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Maria Alice Rodrigues is a 17 years old Mexican girl, but since she was 5 years old she lives with her parents in Tokyo, Japan. Her father works at the Mexican Embassy and her mother teaches at the British School in Tokyo. Maria Alice is a studious, sweet, delicate, and very dreamy girl. Her biggest dream is to become a fashion designer when she finishes school. As a gift, her parents give her an exchange to France to attend a summer fashion course at the best school in Pariz, IFA PARIZ. Alice goes to Paris with her best friend Kimberly and her boyfriend Tom. When Alice goes to Paris, on one of the nights she goes to one of the most fashionable parties "LA DUPLEX" with her friends, of course with fake documents, otherwise they wouldn't even get in. Alice didn't want to be left alone, so she started to drink and got involved in a crazy night with a handsome young man. Days later, already at home again, she discovered she was pregnant, and her parents did not accept it and threw her out of the house. What will happen to Alice? Let's embark on this story with me and find out why Sweet Alice has become the devil?


The year is 2008 end of July school vacations, Alice is at Haneda Tokyo Airport together with Kimberly and Tom just waiting to go to the dreamed destination of Paris.

Mike - Well well well, if you are not my little friends Tom and his beautiful girls, don't tell me you are going to Paris too?

Alice - debauched - of course he knows, who told you? - rolling her eyes -

Mike - Nobody my pretty little redhead - brushing her nose - you know I know everything, I wouldn't miss the chance to be with my friends in the City of Light, wouldn't I Tom?

Tom - of course

A voice over the microphone announces that it's time to board the plane. The trip is long, with some turbulence, almost 13 hours. Everyone slept almost the entire trip.

Alice, Tom and Kim went to the furnished apartment they rented and Michael to the hotel, at least in the apartment they would have peace.

The days went by, Alice became more and more enchanted with her course, her friends were no different and were falling more and more in love each day. Both made many friends there, Tom met many people in the journalism and photography business. Mike was always bothering them, especially Kim.

They created a routine in which they had coffee together every day, Alice went to her course, Tom and Ki went to theirs, and they had to put up with Mike as usual. After class they always went somewhere different in Paris, after all, they couldn't miss the opportunity to get to know the place. With only a week to go, Kim received invitations to one of the biggest nightclubs in Paris, La Duplex. The girls were all excited for the party, Tom couldn't even think of turning them down.

Soon they thought of going to the mall to buy some clothes to go to the party, after all they couldn't go anyway, it was a LUXURY thematic party, both wanted to go very sexy to disguise their age, after all they wouldn't be old enough to get into the club, but Mike is good for something, with him everyone gets into any place. Tom decided that while they went to the mall, he would take some pictures around town and meet her later to eat.

The day went on like this, between going to and from stores until finally they found two black dresses just like they wanted, and at a shoe store they bought a pair of high heel boots for each. They also bought some souvenirs for their parents and friends.

Around 1 pm Tom shows up for lunch and they decide to eat the famous Ratatouille, typical French food, and for dessert the famous macarrons.

They had a hearty lunch, did some more shopping, Tom took some pictures of the girls and went home to rest a bit before going to the club.

They wake up around 7:00 PM, take a shower, eat some instant noodles, the girls go to Alice's room to get ready and Tom, knowing that it will be ready soon, goes to edit their pictures, when they are about half an hour away from leaving, he decides to change and even so he stays a little while waiting for them to be ready.

Kim - How are you, my love?

Tom - You look divine my love, it was worth the wait,

Kim - You look great too, honey - she hugs you and puts her arms around your neck and kisses you

Alice - Everyone is gorgeous and wonderful, let's go soon, I don't want to be anyone's bitch

Kim - I hope you find a really hot guy at this party that will put an end to all this moodiness

Tom - Love, what's that?

Alice - I hope so too girlfriend, because I can't, I'm in the city of light, the city of love and I'm here to take care of you

Kim - Everything will be alright girlfriend

Tom - Let's go, the taxi's here

Arriving at the nightclub they were delighted with the beauty of the place and shocked at the same time, everyone was very sexy and beautiful, they danced as if the world would end, their bodies merged into each other, there was drinking coming from all sides. Tom and Kim tried to keep Alice with them even while dancing, they were afraid to let her loose there, after all she was never one to go out, her parents are very strict, but she was dazzled, she danced there close by, but didn't care for anything, she just wanted to enjoy her freedom.

From the top of the stairs a young man was watching Alice dance and she noticed and enjoyed seeing someone watching so interested, she started dancing for him in the sexiest way she could, he made sure to let her dance, it was the most beautiful scene he had ever seen that redhead in a black dress put on with her boots, he desired every particle of it. Some guys came up to him already grabbing him so he quickly went over there

Xx - and there kitten I know you want to stop for free - Dulce trying to get loose -

Alice - let me go

Xx1 - come on redhead you want I know

The boy who was watching then arrived punching one of them

SS - Didn't you hear the girl she said she doesn't want to, get out of here

XX - Hey you are thinking what? That you can just come and steal other people's wives and hit them like that?

SS - She is my girlfriend how can she be your wife? - Alice looked astonished, not knowing how to react, she had never seen this guy before in her life and he said he was her boyfriend.

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