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Mr Billionaire's Angel

Mr Billionaire's Angel



Latia Samson, 22, is a kind-hearted and down-to-earth woman. She is kind of way too naive for others liking. She is a florist and runs a floral shop. She has a scar that keeps haunting her dreams every night, but that doesn't stop her from living her life. Her life was going smoothly and normally until a marriage proposal came her way. Alexander Colton is a powerful businessman. He is rude, possessive, and a workaholic man who doesn't take a second to crush anybody.His life revolves around his work, home, and sleeping with women until his parents bring a marriage proposal for him. Will these two different personalities work things out together and have a happily ever after, or will they fall apart?

Chapter 1 I

Latia’s POV

"Here you go, Mrs. Evan," I handed her the bouquet of red roses.

"Thank you so much, Latia," she lifted the roses up to her nose and began to take in the smell and then I noticed her giving me a wrinkly smile. "You wrap the flowers the best, Latia. Just the way I wanted and Grandpa loves it too, I hope he will love it," she said.

I sat her down on a chair and handed her a cup of caramel tea,"Yes I am 100% sure that Mr. Evan will love it and who knows he might give a kiss in addition," I said with a smirk.

"You think so he will give me a kiss too," she asked with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Of course he will. You will see later," I assured her. I walked back to the counter area and began to clean the mess but not before telling her to drink her tea,"Grandma, drink your tea now or else it will get cold and you don't like it cold right.”

"Umm yes, I don't," she replied happily and began to sip her tea.

Oh yes, Mrs. Evan here is my grandmother, my mom's mother and Mr. Evan is my grandpa, my mom's father, who are way too adorable. They are the best grandparents I could ever have, they are the only ones who are left in my life. After coming out from the hell hole, I am so much happier with my grandpa and grandma. I am able to recover not fully but as compared to past years, I am absolutely better.

I don't know what would have happened if they didn't come at that time. I still remember very clearly that day when she put that knife inside my left thigh, I remember how she kicked my side and I had to stay in the hospital for broken ribs. I still remember how she always broke in my room to kill me, I still remember how she spat those cursed and horrifying words. Wahhh I can't believe how I escaped every time when she broke into my room!!

Beating me, kicking me, breaking me, and sending me to the hospital—those didn't hurt me as much as compared to those words, which still have a serious effect on me. Those words keep coming back in my head every time, and that scene that took place always comes up in my dreams…

Ting ting…

I hear the doorbell chime,"Welcome to Ro..." my words got stuck in my throat, and when my eyes met those blue orbs, I was mesmerized by those pair of blue orbs. My eyes scanned his full features: his tall frame, his broad shoulder, his black hair, and his delicious red lips. Oh, how I wish I could... Shut up. What are you saying, Latia? Get a grip of yourself…

I kept on ogling at him until my grandma spoke and brought me back to reality, saying,"Welcome, how can we help you?” she walked towards me and gave me a smile, no more like a smirk since she saw me checking out this handsome man… no more like a God.

Mr. Handsome man/God looked around, and I kept staring at him until his manly, husky, and deep voice rang in my ear. "I’d like to take those pink tulips,” he said, and he began to look around again.

Grandma nudged my elbow; I turned towards her in confusion, then back to handsome, and he was staring at me as well, like grandma. Then I remember the tulips; Mr. Handsome wants tulips. I hurriedly make my way, but as I make my way towards the tulips section, I nearly trip and fall down, but nonetheless, I didn't.

I took out those pink tulips from the bucket and walked towards the counter to wrap them for Mr. handsome. I saw him scrolling through his phone while rubbing his perfect jaw. I shook my head, walked towards the counter, and began to wrap those hundred pieces of tulips.

After a few minutes, I was done wrapping but not stealing glances of him every second. “Umm, excuse me, handso— I mean, Sir, your bouquet is ready.” I voiced out to him. He looked up from his phone towards me, and our eyes met again.

I felt a sparkle erupt all over my body when his blue orbs met my green ones. He walked towards me, and I felt like with every step he took, my heartbeat became faster, faster, and faster, like thub thathub... Thub...

I gulped from nervousness. His presence gave me sparkles inside, and at the same time, it made me small too because he is like 6 feet tall while I am 5’4”. He also has this aura of authority, which makes me even more scared.

But nonetheless, he is Freaking a Greek God...

He handed me his black card. I took the card with a shaky hand and smacked myself internally for being nervous. I swiped the card in the machine, and as I lifted my head to see his beautiful sculpted face, I was stunned for a second because he was staring at me intently, but then he broke our eye contact and took the flowers before walking out of the shop.

I kept my eyes on him until he got inside his luxurious car and sped off from the parking area.

"Close your mouth, sweety,” Grandma said with a mischievous grin as she sipped on her tea. I closed my mouth, which I didn't know was open.

Oh no!! Was my mouth open the whole time when I was checking him out?

But who cares? It's not like we are going to cross paths again.

And why in the world is grandma giving me that mischievous grin? Is she thinking something unholy again?

I gave a last glance before my thoughts went back to those.

Blue orbs....


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