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Falling for Mr Billionaire.

Falling for Mr Billionaire.



Two best friend, one is a billionaire and the other just a mere middle class man,decided to let their children tied together even though they were still so young not knowing anything .After the marriage,they decided that they will let them be together when they reach their college level and let them be together.... _______________________ Erica Day,she is 18years old. She is the daughter of the middle class man among the two best friend. She is an innocent,kind hearted and sweet girl,one of her weak point is that she trust people easily. She is mentally and physical abused by her own society people. She was always home school from the day she was in primary till her high school life....She is not allowed to step outside of the house because the people are always ready to attack her.... Richard Winkleman ,he is 21years old,he is the son of the billionaire .He is rude, cool hearted and do whatever he pleases never care for others feeling .He is a party boy and likes to hang out with his rich mates all night.... But when Erica and Richard meet will they be able to stay with each other and help each other or will they be separated and their parents expectations towards then with all go in drain...??? ************

Chapter 1 Prologue

Normal life that's what I only wish for my life would be, where I can walk out of my house freely and hang out with my friends that's what I had wish for all through my life. I wonder when will that day come.

I felt someone grabbing me by my hair and dragging me down the stairs and as I open my eyes I saw a bunch of men in the living room almost breaking everything in the house and mom was standing there at the corner trying to get lose from the hands of those two men who were holding her by her arms,I look in front of me and I was shock to see a man with a knife ,he approach me and began to brush it through my arms piercing it,blood was dripping from my arms ,I cried out in pain as well as mama was crying and begging them to leave me but the man with the knife continued his torture and just as he was about to stab the knife deep into my arm ,dad along with my uncle John ,who is a cop came in.

"how dare you hurt my family??"dad shouted angrily.

Mom was able to free herself and came running towards me ,pushing the man who stab me and held me tight....

"you all are under arrest,you can't escape now"uncle John said.

"so you think you can put us all in lock up but don't you think the police station will be a bit too much for the whole society and even if you put us in ,we will eventually come out one day and when that day come ,we will do worst until we kill and tear her into pieces," he threaten ,"and Erica remember we will torture you until you are death",he said with a smirk.

Upon hearing that I cry harder under mom's neck,and she hug me tightly, rubbing my back ,comforting me.

"enough of your bullshit and don't you dare ever try to lay a hand on my daughter ,I am warning you all ," dad said angrily before he put his hand on my back.

After that Uncle John and his team took them away,even if they took them away,I still kept sobbing thinking about what had happen, what the man said and whether they will come back or not,those tboughts kept me scared and after sobbing for more an hour ,I fell asleep.


When I open my eyes mom and dad were sitting there looking after me and just as they lay their eyes on me,mom approach me and cup my face with her right hand,"sweety, are you alright??"she asked worryingly to which I just nodded.

"are you hungry sweety" dad asked.

I shook my head though I am hungry like hell ,I was too scared to even eat nor to drink water.

"sweety at least have this fruits,you haven't ate nor drank anything, please,"she said pleadingly.

But again I just shook my head,

"sweety please drink this, for your mom and my sake,please"he said with a sad smile.

When it comes to my parents sake ,I can't say anything and so I took the glass and before drinking I said,"dad ,will they co-come ag-again to ki-kill me..."

"No,sweety they won't ,I will never ever let them touch you ever again,I promise"he said ...

I nodded and began to drink the milk.


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