom's cousin who has always been in love with him, but also with many others having an open relationship. Fifteen years later the biological father of her daughter Luna shows up to mess up her life and with him many other surprises. Leaving Alice's head even more confused with her feelings, many secrets were revealed and in this new phase Maria Alice will bear the consequences of all the secrets. Redemption is a fight for life, a fight for her love, her family, and more than this to rediscover herself and discover that she is still capable of loving and being loved. Maria Alice's life will not be easy at all: a very serious health problem to face, the past coming back into her life to be faced, and a lot of confusions. Come with me to experience the Redemption of our dear Maria Alice



I was so happy that Alice has opened up so much since we got together, we were getting closer every day, the only thing that worried me was the bad moods she was having as soon as I arrived at the agency I asked Nick to make an appointment with her doctor, even though she was wearing a chip I was afraid she might be pregnant or worse, sick. I spent a few hours in my office working, Luna showed up in my office asking me to lunch with Alice and of course I accepted, but I started hearing some screams from Alice and someone else seemed to be my mother so we got up and went to Alice's room and when we arrived I heard that Luna was my daughter, for a split second my world stopped I did not know what to say or what to say, the two women I love were fighting and hid it from me, how could they have hidden that Luna was my daughter, I always said I hate lies.

Luna started to freak out and curse Alice and even my mother and ran out. Without a second thought I ran after her, I couldn't leave her alone like that, if I felt betrayed, imagine her, her whole life has been a lie.

Luis - Luna, princess, where are you going? don't run please, you can't leave like this, all nervous.

Luna - I can't stay here, everyone lied to me, everyone my life is a lie - I slowly approach her and hug her - Get out, you lied to me too, let me go - Luna

Luis - hey calm down, I swear I didn't know anything, I didn't know that you are my daughter, I swear. I was fooled too, I am as surprised as you are - she slowly calmed down. - Come on, let's get out of here, everyone is staring at us, let's go somewhere quieter.

Luna - where to? - sobbing -

Luis - I don't know, we'll find out - let's just get out of here princess

Luna was crying the whole way and didn't say a word, I didn't want to force her into anything, I imagine it is hard, I am pissed off, how could everyone hide me, Tom that asshole, I helped him find out about Matteo and he did this to me, my mother knew and didn't tell me anything, Annie sure she knew everything and fooled me and the worst of all Alice who keeps telling everyone that she hates lies, look what she did, seeing Luna suffer is killing me, I decide to go with her in a place that I always liked to go a reserve that has, there no one would find us and the best without cell phone signal so no one would disturb us

Before going there I went to a grocery store nearby and bought water, some things to eat and medicine for sure she would have a headache from crying so much my particularly is exploding. She said nothing but looked at me curiously, I asked her if she wanted something, she took some chocolates and threw them in the basket that was in my hands and lastly I took a repellent.

Luna - why did you buy all this? are you going to kidnap me?

Luis - you are my daughter, so it's not kidnapping - I smiled - but no, I won't kidnap you, I will only show you a place, we need peace, to be able to think and I think this place is perfect. So we can also talk and get to know each other better

Luna - I don't know if I want to talk

Luis - You don't have to if you don't want to, but you need a quiet place to try to get your head right?

Luna - yes I do, can we go soon?

Luis - Sure, in 10 minutes we will arrive.

we got back to the car and I drove to the reservation as I said it only took 10 minutes for us to arrive, she looked at everything carefully loved the place there at the entrance the cell phone still ringing then mine rang, I answered it because I saw that it was the company, but the signal was horrible, I left it aside, they could survive one day without me.

Luis - well let's walk around I bet you will love it, we just can not leave the trail

Luna - ok

we walked along the trail and she was very quiet at first but little by little she started to talk to me about the place, how much she liked it and other things, but I could see how she was avoiding talking about it and I would not force her, we sat on a tree trunk and started to eat the snacks I bought, we had juice and then she started to eat the chocolate, I saw that it was getting late

Luis - Princess, it is wonderful to be with you, but it is getting dark and rainy, we need to go, it is dangerous at night

Luna - I do not want to go

Luis - I promise I will bring you here more often

Luna - I don't want to go to my home, I don't want to see her - her eyes watered

Luis - One day we will have to face her, you know that

Luna - I know, but not today please

Luis - okay, do you want to go to my place?

Luna - I don't want to see grandma either, she lied too, aren't you angry with them?

Luis - very much so, but right now you are my priority, I want you to be well

Luna - If you want my welfare don't take me to them, I don't know, let's go to Aunt Annie's apartment, I have the keys

Luis - fine, we can do that, then let's go, the weather is getting more and more closed we need to go down

Luna - ok

We went downstairs quickly with some trying not to take rain more some drops we hit, as soon as I got into my car I saw that I had numerous calls from Nick and message saying that he needed me that Alice was fainted and needed help

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