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Soul Eater

Soul Eater



The story of Nava Westbrook and Vlademer Harkness, adventures in to the depths of tales, myths and uncovering secrets around the Harkness family. Trying to save what remains of a Coven and delving into Nava’s past, who she really is and what she is to become.

Chapter 1 Meeting

Nava arrived at the big, old, dark mansion. The outside looked overgrown and ivy was climbing up the windows. On the drive was a black mustang, shiny and clearly well looked after. The cobbles leading to the front porch were dirty and growing weeds between them. Someone clearly cared more for their care than this beautiful Victorian style house.

As she got closer to the front door, it opened. Nava stood for a moment staring at the person who had come to greet her, she wore a maid’s outfit, with small black kitten heels, the maid’s hat and glasses.. And.. was a skeleton. A skeleton stood before her, Nava frowned, her expression became confused. The maid continued to look at her as she got closer, opening her arms out in front of her, “Miss Nava!” She exclaimed, “we’ve been waiting for your arrival”. Nava stared, feeling like she hadn’t blinked for a century. She couldn’t believe what stood before her.

“I am Helga” the maid greeted her, shaking her hand, she said it in a way that, maybe she was smiling? Nava couldn’t tell.

“It’s lovely to meet you.” Nava said, still confused, looking around the hall as they entered. Helga led Nava into a sitting room, Nava looked around, it was dark, the wall paper was torn in places and it had the oldest pattern you could imagine. There were cob webs across beautiful portraits and big golden candle sticks that stood almost to the same height as Nava.

“Sir, this is Miss Nava” Helga explained as we entered the room. Nava looked over to see a handsome figure sat on the grey sofa, it was covered in patters and Victorian to match the theme of the house. She looked at the man, his hair slightly swept back, his expression read “I’ve got other things to be doing”. He wore a sleeveless hoodie, jeans and converse, which didn’t match the house at all. Nava smirked slightly as this entertained her. He was covered in tattoos that she could see peaking onto his chest, his right arm was blacked out with a skull leading into it. She couldn’t make out the design of the other arm.

“Come in Nava” he greeted her, offering a half smile. Nava sat opposite him, staring at his green eyes and his cheek bones.

Before Nava could speak, he began “And what is your coven wanting from me today?”

Nava was taken aback by this, she was speechless. She began to stutter out the words “I-I.. we need your help, sir”

“Vlad is fine” he interrupted, then gestured for her to continue, as he crossed his leg over the other and raising an eyebrow.

“Well we’ve been having trouble with.. a brood, they’ve taken out most the coven in a recent attack, we can’t seem to find anything to defend ourselves against them” Nava explained, desperately.

Vlad sighed, “Miss Nava, I’m not sure you’re aware, but I don’t do favours”. Nava stuttered again, “I understand, but we are desperate”.

Vlad shook his head, “you are all very skilled, I’m pretty sure you can handle some blood suckers on your own.”

Nava frowned, “but sir.. we”. Vlad raised his hand, interrupting again, “I’m sorry, Miss Nava. There isn’t anything I can do”. Vlad gestured towards Helga, who stood patiently whilst they spoke, Nava stood and walked over towards the door, feeling almost heart broken, but definitely helpless.

She turned to Vlad once more, “Please Vlad, reconsider, we are in desperate need of your help..”, his expression changed, almost as if he felt bad. He sighed and turned away.

Helga led Nava out of the house, apologising as she left. Nava watched her feet as she walked down the steps, she was out of options.

“What do we have here?” Nava looked up towards a figure, she didn’t recognise this face. He sounded evil and could hear him growling and the end of his sentence.

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